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Everything posted by Whatcomboy

  1. Very nice. You guys must be bionic or something to do that in 25 hours!
  2. Going to Mt. Challenger via Big Beaver, Eiley/Wiley route. Any beta from recent trips would be appreciated. I have done Easy ridge to Perfect Pass route but not coming from Ross.
  3. Well we did ride the bicycles 7 miles to the trailhead on Friday the 4th. Dirt bikes would work but there is a handfull of big blowdowns on the road we had to pick the bikes over. Coming out on Sunday a few had been cut with a chainsaw by somebody but no tire tracks. Looked like someone on horseback. It won't take much to fix the washout though.
  4. Excellent! I always like reading your TR's. You go to some great climbs
  5. Trip: Mt. Challenger - Whatcom Pass Date: 8/12/2007 Trip Report: Norman and I headed up to Hannegen Pass on Sunday evening August 12th. We crossed the Chilliwack River early Monday morning (the log is gone) and headed across Easy Ridge with a good weather forcast. We decided to go Low Slogged up to Perfect Pass with good views and the mountain to ourselves. In the morning we quickly picked our way thru a very crevassed glacier and arrived at the Bergschrund. It was at least 20 ft across and completely melted out. With no way across, Norman wanted to backtrack a few hundred yards and pick a way up onto the route thru a narrow step. It was very steep and exposed. I bailed...after a little while Norman said O.K. and down we went, looking back up at the route we would have gone. Another fantastic night at Perfect Pass, and on Wednesday morning we broke camp and headed up steep snow to the southwest ridge of Whatcom Peak and simul climbed to the summit. Good rock with steep exposure on both sides. We headed down the North Ridge on much looser rock, placing some pro as needed. We finally got to snow fields and talus and made camp at Whatcom Pass with some hikers; the first people we'd seen in 3 days. The hike back out to Hannegen Pass was long and uneventful except for a cool cable car crossing over the Chilliwack River. Friday at noon we ended the trip by stopping for a burger and beer at Grahams in Glacier.
  6. Cascade River road is fixed to end of road . Good job on repair. Now fix the rest of closed roads.
  7. Trip: Mt. Baker - Coleman-Deming Date: 7/29/2007 Trip Report: Hit the ever popular Heliotrope trail at 5:oo pm Saturday and met up with climbing partner Norman at camp, top of the hogsback at 5800 ft. Andrew and his wife Amber,{her first climb} and Jake, another noob. Lot of good tent sites and water at base of glacier. Fog and clouds did not look good but we hoped for the best. Finally got a peak of Baker before crawling in the bag for a couple hours sleep. Left camp at 3:00 am in thick clouds and at 7000 winds got very high. Kept going and started to clear. By Pumice ridge, above the clouds. Good firm snow all the way to summit. Crampons helped but not required. Crowded as usual for a summer weekend trip on Komu-Kulshan but fun was had by all. Didn't stay long on summit, it was very cold. Only view was Rainier.Glacier and Shuksan. Route is in excellant shape, no problems along the way. Gear Notes: usual stuff. Approach Notes: creeks are high.
  8. We did Lone Tree Pass on Sat. Summit was socked in. There was a huge group of Mounties up there but all but four turned around. Good going on the direct route. The brush is nasty.
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