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Everything posted by i_like_sun

  1. So, I was riding my bike the other day, and ended up putting my foot down super hard, and now my left knee feels all funky. It doesn't feel like my collateral ligaments, more like cruciate "deep funkyness" and I've got a bit of infrapatellar pain. My joint capsule also seems to have some fluid build up, so there is definately something going on in there. It doesn't exactly hurt, it just feels weird. I tend to be paranoid, so of course I'm worried about ACL stuff. Any PT's or Mike Laytons have any calming thoughts?
  2. Dude, always exercising in ketosis is going to limit your athletic progress. Its true that fats have WAY more energy than carbs, but lipids cannot enter glycolosis, thus you are creating carbohydrates FROM your muscles. Think about this seriously for a second, carbs are by far the preferred energy source for your cells. Your brain will do anything to get carbs, so it will either create sugar cravings, or catabolize your muscle tissue into ketone bodies and GLUCOSE. Thats right, muscle will turn into glucose if you don't eat enough carbohydrate. Sure you're burning some fat, but you are killing muscle and thus killing your calorie burning capacity. Also, by restricting your carbs, you are you training your body to store more fat (are Eskimos all lean?). Your thyroid down regulates, and cellular enzymes adapt to aide in fat storage. ALSO, you are limiting anabolic hormone release, such as insulin, IGF-1, and growth hormone - thus you are not building as much muscle as you could be. Stop being a dumb ass.
  3. Sounds like you are doing the right stuff. I seem to get all sorts of screwy looks when I work out - I'm always balancing on this, jumping onto that, and standing one legged while lifting this. I try to do exercises that mimic my shit as closesly as possible. As for gaining muscle, dude, I'm right there with you! The extra strength and boosted metabolic rate go a long way towards general health - and a fun time when you pass a mirror. In the past two years I've gone from a skinny 155-160 to a lean 175-178. I'm not too worried about gaining some weight right now because I know I'm gaining a lot of muscle mass, and when spring comes around climbing will peel off any fat I have in a heart beat. As for training, have you ever tried any speed/power workouts? The literature says that athletes should varry workouts between 30% and 100% of their 1RM. When you dedicate a workout to building maximum speed and power, try lowering your weight to that 30% spot, and lift it as fast as possible. IT WORKS. You'll still kick your ass. Just make sure the exercise is appropriate - ie. explosive jump squats, NOT explosive leg press.
  4. You see, those Brits are always on the ball! Plus, after exercise its SOOOO much easier to get shit faced, therefore you SAVE $$$$. There, perfect excuse to get blasted after every workout. I'm in.
  5. Given that I only do one set till burn, what's the upside/downside of working the same muscle group 3 times a week instead of only 2? I've read 48 to 72 hour recovery time minimum, so I went with 48, with a 72 hour rest once a week. I split my body into 3 parts for working out: biceps/triceps chest/back legs/shoulders It works out great this way - can in theory go 6 days on, 1 day off when I am not climbing. Otherwise, I try to go 3 on, 1 off. However I have dropped the legs in lieu of more card the last 2 years, and in general rarely do more than 4 weight-training days a week, so the breakdown isn't as useful as it once was. Hey guys, when during climbing or any daily task do you JUST work "biceps/triceps" or "chest/back" or "legs/shoulders"? The answer is, YOU DON'T. All of the research on strength development in humans shows that neural adaptations account for nearly ALL strength gains. Muscle hypertrophy is only a very, very small aspect of the whole strength equation. In order to get stronger in an activity like rock climbing, you must train in ways that mimic that activity as closely as possible (this is why climbing is the best training for climbing). Training like a body builder WILL NOT make you a better climber. Also, in terms of this grip strength thing, why not focus on the bigger picture? Seriously, just training your hand flexors isn't going to get you shit. If you want freaky grip strength, forget squeezing Play-Doh for hours, lift some heavy ass stuff! Do hang-cleans, squats, weighted pull-ups, bent over rows, ROCK CLIMB, bench presses etc... Even go to the beach and practice picking up the biggest and heaviest rock you can find. Where I'm going with this, is that the research shows that all this isolation stuff is a waste of time and money. General exercise is best.
  6. i_like_sun

    Whale Hunting

    Who gives a shit whether or not these people get to "keep their herritage"! This is 2007! Making a higher mammal suffer a slow and painfull death just because some guys are Douche Bags is wrong! Yeah killing off the Native Americans was absolutely disgusting, but times are DIFFERENT. They don't NEED to kill whales to survive, its just fun. Do some fucking dancing and chanting if you want to keep your culture. Leave the whales ALONE. Oh, and guys like Kastshakkkacksuck can suck it. Whaling is still murder!
  7. With you on this one, for sure. If people want to lose some stress, just exercise.
  8. You see people, the above quote is a good example of self-induced-frontal-lobotomy syndrome. This is a highly contageous and neurologically devastating condition, and it recomended by modern science that we do everything in our power to protect ourselves from its ravages. The most potent preventative therapies thus far seem to be: 1) Staying away from fundamentalist churches and 2) Get educated.
  9. The new version of Office is a bunch of crap. I used to know how to use Excel super well, now I guess only Bill can use it.
  10. I'll sell you my spring loaded thingy.
  11. Thats Archenemy's job. I'm just here to shred and talk shit.
  12. i_like_sun

    Red Wine

    It wasn't really a "crash", more like "massive drunken-ness". My fam did thanksgiving dinner tonight instead of Thursday, so I planned to come in after shredding and chao down! When I got home the Turkey wasn't quite ready, so I just chugged two and half glasses of wine to "chill" the hunger pangs! Being drunk is so much fun!
  13. i_like_sun

    Red Wine

    Is a bad idea just after exercise. Got home from riding my bike, drank a glass of wine, and died. Really died!
  14. I'm adding "Funny as shit" to that list.
  15. I think Kevbone is a Dinosaur. Can we eat HIM?
  16. I picked up one of those George Forman grills a while back, and it seems to be nice and easy. I just buy a whole bunch of free range chicken breasts, freeze them, then with the grill thingy I can toss the breast on there while its still frozen and it cooks in like 8 minutes. DIALED. Hey Sherri, I_Like_Beans (a lot) too! I've been buying black beans in bulk, then using my croc pot to cook them all day while I'm in class or work. Again, DIALED! Also, I'll say it again, that picture is really damn HOT! I'm sure your hubby thinks so too!
  17. I've got this spring loaded devise where you can change the resistance by changing the position of the springs. It works REALLY WELL!
  18. I don't think vegetarian diets will make you weak. I think it is mostly that the general vegetarian population eats a crappy diet anyways (ie. "lets eat sugary cereal for dinner instead of chicken") and ends up starving themselves of amino acids. So for them eating [some] animal protein would be a good thing. I have a couple friends that do vegetarian diets really well, but they are super smart and have done the research on what to eat! What I am stressing is that athletes need to be more careful with their nutrition than most. For me, I simply couldn't get the protein I needed from a vegan diet. Awsome picture Sherri!
  19. Nerve healing? I've never heard anything about that, but it sounds super interesting! I'll look into it! I have heard that regular caffeine use is thought to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Its also supposed to have mild anti-inflammatory effects. So perhaps there is a correlation with axon/dendrite morphology.
  20. who is smart, active, loving, and gives a damn about life.
  21. I heard that 54 million turkeys passed through human digestive tracts yesterday. CRAZY.
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