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Everything posted by TREETOAD

  1. Perhaps all those people displaced from New Orleans can live in those houses!!


    've been to Montana 7 times,2 times with a girl i was dating to visit her clan in Butte,it was legal to drink and drive(open container) in town tell 1983 or 84? Hell they had drive-though bars,whore houses,and single wide trailers on the side of the road with 3 foot tall Neon Lights on their roofs that read "BAR" and some had pool tables! My frist trip was in 1977,we spopped at a Store to restock are road beer cooler and were told you had to buy beer at the liquor store,but they had three walls of liquor? If you got catch speeding 5-350mph over the limit you payed the cop $5.00 and your good to go,and at night trucks were allowed to dive 5 mph faster then cars? I'am sure some thing have changed for i've not been there sicne 1982,but the old joke about the guy who moves to Motana and his neibor invites him to a party,so the guy ask what kind of party? The neibor replies theres going to be some drinking,some fighting,and then alot of sex! The guy ask whos going to be there? And the neibor replies just you and me!! Maybe thats why Frank Zappa made fun of it!! I always thought Montana was a little more refined than the southern states, but now I want to go there!!
  3. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/081106/world/blame_palin
  4. Condescending Canadian fuck. M.Y.O.P. (Mind Your Own Politics) Obama will lose in a landslide. Some phoenix!! What a fabulous speach!
  6. Very Cool!!
  7. Well, most of hte banks and quite a few of the largest companies in the Union of Socialist Amerika are now owned by the people. I would say that you have the makings of a really good system. Don't fuck that up too. It is hard to believe that there could be anyone that would vote for Maclean and Sally Pylon but it seems that you still may fuck that up yet.

    What About Cindy?

    That is both Gdubs wife and mother.
  9. He is collecting them for the brownshirts

    Top Ramen

    not enough melamine in your diet
  11. Obama is a AYRAB http://www.cbc.ca/world/usvotes/story/2008/10/15/f-vp-macdonald.html
  12. Right wing fundamentalism is a threat to national security.
  13. He did take the bet!
  14. by the way, nice ass.
  15. The hood thread was indeed a freak show.
  16. All those fundamentalist guys seem to be bad.
  17. I would say that they should at least be put on a terrorist watch list.
  18. ha ha, No
  19. I still don't trust anyone over thirty
  20. These guys have done more damage to your country in the preceding eighth years than Osama could ever have dreamed of doing!!
  21. what do you need protecting from
  22. OK, Little Big Man put your hockey helmet on and get back in the bus
  23. wait, I am trying to remember
  24. maybe it is FW's extended family
  25. her ass looks like a mantle piece
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