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Everything posted by ericb

  1. What denomination is the preacher??? I need to know if I can leave him with a sleeping child.
  2. That's Tron you godless freak. Grand Theft Auto? Baby Jesus is not gonna forget that one... Off the clock AE????....5PM???? Your earlier enthusiasm couldn't have been for a govenment job
  3. Bro - if you stick around, you will get enough sermons for an entire year on this site.
  4. speaking of which....where did he go? This is my point....that newbie only posted 2 times. This whole thing was a troll to get the CC.com machine working overtime. what kind of morons would fall for that?
  5. speaking of which....where did he go?
  6. For clarification i.e. "the warmest", you do not carry the Das Parka, correct?
  7. Please add NSFW to the title. You one disgusting mofo. Who takes pictures of their own lung cookies.....
  8. Hey Joseph - by saying the religious beliefs were designed, I'm assuming you are implying it is part of the original doctrine - can you please find some of Jesus' teachings (his words) that promote hate, racism, genocide, and war.? The words a largely irrelavant - they could be 'The sky is purple'. The content doesn't matter, beyond being a regonizable and learnable dogmatic 'token' or article. It's how such tokens are employed in the manipulation and control of cultures and societies that count. Whether it's twenty gods or one; whether it's Zeus, Jesus, Allah, or the potted plant in the corner; the net result is largely the same. This is a bunch of relativistic hooey. So my translation of said hooey is that it is not religion by design, but man's perversion of religion that leads to the things mentioned, correct?
  9. Hey Joseph - by saying the religious beliefs were designed, I'm assuming you are implying it is part of the original doctrine - can you please find some of Jesus' teachings (his words) that promote hate, racism, genocide, and war.?
  10. One advantage to flukes and deadmen (in soft snow) is that angled correctly, they dive deeper when loaded. This is especially handy in a crevasse rescue system as the first anchor. If there are only two people, or other situations where the arrester must also build the anchor this makes it much easier to transfer the weight from you to the anchor.
  11. interesting...I wonder if these silos were designed with that type of structural loading in mind
  12. answering this question would threaten my anonymity
  13. V7 - when you say "spirituality", what exactly do you mean??? It's an overused term
  14. The fear of Divine Retribution?? - oh wait, wrong thread....
  15. This is an outstanding question. I wish I had the time this afternoon to attempt to answer it.
  16. Ryland - I think you are incorrectly assuming that they resell them "used" after being returned, which is not correct. I think they eat it (or perhaps have some agreement with the manf. to share the cost). The reason most small stores do not accept returns is that they will not be able to resell them, and don't do enough volume to recoup returns. Somehow REI is able to make it work financially. There are legit reasons to not want to shop at REI, but in this case, the fact that climbing equipment volumes are small relative to their high margin apparel business allows them to have return policies on climbing equipment that the smaller shops can't match.
  17. ericb


    I was riding my road-bike on the Burke Gilman near the beach up north (don't remember the name of the park) when I hear this woman screaming. She's got two pits on a forked leash that apparently grew up together. Something sparked between them as she was walking them, and the got into a death match while leashed together. For 10 minutes, no one could separate them as they each beared their teeth down further into the others neck. I had the bright idea to drag them both via leash out into Lake Washington from the beach, and once they started to drown, they let go....one slipped his collar and swam to shore while the other stayed with the owner. The cops got there a couple minutes later. Scary shit....these dogs went from being best friends to trying to kill each other in a split second.
  18. Notice the very feminine looking duck on his right.....hmmmmm
  19. ericb


    I really like my BD Zenix
  20. ummm....Jacob wrestled God, not Jesus (please no trinity joke here), so sounds like another Canuck with his head up his ass. Imagine that.
  21. of course, you will be maser of ceremony. we need somebody to oversee the spray. of course this could only occur in the sprayverse. should archie and kevbone ever be in the same enclosed space, there might be a fracture in the universe and seahawk might evolve Damn...we're going to have to throw the taco bar away....
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