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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. Yes, water, when used incorrectly, can be a very dangerous substance. Your warning is relevant and timely.
  2. Sing it and they will hum--come?
  3. Oh, *and* they contain silicon dioxide: "Today, the modern electronics world greatly depends on silicon dioxide for the manufacture of semiconductors, wire insulation, and fiber optic cables....Today the oil industry uses silicon dioxide gel to help refine crude oil into usable fuel such as gasoline. Silicon dioxide is used in glasses for windows (not to mention may other things made of glass), metal alloys, pipe flux, metal alloys, concrete, sand for foundations, sealants, sandblasting, and many more applications.... Some other uses include… Petroleum products Molds for castings Refractive pieces (lenses, prisms…) Thickening agent in medicines Precision measurement equipment (balances, gravimeters, galvanometers…) Detergents" (reference) Mmm, wanna eat me some of that! Maybe I'll just have an orange...
  4. So, I buy a mega container of vitamin C at Costco, and it turns out they contain Yellow 6 Lake and Red 40 Lake! Um, isn't it counterintuitive to add coloring chemicals to a health supplement? I mean, I take vitamins in part to pretend I'm preventing cancer. Stupid to add junk that *may* cause cancer, and other maladies (Google). Now, Yellow 6 Lake in my diet Mountain Dew and sugar-free Red Bull, OK, fine, but in my vitamins?! Jeesh. Why do pharmaceutical companies think we need colorful vitamins and meds anyway? Maybe our resident chemist knows.
  5. The latest song virus infecting my brain... Why do I read this thread? Why?
  6. I agree. You have to consider the shape of the to-be-bagged, though. In the situation I was in, it seemed really ill-advised to leave her--if she was already cold, stopping all activity and lying in the snow in a bivy bag isn't going to warm her up. If someone was just tired and not able to make it, and in a safe place and *willing* to stay put and wait, OK. Although you still run the risk that they might be developing/will develop altitude-related problems. Not likely, but maybe. OTOH, there are so many people on the dog routes, they could get help if needed.
  7. I was on a climb on Rainier several years back with a "well-known climbing club," and the dorky leaders decided to do this with a slender (I mention this b/c she was cold, and didn't have much body fat for insulation) young climber, on her very first glacier climb, who was complaining of being cold, not having enough clothing, and not feeling well. Jesus fucking Christ. I had stayed at camp with blood blisters on my heels from my climbing boots, and the person they "bagged" was my tent mate. I was outraged. They continued climbing for a bit, then turned back to get her and bring her down to camp. The leader didn't say that's why they turned around--only said, "It's not worth climbing when the route is this busy." Lousy piece of...grrr.
  8. Aw, poor Zeke. He had a good long life. Good dog!
  9. geez, mistere. why'd you have to go and ruin a nice thread full of cute puppy pics? Since this was posted on the cutest dog thread, are you suggesting she's going to give birth to a dog? A Great Dane, perhaps?
  10. Uh-oh, am I about to get moderated? Mountains, I'm talking about mountains. No, really.
  11. In mountains and, um, cars, bigger isn't always better.
  12. This poor guy wasn't even Middle Eastern. He was Brazilian. Jeez.
  13. knotzen

    Hey, Guido!

    Cheese keeper: Lemons are da thing. You can make lemon tart with them, lemonade, put them on salmon, squirt them on the open wounds of your enemies. If I were a lemon merchant, I'd sell the best lemons in the world, and everybody would buy them, and I'd be rich, happy, and tart. And Missies don't need no saving by the cheesy likes of you! And you can tell Guido I said that.
  14. That mountain is such a slut. Everybody wants her, and she knows it.
  15. There's so much in life...you cannot stand? There's so much in life...you could be doing? There's so much in life...that shouldn't be allowed, like the regurgitation of corny 80s pop music? We walk the same path, my friend. So, why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?
  16. Will someone put these crooners out of our misery?
  17. knotzen

    You do the math.

    My understanding is that he *likes* sheep. But I'm new here, so there could be other animals he likes as well.
  18. knotzen

    You do the math.

    Well, somebody has to say it, so I will: SpecialEd is a boob.
  19. What she said. Actually, the word I wanted was contributing. My foot was hurting so bad, I couldn't think straight. (Not really. It just sounds like a good excuse.)
  20. No. You're right, I've got a long way to go. Whew.
  21. knotzen

    Seattle's #1!

    The most overpriced cities in America: 1. Seattle 2. New York City 3. Portland, Ore. 4. Chicago 5. San Jose, Calif. 6. Bergen-Passaic, N.J. 7. San Francisco 8. Middlesex, N.J. 9. Denver 10. Los Angeles No wonder I'm so poor. Oh wait, that's because I spend my money on climbing gear. http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/invest/forbes/P123785.asp?GT1=6706
  22. Oh my God, I'm becoming one of you. Must...resist.
  23. I like fria cervezas and taking Vicodin for pain I'm not into poetry Because I've wasted my brain
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