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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Well, there's a wee bit o difference between stating that the government (or any other entity) probably couldn't have pulled off faking the most scrutinized plane crash in history (into one of the world's most famous and populated buildings), and believing that the government never, ever does anything right. How do you go about making an airliner, flying exclusively over land and full of passengers, simply disappear, anyway? Do you, uh, incinerate it in mid air, without any debris? It's the Apollo conspiracy redux: "Yeah, myan, like, those 70 story high Saturn V rockets were just a ruse, dood. I saw that film clip of the 'lunar' flag waving in the wind!" You'd think that, um, maybe a 30 story high rocket might have made for a cheaper fugazi, no? There are photos of plane debris...but you won't find them on any one of the hundreds of Truther websites that occupy Google pages 1 through, well, a google.
  2. PM if you wanna get rid of them.
  3. I've tucked into the Westside Rd turn off after dark and left by dawn ...once.
  4. David Gottlieb or one of the other climbing rangers might also have some spots to recommend if you give them a call.
  5. You gotta lotta faith in government competence, there, Bone.
  6. What didja get your butt kicked on this time? Oh, I'm pretty sure my hit rate has been somewhat higher than yours in recent years. Dude, Pope would crush you on Rainier - off the couch, with blue Asolo rentals, and a watermelon tied to his ass! He might try, but I'm a top, not a bottom. Dammit, there we go again....
  7. There are two main goals to health care reform: Insure the uninsured (which current proposals will help, and I'm all for it...the current situation is a moral crime), and bring costs into line (which current proposals will do little about).
  8. If an Apollo team had left a six pack on the lunar surface, Ivan would be building a rocket right now.
  9. Public v private is an important issue, sure. What hit home about the article is that it is not THE most important factor in skyrocketing costs, and that the enterpreneurial trend in medicine is practically non-existent in the national debate. Which makes it kind of a lot of bullshit, in my view.
  10. What didja get your butt kicked on this time? Oh, I'm pretty sure my hit rate has been somewhat higher than yours in recent years.
  11. Now that certain 'scientists' believe that the earth is actually cooling, it may come sooner than you think.
  12. 10,000 years from now.
  13. Your gun? FW explained.
  14. THAT was funny. That's three anti-carebears in one day. Nicely done, folks.
  15. I'm working right now.
  16. You're supposed to include a manifesto about how the liberals are destroying the good ole days with that goodbye. Get crackin'.
  17. My favorite sign is "This property protected by Smith and Wesson", which translates to "Wait till we're not home (as any good burgler's going to do), then come on in cuz we've got lots of guns (like, THE most sought after merchandise) to steal!"
  18. Spray rule # 1: Never say 'goodbye'. It's like the mafia. Only dumber.
  19. I'm turning a 1400 lb section of foundation, cut for some french doors, into a garden bench. It's either that or stand it up and have some monkeys dance around it until they develop language and shit. AKA's never gonna get a looksie, though.
  20. OK, OK, we got it, you anaphile.
  21. In concrete.
  22. Don't let work interfere with your spraying again. Believe it or not, and I shit you not (a rarity), I'm going to drill some bolts right now.
  23. Once he googles 'salient', he just might for once.
  24. RumR, dju crawl back under your bridge, you stumpy little fudge ball?
  25. In the Na-vy...
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