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Everything posted by dinomyte

  1. Check out my site - http://www.lebre.net. Hit outdoor activities and take a look at my second Wallowas TR. I did what you're looking at as part of a traverse. Got lotsa pics.
  2. I assume (and hope) that you're joking. I spent a day hiking and an evening drinking at White Pass with a couple of local hunters from Darrington. Great guys, carrying 30-06's. Totally great people, and very safe. It's usually the "flatlanders" that shoot people claiming that they thought it was a bear. Well, flatlanders or 16-year olds. Incidentally, high hunt started on the 15th.
  3. I would guess that the reasons for people dying on Hood and Dragotail differ slightly. No doubt the sheer number of climbers would be a commonality, assuming that Dragontail gets more than it's fair share, but......
  4. Ha! With me, it would have been a SKT! Ended up in the White Pass area of Glacier Peak. Snow and pouring rain! Gotta love it!
  5. No offense Josh, but Dan made one major error: Not doing a search on CC and researching his climbing partner. If he'd done that, he would have known exactly what was in store and should have prepared himself. Then, there would have been no excuse for getting upset. Now, he might not have known about the duct taping of crampons, but he would have known about duct tape in general and the possibility of it showing up! Josh, I think there are plenty of lessons that you can take away from this. Just because you make it to the top, does not mean it should have been done in that fashion. Bad decisions can get people killed. In my opinion, heading up Baker without crampons that fit your boots is a bad decision. Heading up Rainier with a Walmart special tent is a bad decision. Believe me, I know that money can be short and the drive to climb can be strong, but if you apply that same drive to saving a bit of cash for gear, I bet you'll succeed. And, I know I've seen some gear on here that would serve you better than what you've got. Take care of yourself man.
  6. Is there a "best way" to access the White Chuck Glacier? How far can you drive on the old Whitechuck road? I understand that there is no trail to the PCT anymore, and it was a good 5 miles down the PCT from the junction to get towards the Disappointment Peak route. Peter mentions 9.3 miles. Is that the distance from the point at which the road ends to the non-existent TH, making it maybe 20 or so really tough miles?
  7. Ptown is portland. Tline was actually one of my first loops. It should be great! But, I'd like to hit something new, of course.
  8. Looks like I have a log of research to do! Thanks for the comments. We did come back down the river: http://www.lebre.net/olympics07.html
  9. The Chimneys would be fine. Winnie's slide and Hell's Highway might be impossible (impassible?). Check this out: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/899529/TR_Mt_Shuksan_Fischer_Chimneys#Post899529
  10. Yeah, that would be like the Utah of old. Want a beer? Buy a membership!
  11. This is an interesting thread, but I'm sure everyone has a different answer. I'm not sure I would classify myself a peakbagger; I have no particular drive to summit as many peaks as possible. But, I am working on the NW 18 "major" peaks (every list is a tad different). I have a few to go, and I've done most by the dog routes. I've done a ton not on the list as well, but it's nice to have something to aim for as opposed to simply saying, "I'm going climbing, now I have to figure out what." When I'm done, I'll probably do some tougher routes, and venture further abroad. Certainly, there is an element of progression in skill related to peakbagging, but there is an element of wanting to expose oneself to as much of this great geography as possible. Some folks in Seattle would say they will never climb in the Oregon Cascades because of all the loose crap we have to deal with. My list motivates me to hit Oregon, Washington, and California - that can't be all bad!
  12. Folks: I am looking for some suggestions on decent loops to do over the weekend. Did Skyline Ridge a couple years ago and that was fun. Looking for 40-ish miles depending on gain. Would also consider hiking in to a decent base camp for a scramble or two. Will probably be solo, so should not be too tough! Deception and Mystery sounded doable. Any thoughts? (Will be reviewing my books tonight, just thought I'd see what folks had done.) Not totally set on Olympics either.
  13. Although I respect the point, I'm not sure it's 100% correct. Government frequently asserts rules governing what can happen in businesses, such as no smoking laws. Some businesses have sought to circumvent such rules by converting to PRIVATE clubs. I am uncertain that Feathered Friends is a private business. While business may have the right to restrict foods and beverages, require shirts and shoes, I do not believe that they have the right to require customers to break laws, and wearing pasties would probably break some law concering public decency or disturbing the peace, or something - particularly if someone complained.
  14. Wow! The highway has really broken all to hell over the last few weeks!!
  15. Mazamas 2009 Online Climb Schedule 134 07/24 07/26 Mt. Shuksan Sulphide Glacier C+(E) Josh Lockerby 12 0 Full The "12" signifies the number of folks on the climb!
  16. Is it a total coincidence that on the Mazamas climb schedule there is a 7/24-7/26 climb of Shuksan via the Sulphide? Not to knock Mazamas as I think they do a fine job of doing what they do, but I ALWAYS check their schedule before a climb!!
  17. Great TR and photos. My few notes/additions: 1.) There is only a skiff of snow in the Chimneys, and it is easily avoided. 2.) I counted 5 rap stations in the Chimneys, plus the one that we built, so most of the sketchy downclimbing may be avoided. 3.) "The boulder" marking the entrance to the Chimney route that I believe is referred to in Beckey is actually spraypainted with an arrow. 4.) Skeeters at the TH and at Lake Ann are big and junky! Camping above the Chimneys avoided that, but you do pay the price! 5.) There's a really nice photo on Summitpost with the entrance to Chimneys drawn in - very helpful. 6.) This was a very nice alternative to the standard glacier slog. 7.) I heard "ROCK" no less than a half-dozen times as we were ascending the rib, and although I am not a rock guy it was preferable to the gully. 8.) Burgers and beers at Skagit brewpub were very good!! 9.) A climb is always more fun when you're with fun partners. Thanks for the climb guys!
  18. He might also like her sister.....Punani.
  19. If I'd known then what I know now, I would have definitely dedicated more time to chasing poon! After all, you can climb when you're married!
  20. The dog route on Stuart is doable for many in a day. There is a bit of up and down, but it's nothing more than a scramble. I seem to remember some steep snow down to the bottom of col from the pass. I saw folks camping at the base of the col, which would be fun. While I'm not recommending anything, it might be cool to camp at the base for a night and see how things go.
  21. Did Fisher Chimneys a couple days ago, so only saw the Sulphide from Hells Highway up. Couple crevasses right there, easily skirted by the 3ft wide, 1 ft deep bootpack.
  22. OK, I know some people are serious and some people are joking, but I'd be careful telling someone to go out and "send it" regardless of their skill level. I agree that many of us have done stupid shit, been lucky enough to live through it, and are now the wiser for it. I read Josh's TR, and I'm honestly not sure whether he is bragging about that stupid shit, or whether he's dealing with some shit that few of us can understand, and heading up into the hills is a pretty tame escape. When I was 16 all I did was drink; I'm not sure his escape is worse. I have been fortunate enough to meet a person or two on CC.com that have tought me some things. But, it's tough to wait. I've certainly challenged myself a time or two, perhaps even bit off too much. I don't mean going from Mt Tabor to Mt Rainier in a week, but still.... I guess these things are kind of a delicate balance. You need challenges, but they probably need to be realistic. Would I climb with Josh on Adam's south side, South Sister, Shasta Avy Gulch....yes. Would I on Jeff, North Sis, Rainier.....maybe not yet. I would hope nobody would write him off for his past mistakes, but of course he needs to prove himself with some good judgement in the future.
  23. Looks like the chimneys are pretty well free of snow. Yes? Alright getting up that with a full pack?
  24. Thoughts, prayers and good vibes from me! Hang in there buddy.
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