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Everything posted by builder206

  1. "...a fund for acquiring vital forestlands in the east Cascades." This seems like a great idea to me. I didn't know Lee Adams but every time I fly over that area, the cut I see bugs me. "Gifts of $1,000 or more will be matched by Lee's family." Reading his connection to our sport makes this cause a natural fit for me, and I admire The Nature Conservancy's work. I can't pony up $1,000 but I wonder if collectively cc.com members can raise that amount? Just 20 people giving $50 will make $1,000. Looking at so much clearcut reminds me of the bumper sticker, If Trees Are A Renewable Resource, Why Are The Forests Disappearing?
  2. “…risks, dangers and hazards including, but not limited to: hidden or exposed earth, rocks, ice, logs, stumps, trees, and other objects cliffs unstable snow packs or ice still and moving water limited visibility hypothermia frostbite loss of balance or control and falls errors of judgment lack of preparation equipment failure or loss failure to act safely or within one’s ability impact or collision with other persons encounters with domestic or wild animals becoming lost remote locations with no communication and inability to get medical assistance dangerous driving conditions negligence of others…”
  3. what's your problem with guns, nancy?
  4. “Warships on standby after Indonesian quake” In other words, “the survivors will be out in the open, a perfect time to attack.” Wouldn’t you want the HELPER ships on standby after a quake? Peace ships, food ships, cruise ships? It seems mean to call in warships at a time like this.
  5. BUMP GODDAMNIT I mean, bump please.
  6. Thread hijack. The Gunks again? P.S. I'd want a slice of your easy cragging but now I'm in B.C.
  7. I want a permit to post. Will you permit me to give you a post-dated cheque? I'll post it ASAP, weather permitting.
  8. In my lifetime?? Can it be? I assume the proposal prohibits birdwatching.
  9. http://www.accvancouver.org/events/details.asp?eventid=843 Sonnie Trotter: High and wild places Event Location: Floral Hall, Van Dusen Gardens Date(s) & Time: Tue, Mar 27 2012 7:30 PM Event Duration: 2 hrs Event Leader(s): Suzanne Landry I am not sure if you must be an Alpine Club of Canada member. I found the link some other way and in fact joined the club because of the link. If the info was out there, I will make a wild-ass guess that you can just show up and count on rational Canadians to sort it out constructively. or something...I'm really tired, but the info is correct
  10. Moved here from Seatown in November. How about The Edge, Cliffhanger, and when it's dry the big rock on the road to Whistler... Anybody? Bueller?
  11. Since I moved to North Van in October I've crossed in both directions 20 times and have never encountered more than a few routine questions. The Canadian border guards are top notch, most of the Americans are jerks, but even if my car is stuffed with boxes and duffels I zip right through. I wish I knew a bunch of drug users, I could make a mint. just kidding! about the drug thing I mean
  12. HAPPY very late BIRTHDAY! Joined MEC? Ha. On my daily commute I pass the Arc'teryx main office.
  13. Wanted: 50cm adze & hammer for alpine ice.
  14. How can there be a requirement for an EIS for a road ***that already exists***?!
  15. This is effing unbelievable. I thought it was a crime it went unrepaired so long. Now this?! And all they had to do was threaten a suit? I wish threats of lawsuits had half as much effect on other government agencies. Can they at least cut the blowdown? I'd like to see a group in wheelchairs complain about the road condition violating their ADA rights...
  16. Jeff, you're freaking me out. Stop selling your stuff, man.
  17. email sent what size are they?
  18. I have those same pons. They are sweet. Unlike my Grivel aluminum crampons, the teeth on the Stubai are the same size as fullsize steel crampons.
  19. When I did construction work many years ago we called these "positioning hooks." Instead of nylon the legs were chain.
  20. Can someone give me a reference to a textbook about this? The explanations aren't helping, I need context. I'm totally out to sea about this. Why not use a personal anchor? (seems like a "tether" to me)
  21. Lost Ridge to Byrne Lake, down across the Sauk, up the Kennedy in 2009 the river crossing was no big deal edit: lol, in *August* the river was no big deal YMMV
  22. I still have the Dachstein mitts I got in 1975. They are slightly thinner in some places but only a little. They'd still stop a bullet, which is great for those days when people are shooting at your fingers. They're too warm for around here IMO.
  23. Thanks. Based on what I have read so far, Three O'Clock Rock would be my only objective for now until we have longer spells of warm weather later in the season. I am happy to go up there just to see it but my would-be partner wants to be sure we can actually climb on arrival, hence the wet/dry question.
  24. If it rains, how quickly does Three O'Clock Rock dry out? I have a friend interested in doing some routes on Three O'Clock Rock. We'd like to know how much time to allow before heading out after a rain. With a 90 minute drive from Seattle + 2 hour walk to the cliff from the road closure, we don't want to find it out of condition. thanks
  25. builder206

    Big Wall

    OK, now it's weird. 4 years later the same person asks the same question? wtf
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