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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. The whole website today...feels kinda like a day where you have the plumber upstairs fixing something...you don't see him or hear him, but you know he's up there... and you don't feel comfortable going about your daily routine.



  2. I got an idea for a new line of gear called BJG (Baby Jesus Gear).

    Stuff like climbing boots that can walk on water,

    A soft shell of many colours.

    Sanpons, ( sandal crampons for summer)

    Dehydrated last suppers

    Gortex bivy robes



  3. Shini gami say....


    Going to bed.


    I'm a Troll? I searched, and this means I am an uneducated lurker.


    I grew up in a spot so remote, we had a Scout Camp on my Farm.


    I would go out with what I could carry for a month at a time over summer breaks. We'd have to look for squirrels and rabbits to eat (Hard to find in the wild, but not in the suburbs).


    I've even made Turtle soup many times, and eaten Brain sandwhiches more than I'd want to admit. GroundHog and Raccoon are the worst, too much fat and Grease. I called it at Possum, I won't eat that stupid ass tree climber.


    I do live to eat acorns, but you have to leach(soak) them in water for a wek first, as they have tanic acid that will shut down your digestive system.


    I LOVED going out in snow waist deep, and building a snow cave to sleep in. We used to build a fire, get the snow to start to melt, then put it out to freeze into an ice dome on the first night.


    I did this all the time from grade school, thru high school, and kept doing this thru college. Started doing again as a father of 2 boy scouts now living in the subburbs.


    So F!ck you if you think I'm a poser. I've made more than my fair share of traps, and gutted and skinned and preserved plenty of pelts. Pour that salt down the RacoonTail.


    I also used to turn in the Groundhogs ears for 50 cents. I bought another box of 50 .22 shells with that 50 cents for the bounty every week.


    If I hadn't met and married my wife, and had my 2 boys, I'd hang all the time above the treeline.



    Have fun with this one boys and girls!!!


  4. The thread went south about three days ago, who the fuck are those people? Why do people go over the same thing over and over again regurgitating news from places like fox. Now that they have found this site do you think that they will stay? There is even god people out there...fuuuuck..........spare me.

    Please god make them go away

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