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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. There's no shame in it.
  2. Wrong. I'm the kind who thinks gov't should stay out of your lives as much as possible and not try to run large swaths of the economy. Legalize drugs. Keep the state out of marriage. But I am not the kind that thinks we need to, say, abolish the FDA. I don't really recall focusing too much energy on gun rights. Pretty much right in step with the modern Democratic ticket...and in direct opposition to the teabaggers.
  3. ...with a chronic case of the Christian clap....
  4. Past tense. You certainly wouldn't vote for him now, I'd wager. Dood, I'M a libertarian...a civil libertarian, the REAL kind. You're a property/gun rights fetishist...the 'modern' definition of libertarian. Police state? No problem to you folks, as long as you can bulldoze the back forty without a permit. Petty. Plus, you incorrectly do not recognize the physical world as a system where everything, due to our substantial population and economic system, is interconnected. You can't bulldoze the back forty without a permit because it has consequences for others that you'd never be willing to pay for on your own.
  5. I'm a libertarian extremist, not a libtard. Ask j_b. A true libertarian would NEVER have voted for that deficit whoring chickenhawk.
  6. Dood, I don't 'hate' anybody, least of all somebody I've never met. I just think its time you came out of the liberal closet, that's all. You know you want to.....
  7. Good chance of pot legalization within 2 years. It's a step, anyway...a big one. Educational system reform? Fuck if I know...prolly never.
  8. "You won't take that mini-bar charge off my bill, huh? OOOOOO-KAAAYYYY"....
  9. Not ironic if it's the same people doing it... Really? W stacked train cars with innocent people and drove them to death camps? Fuck off, Prole. You are a moron. The point is that we should be taking NOTHING from the Nazi playbook. You seem to operate by a 'percentage rule'..."Hey, at least we don't have deathcamps". Just 'torture camps' (which often are death camps...only the numbers aren't quite as impressive). Well, whoop de fuckin' do for your side and it's 'restraint'. Barbarism and the trashing of human rights is just that, regardless of scale.
  10. I think in Iraq, we DID do that in about a day. SHOCK AND FUCKING AWE!!!!!!!1111 The irony is "shock and awe" sounds a lot like "Blitzkrieg" Not the only thing we took from the NAZI play book. Try police/surveillance state, torture, indefinite detention, shit, even our desert chamo and helmets.
  11. I maintain that almost all the liberal attacks against Iraq were just based out of a hatred of Mr. Bush. The rhetoric was (and still is) ridiculously one-sided and shrill. Going to war is extremely controversial and its execution messy. I could see why we went, and see why people opposed it. In the end I am going to support my country as much as possible. We are still in Afghanistan. I can support that, but really, I have my doubts there as well. We've been there what 8 years now? We fucking took out Imperial Japan and the Nazis in 4, and rebuilt Europe in that time. But I can support our goals and president without being a "cheerleader". Going to war in Iraq was a mistake regardless of who was in charge. But obviously it was pretty much BushCo's personal project, so you are correct, separating the distaste for the two is difficult. If you honestly believe going to war in Iraq was still a good idea it either means a.) you believe there were WMDs or b.) Iraq was involved in 9/11. Both of these have been proven false beyond any shadow of a doubt. It has nothing to do with "supporting your country." The best thing for our country would have been not going. You were supporting a lying president on a stupid ill guided mission, not our country. You were doing our country harm supporting that shit. Get it straight. As for the comparison between either Iraq/Afghanistan and WWII, there is a huge difference between trying to surgically remove a particular element of a society (e.g. Sadaam or the Taliban) and obliterating a country militarily, such as with Japan and Germany. If all we had to do was beat the entire country into submission we could have done that in a day. Jesus, KKK, your balls aren't even in your purse. You must have left them at the foot spa. Iraq was an obvious, shit-smeared disaster from its inception. Your support for such crap HURTS your country, but helps those few fucking idiots you voted for. The people that really support their country actively tried to prevent that train wreck from happening. You're a sheep, plain and simple. The talkin heads tell you its time to bend over and stick a waving flag out your ass, you do it. When something like as obvious as global warming comes along, you hide behind the manufactured 'confusion' of your party. How does this stack up against the 'limp wristed liberal' myth you've created to justify this lack of fortitude and self direction? Christ, I couldn't live one day that way.
  12. If only I could get the state to pay for me to sit around and do fuck all....
  13. How's that for a commie?
  14. I'm all for taxing the shit out of the wealthy...after the reforms happen. Put more money in and they won't. Now is our opportunity.
  15. come on, you are asking us to wait for Washington to do something. That won't happen. I'm talking about Washington state, not Washinton DC. The latter should be disbanded wholesale. Tits on a fucking bull. I'm talking about forcing the state to reform long term, fucked up, ineffectual, and expensive policies by refusing to fund them any longer.
  16. Take your balls out of your purse and join the party that actually has a fucking prayer of moving us forward without driving us off a fucking cliff.
  17. What we 'have to do' is actually pretty obvious. Your cunty party doesn't seem to think it's at all necessary, however, so you disingenuously hide behind that fucking ball-less 'we don't have enough information' excuse...when you're not denying that the problem altogether, that is. Gutless wonders, as me dear ole dad would say.
  18. Jesus, try reading my posts for a change and you won't have to ask such a stupid question.
  19. Of course the Kochsmokers incorrectly assume that the public is angry at the 'freeloading poor' or that middle class values should be a thing of the past or some such shit. Fucking morons.
  20. And an Iraq war cheerleader?
  21. No argument there. Not having kids has been my greatest gift to humanity. Weren't you a global warming denier not too long ago?
  22. The problem here is a failure of government. This problem is fixable without screwing the poor. Actually, the solutions I've proposed would help the poor.
  23. Josh works from home working on creating the smart grid, I work from home reducing fuel use and emissions for large industrial plants. Neither one of us has kids. Wutchoo workin' on these days, KKK? Oh, yeah, you're changing the world by biking to work LOL.
  24. Hydro + solar + wind + nuclear + electric/hybrid vehicles + passive solar water heating + passive solar buildings + conservation + population stabilization = modern lifestyle + no global warming. Conservative American policies = fucking global disaster. Problem solved. What's next?
  25. Our deficit's running about half a B out of 71 B right now. Educations accounts for about 37% and Govt ops, mostly the criminal justice system, adds another 8%, for a total of 45% of the overall budget. Our deficit is currently $520M, or about .8%. Cut education and govt services by 2% and the deficit goes away. WA state budget
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