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Everything posted by TREETOAD

  1. yeah it was a little shakey but it was an onsight
  2. as a beagle
  3. sobo is that your hand on my ass again?
  4. I want to dive into your ocean... that is so beautiful
  5. I was reborn yesterday
  6. sorry not a chick but can handle a gun, hmm I see you are just about ready for dinner,
  7. I missed you, I am outside your house

    The Bush Response

    I can lend you a few bucks
  9. [font:Arial Black]The first organisms to benefit from guts got by with just a mouth, through which food went one way and waste the other. However, as the organisms grew in size and length, having one hole for everything became impractical.[/font] "A long gut makes sorting food and waste through a single opening inefficient," says Andreas Hejnol, a researcher at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu and one of the study's authors. "So they needed to evolve an anus." Sort of like FW
  10. The war on terror is a bust might as well start a war on evil
  11. She is wearing a pentangle around her satanist neck
  12. That is so cool!!
  13. Only God knows the future and how she may be used by Him, but may this noble woman serve to bring renewal in the land, and inspiration. I would imagine a good ass fucking followed by a messy facial
  14. I am well aware of it
  15. Isn't it about time ya'll pulled out those guns ya got unner yer beds and ran these revenuers out of office?
  16. Looks like a Nazi
  17. As seen on Jewtube Hebrew Hotties!! http://www.jewtube.com/video/260/100-Most-Beautiful-Israeli-Women
  18. I hear the guys spend a lot of time polishing their bayonets. They fuck their brains out, just like any other jewish fanatic youngster
  19. Bristol Palin's wears her new burka on a recent hunting trip with her boyfriend, also seen in his new attire.
  20. GOOD STUFF. Sounds like he hit the nail on the you know what
  21. Maybe Paris Hilton would have been a better choice, or maybe Brit Spears would be less scandalous.

    The Bush Response

    unchecked corporate greed, sounds like a plan

    Economic News

    is that guy a pro wrestler?
  24. Well the democrats are hardly anywhere near to the left as they should be. The problem is both parties are too right wing and in the pockets of banks, corporations etc. You only have one way to go with people like that in power, and it is not good for the American people either way. It seem like the whole system is stacked against the people, down there, and it isn't much better anywhere else, for that matter. Not sure how to fix it but it sure is messed up!!
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