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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. F = MA. Presumably, locking devices catch falls faster = greater deceleration of fall = higher fall factor on your last piece. It's...academic, really. Cheers.
  2. Step 1: Build fire Step 2: Place 120 tent pegs in a pot Step 3: Place 25 gallon propane canister in fire Step 4: Place pot with pegs on canister Wait for solid aluminum dome shelter to form suddenly. Let new structure cool. Nighty night.
  3. ...below sea level. 4 inch wide amoebas n shit
  4. Revolvers: its nice to have a couple of pulleys along for all kinds of reasons.
  5. Fred once claimed to have just taken a "5.9 shit" on the side of the heavily touristed Lake Louise trail. Straight off the couch. Full winter conditions. Presumably between horse-drawn sleigh passes. We didn't verify.
  6. Well, no need for your further participation then, eh? Sometimes its interesting to know how something works.
  7. ding ding ding!
  8. Except their "decisions" have no bearing on the rest of the World. Just an excuse to blow off work and get high with their buddies anyways... I don't think so. This event is costing wall street banks ALOT as people who become aware of the issues (due in no small part to the protests) take their money out of big banks and move it to smaller venues. Look for this story coming up. It's happening.
  9. Even the tall have been observed wallowing up to their waists on occasion, however.
  10. Those stocky Neandertals....
  11. Paul and Stepford Chick can be running mates in Heabbin some time. I hear none of this shit really matters up there.
  12. Yup. Conservation of energy: the kinetic energy of your fall will either be converted to the fiber to fiber frictional heat along the length of the rope (rope stretch), point frictional heat at the points of rope drag, or some combination of the two. More of the former will obviously reduce your fall factor. If you used pulleys instead of biners to clip the rope into on lead, you'd fall a bit further and experience the equivalent lower fall factor.
  13. Yeah, if I were you guys I'd want this thread buried as deeply as possible too. Wow.
  14. We never got that snowball moving, but we have been known to convert potential to kinetic energy via other vehicles on occasion.
  15. Macro photographer. I could spot a gnat on your ass from 2 miles... ...then write a whole TR about it. If you've got any more vintage pics, I for one would love to see 'em.
  16. Paul wants to end the Federal Student Loan program. That's all anyone really needs to know about that utter tool.
  17. What, you didn't notice the size of that snowball?
  18. Is that a sweater vest?
  19. Enough of this stoke for a great guy...lets get back to mousepissing about the ethics of speed climbing....
  20. on the Bulger list - the highest 100 peaks in our fair state. Congratulations to the hoariest man in rock and roll: [video:vimeo]30958060
  21. The highest bridge pedestrians have access to in RI is only 135. You might say jumpers wind up Rhode hard and put away wet instead of dead.
  22. Wormholes seem to exist in Bone's skull.
  23. Brown dwarfs are just one more thing our government wants us to believe in.
  24. I'm not as nice to the rats in my neighborhood.
  25. Trip: Castle Peak - NW Ridge Date: 9/21/2011 Trip Report: Josh and I spent five days paddling, portaging, hiking, scwacking, and climbing to nab one of Washington's most remote summits. Here is our story: [video:vimeo]30922088 Gear Notes: boat and tennies Approach Notes: Castle trail turnoff is marked by a sign to Hozomeen (shown in vid), although it's invisible at that point. The trail itself is blown out by a slide for the first several hundred yards. It's decent after that save for the last two miles which have been obliterated by avalanches.
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