Why FW, I'm so flattered that you hang on my every word.
Religion doesn't play a role in public schools...but it's not for lack of trying on the part of our Christian brethren. They always lose in court because organizations like the ACLU kick their asses back to their bible study classes on basic constitutional grounds. Without such watchdog organizations, many of our kids might well be studying Creationism in a 'competing theory' wrapper.
No one has suggested silencing anyone's views, BTW; you're the only person who has mentioned it.
To deny churches tax exempt status and grant it to other non-profits would, of course, violate both the fairness doctrine and the 1st amendment. Non-starter.
Eternal damnation for non-believers constitutes one of the highest forms of divisive bigotry. I oppose it, but hey, it's a free country. When it comes time to craft legislation and policy, however, stow that shit.