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Everything posted by Whatcomboy

  1. Just saw the Everest IMAX 3D movie. I liked it. Anybody else see it? Seemed pretty accurate for a Hollywood climbing movie. 17 bucks is a lot for a movie though.
  2. Yes you can drive to Artist Point. There are a couple small FS campgrounds on the highway after you go past Glacier. I've never seen them full. Plenty of parking room at Lake Ann trailhead, bring a forest service parking permit or Ranger Jane will ticket you. Don't recall an outhouse there but there is one at Artist point a mile up the road. No camping though.
  3. Um, that's gonna be a tough one. Midnight at Sea-Tac and you want a ride to Glacier by 10am? You could take a Bel-Air coach to Bellingham and WTA public bus will get you to Kendall. Hitch the 16 miles to Glacier. Take you a bit longer though.
  4. Nice going taking the kid to the mountains. Those stinking flies drove us nuts on the trail to Dome Peak. Probably helped our time though cause our breaks were so short.
  5. Well done mate.Thanks for the TR. Beautiful place to be. That is a climb I will never forget and hope to do again.
  6. What? I don't need no stinkin permit.
  7. I've got the exact same tent that is also for sale. Excellent condition $225obo.
  8. Great pics. I sometimes like it when you have that bit of uncertain cloudy weather on the approach and wake up to clear skies that gets you stoked for the summit!
  9. Okay, so I'm kind of a cheapskate and had my local library order the book first {it wasn't in their system] cause I wanted to read it and I was very impressed. It has a ton of info and is written like a text book but with a down to earth style like your out on a climbing trip together and Michael is just offering his ideas on what works and why. This guy knows what he's talking about. The book is overdue so now I am going to order myself one.
  10. Wow! That's an amazing story. I wish you the best on your journey to heal. After reading this I think about a couple close calls I've had and you realize just how quickly a serious accident can happen to anyone in the mountains. Stay Strong.
  11. If you want to live in a nice small, working class/tourist type town then Anacortes would fit the bill. Everybody gave you good info. It wouldn't have the Portland feel. I like Anacortes. Go visit for bit.
  12. That book looks interesting and i agree with you how crappy the stories are in the popular climbing mags these days.
  13. I don't get out much like you cool cats. What's a Top 100 party?
  14. Wow! That's a lovely high camp. Didn't know T.J., went back and read the link, sobering story.
  15. I know there's a lot of Josh Lewis fans out there. Saw a post on summitpost that he got hurt pretty bad climbing. Hang in there kid.
  16. Seems a bit heavy. What kinds of meals do you make with it?
  17. Hey, I don't know much about groups wanting to introduce Grizzly back into the North Cascades but I do lament the loss of wildlife in the woods. They make it real.
  18. The BBQ caboose is pretty good, plus cold beer.
  19. What happened to Good Food? All closed down and looking sad. I know the burgers were gut bombs but it was a good place to go all dirty, stinky after climbing. Maybe the old lady retired.
  20. OK, I got all that. Was in there 3 years ago and I remember the concrete bridge but don't recall the size of the water to cross. Just have to find a log crossing up stream.
  21. Anybody done the Ptarmigan Traverse this year yet? Rangers said the concrete bridge crossing Downy Creek has been removed. Whats the deal?
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