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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Of course, as a tea bagger, irrelevancy is probably something one gets used to pretty quickly.
  2. Does anyone ever know what the hell you're going on about?
  3. Tighties also tend to be way more materialist than their librul counterparts. Tell us about your free hotel upgrades and how your Lexus dealer kisses your ass (true story). We're rapt. LOL
  4. Right Wing Nutjobs are driven by fear. Those who don't have as much today as they had yesterday need someone to blame. If that someone is black, or gay, or a woman, so much the better. Those who are making it, rather than being grateful, are consumed by the fear of having it taken away, you know, by gay black people n stuff. It must suck. Thing is, you seem to be driven by fear as well. Might explain why you like to hang wit da Tighties so much on these forums.
  5. Without him, though, I'd never be able to keep up with the latest conspiracies in the making.
  6. I kinda wish Bill was more anonymous.
  7. Maybe he'd appear braver in your eyes if he flashed his handgun collection for us LOL
  8. Tommy...several WAC members are named in the credits...which included only (my) first ascent co-summiters for the Bulger peaks. Otherwise, the credits would have been longer than the movie. Most of the photos are digitals from 2006 on...haven't scanned any of my older slides yet except the St. Helens pic. The absence of an invitation might help explain my absence at the camp out.
  9. This is exactly why we need more citizens packing. If they were, super predators like this wouldn't be menacing our streets. Go ahead, 85-year-old-4-foot-10-guy-with-a-whittling-knife-who-can-barely-walk, make my day.
  10. Blowjobs are legal as long as no teeth are involved...an easy one for that state's population.
  11. Policy wording has got to be tricky, what, with the sheep exception and all. Otherwise, the GOP would have zero members. The anti trundling law, though. Very forward thinking.
  12. Suddenly, I'm a big fan of nuclear power.
  13. 1.7 trillion barrels of oily goodness.
  14. Just back from my little vacation in Northern Alberta Krupp Reclaimer, 2,400 tons, 560' long, 25 square miles a year by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Syncrude Refinery, Fort McMurray by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Strip mining for oil near Fort McMurray by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Last one's not mine, BTW
  15. Most chronic initiative generators, Eyman, the anti guy fucks, are in it for profit. Their constituents are too fucking stupid to figure it out. Kind of like the Kochsuckers.
  16. I just assume, usually correctly, that every tax related initiative is the product of idiocy, self interest, or idiotic self interest.
  17. Haven't been involved in this issue, other than to take note of a certain ignorance in distinguishing between the initiative and legislative process...a shortcoming best cleared up prior to any actual political involvement beyond this forum, however unlikely. Might I suggest an evening at the bowling alley to clear the mind.
  18. Sounds like you to are about on par re our state gov.
  19. Even for a bagger, that's a stretch.
  20. You can't possibly be that clueless regarding the political process. Then again, you are a tea bagger.
  21. Aw, you should've waited until nightfall to see the green flames. Granite trundling is the best.
  22. The democrats in Olympia don't sponsor initiatives. They sponsor legislation. Dumbass.
  23. As big as these two kinetic pleasure devices were, they were nothing compared to the geo-refrigerator we nudged off the summit of Storm King, a regolith pile even shittier than Ballard. Unfortunately, we did not have the foresight to capture its catastrophic journey earthward. I believe some chips might have finally come to rest in Montana...despite a west side trajectory.
  24. God created boulders, mountains, gravity, and digital cameras for a reason. I refuse to believe it's all random and meaningless.
  25. I couldn't understand the mumbling, what, with JayB's cock in his mouth and all....
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