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Everything posted by Mr_Phil

  1. Goatboy, Weren't you the one who went poking through the mounties website to find something to make fun of them about? Yes, I think you were.
  2. There have been many verbal attacks (some quite nasty) on the Mountaineers on CascadeClimbers. Therefore, club members may feel defensive. And the best defense is a good offense (someone once said.) Quite simple, really.
  3. Why not tax cap gains at same rates as income tax?
  4. Currently, capital gains are taxed when realized. When you die, however, your heirs get a stepped up basis and don't have to pay taxes on the unrealized cap gains.
  5. This is actually a famous Rush Limbaugh quote.
  6. Oh my.
  7. If you're squeamish about sharp knives and taut ropes, there's another way to deal with this situation. Tie a prussik above the belay device, and girth hitch a series of runners so that the victim can tranfer their weight from the belay device by standing on the loop of a runner. Then they can pull hair or clothing out of the belay device and then sit back down and reweight. Remove prussik and away they go.
  8. Jim here is telling us that poor people don't have multi-milllion dollar estates. I would have never figured this out by myself.
  9. Mr_Phil

    "We are winning"

    a cc.com exclusive.
  10. This is a verbatim ripoff of ExtremoMtnDude.
  11. But it goes well with your Seattle Sombrero.
  12. I think I got infected on the internet. It hurts when I pee.
  13. They have a crack just like that at Vertical World.
  14. I see it coming... next will be a comment about bukaki... too late It's spelled B-U-K-K-A-K-E.
  15. Why is it irrational to think that Teresa Heinz Kerry is a dingbat?
  16. Recent thread.
  17. Budweiser? Obviously a poser.
  18. Sure. Drill away.
  19. Well, kinda. Ok folks. Time to fess up. Who greased the crack?
  20. Mr_Phil

    spray is dead

  21. Contact Jens. He's the self-appointed expert on climbing educators and mentors in the PNW.
  22. You forgot "The Mounties".
  23. I climbed near a cc.comer on day and he was an asshole. You are all assholes because it it your culture. I've been at this game for long enough and had enough encounters to accurately make this correlation. I probably shouldn't have made this post as it is inflammatory in nature but the correlation is so strong that it does make for very interesting food for thought.
  24. What exactly are you trying to point out with that comment? Jens' initial post on this topic was rather vague (the skill level of Mounties leaders is low) although he is convinced it is accurate. How does one compare skill level of a group among all participants (Mounties vs. non-Mounties)? One way would be to compare against the "Gold Standard", which should be "professionals". Probably the most important goal of a trip leader is to "bring em back alive", so this seems like a reasonable metric. Dwayner, being the knowledgable and educated type that he is, should be able to make a reasonable stab at the comparison whether it be deaths/trip, deaths/season, or deaths/$profit. The numerator is easy, and the denominator a little more troublesome.
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