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Everything posted by TREETOAD

  1. They should rename it the washington zoo
  2. Why , those people are unamerican!!
  3. when I was a kid we just drove as soon as we could hotwire a car
  4. yeah Grizzly bear shit smells like peppers and has bells in it!! While you are having fun we are left to deal with the economy collapse I hope you can look at yourself in the mirror with pride this morning Sobo
  5. nothin' will warm a person up like a nice hot sobo/treetoad sandwich

    The Debate

    Cruelty to animals seems to excite her
  7. You got a paper route or sumpin?
  8. Hard to believe but also not surprising.

    pick up lines...

    Hey there...nice tooth!!

    The Debate

    No shit Leroy, he looked like he's got Huntingtons or something!! The guy is really to keel over.
  11. gag me with an ice axe

    The Debate

    not surprising
  13. I remember him!!

    Economic News

    I think 600 bucks is worth about the same as 2300 was a couple of weeks ago

    Economic News

    That is about the amount you got a couple of months ago to bolster the economy is'nt it?
  16. and Sarah looks a little like a smurf
  17. Thats not the change Americans want.....followed by grim reaper grin
  18. GE has just sold off their entire lighting enterprises for some quick cash.
  19. McCain looks like skeletor don't you think?
  20. porter is simulchanneling 5k and FW

    The Debate

    I can hear the crickets again
  22. Only above 8000 meters
  23. Sobo, take lots of pictures.

    The Debate

    In the end, the debate did not change the essential truth of Ms. Palin's candidacy: Mr. McCain made a wildly irresponsible choice that shattered the image he created for himself as the honest, seasoned, experienced man of principle and judgment," The New York Times wrote. "It was either an act of incredible cynicism or appallingly bad judgment." A slew of polls have put Obama firmly ahead both nationally and in key swing states such as Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania ahead of the polls. And they have suggested that voters blame Republicans for the country's economic woes and trust Obama more with fixing the downturn. New figures showed the sputtering economy lost 159,000 jobs in September as the weight of the housing collapse and credit crunch hit a broad swath of industries. Biden, who also did better than expected in the debate, reining in his natural tendancy to be too long-winded, had sparred with Palin over the Iraq, the economy, health care and even the role of the vice president. "Surviving 90 minutes on a stage with Biden did not transform Palin into a plausible president," wrote E.J. Dionne in the Washington Post. "Say what you will about Joe Biden -- and last night, he was far from being either the gaffe machine or the windbag so many predicted would appear on stage -- no one loses sleep at the idea of his being in the Oval Office."

    The Debate

    They keep the deer out of my fruit trees
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