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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Boy, I can't wait to find out even more cool stuff about George W. Bush.
  2. the 'fun to hang around with' attribute seems to be missing. Nice boobs, legs, and asses are a dime a dozen.
  3. What, you want a cabinet picked from the progressive world? Is there a progressive out there who would deign to accept such impure livelihood? Can anyone even find a progressive leader? I know there are plenty of progressive committee chairpersons and facilitators out there, but if a progressive leader could be found, what, exactly, would they be leader of? The blogosphere? Is there a progressive out there who's actually run anything...besides Ben & Jerry that is, but they'd hardly be poster children for the 'eat right' movement. If Congress established an official peanut gallery it might provide a real opportunity for progressives to enter government and begin to effect that revolutionary sea change they yearn for, you know, the crystalline moment when humanity finally wakes up! and sheds the shackles of their former ignorance en masse. That moment when we can finally TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK.
  4. Well, the issue is about restricting labeling in other countries, but whatever. It's very easy to eat healthy, both for yourself and the environment, these days. You don't need GMO labeling to do it.
  5. It's not worth expending an ounce of political capital or emotion over a faux fight that is destined for certain defeat. What, so you can 'hold Obama's feet to the fire?' That's not political advocacy, that's ego. Go work on something where you have a prayer of changing the outcome. This overblown issue is just standard, ambient political friction. All heat, no light. BTW, what actual 'work' ARE you guys doing on this issue, besides posting shit in spray?
  6. It's not worth expending an ounce of political capital or emotion over a faux fight that is destined for certain defeat. What, so you can 'hold Obama's feet to the fire?' That's not political advocacy, that's ego. Go work on something where you have a prayer of changing the outcome. This overblown issue is just standard, ambient political friction. All heat, no light.
  7. Here's how its gonna play out, kiddies: Europe loves GMO labeling, and they're trending towards doing even more of it. The US has long disliked GMO labeling for obvious reasons. There will be lots of histrionics in the press and blogs about a 'trade war' over the issue. The US will back down (duh). The gubment will turn to our agribusinesses and say "Hey, we tried".
  8. I only need to be of use to my people, not yours. Wait, what's that sound? Sounds like somebody's tossing Mickey's bottles around the trailer court again.
  9. You should never apologize for who you fuck. You, however, might consider apologizing to them.
  10. In the end, and I quote a WA state lobbyist friend here: "It's all in good fun."
  11. I would venture to guess that you have less first hand experience with the dysfunctional, bizarre, and sometimes grimy workings of democracy that practically anyone else on this board.
  12. I'd love to build a better human, you know, one just like me, but for now it's easier to deal with the ones off the shelf.
  13. More accurately, once you start thinking that way, you start getting your agenda enacted.
  14. What, no gay friends to tell you this stuff, Mark? Do you...avoid gay people, Mark?
  15. Most folks look the other way when driving past a trailer park.
  16. And BTW, you can't 'sell out' in politics. That's kind of like calling an escort a slut.
  17. Jesus, you sound like a dumbed down version of Rush. For anyone interested, and that would probably be no one, how treaties work is spelled out in the constitution. Now you may all carry on with brushing the sand out of your respective coochies.
  18. 4/20 musta been better than I (don't) remember.
  19. You mean you were distracted torturing someone, Rudy, not someone else. At least, you believe you were torturing someone. Look in the mirror, Rudy. Who do you see? No one? Move the mirror down the wall, Rudy.
  20. Um, I think the Devil might be a notch or two quicker there, Rudy.
  21. I'm definitely going to Hell for this....
  22. You see, one thing I've learned in my almost 30 years of climbing hard is that it doesn't pay to brag. At the end of the day, you look at yourself in the mirror and say "That's me." Nobody else can do that for you. I won't apologize for who I am, although others might.
  23. It's not about the gnar for me. That's just how I roll. It's not about talking about it. I'll leave that for others. I just talk back. You wanna post a TR every time you hike? That's you. Me, I'm already on to my next project, whether it be Patagonia, China, The Shellrocks, wherever. I don't feel the need to explain it.
  24. I'm just getting back into climbing after a week long hiatus following 29 years of flashing narnar like the S Arrete of Custer and Mesahchie, Pinball Gulleys. I'm soloing Dark Peak with two other buddies this month, alpine style. Watch for the movie....
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