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Everything posted by Baltoro

  1. Rat I'm thrilled to hear you guys aren't in fact assholes. I've spent too much time on other social mediaa sites as of late and they're always lightning quick to trounce anyone who sounds like they might actually care about something and heaven forbid they might suggest doing the right thing. Thanks for cleaning up after yourself and others and I apologize for the quick fused rant.
  2. Maybe rat and dirtyleaf are the two biggests stewards of the environment and regulalry lead clean-up volunteers. Or maybe they're assholes and can't just figure the OP wasn't directing it at them personally or implying that all those who pebble wrestle are chain smokers and littering pricks. My guess is that Bwrts also boulders and as such was seeing lots of trash and thought he'd try and raise awareness about this important issue. Oh and if him being the "rock police" and making you sick keeps areas from getting closed/regulated or being closed due to widespread fire then I'm all for you getting sick rat. This is what kills me about the internet and I'm not being any better about it; people treat one another like $hit because they're anonymous. If one of your friends introduced you to bwrts and you all went climbing together and he said, "Look at all these cigarette butts. We should clean some of this up." then you'd say, "Yeah you're right." But since it's online you can treat him like he's being a dick abd ruining your climbing experience.
  3. A raffle of sorts could be good. Get some of the local shops and/or gear reps and brands to donate some product and host the event somewhere cool. Maybe set up a Paypal account or something online that would accept credit card donations Setup a climathon. People get sponsors willing to donate a certain dollar amount for each pitch. We get a date on the calendar, throw up a bunch of ropes and make a day of it. Maybe have some time for a dialogue on what we want it to look like from a development standpoint (toilets and such) Also, years back REI bought Peshastin Pinnacles in an effort to maintain access. Maybe some big boys like them or Mountain Gear might step up with some cash? This is a great opportunity to rally the climbing community here for a good cause and secure access forever. Thanks Porter for keeping us all in the loop.
  4. I think you hit the nail on the head with what can we do? Perhaps someone who's in the thick of this can give us some options to what we can do for example: Draft a generic email that can be cut and pasted from interested parties to communicate to the Access Fund and WCC how important this is to us. Info for donations to the AF and WCC specifically earmarked to purchasing the Lower Town Wall. Info regarding current access, etc.
  5. Can we fix this post so it stays up top and/or cross post it into Rock Climbing and Access so more folks will see it?
  6. He wasn't self belaying, he was ensuring his chiropractor could still afford the boat he wanted despite the downturn in the economy. Tying yourself off to draws on bolts, then leading above them and falling on that bolt will result in Factor 2 type falls everytime. You're essentially shortening the rope everytime you reach a bolt. If you climb 5 feet above the bolt and fall you will fall 10 feet with 5 feet of rope. This will hurt a lot. Considering most bolts aren't five feet apart, you could take a 20ft. fall onto 10ft. of rope. This will hurt even more. This is stupid and is not "self-belaying". Spend the money and time to learn how to do it right. Don't spend it on chiropractor co-pays.
  7. Benny I haven't heard anything back from bvl. I'm in North Everett. Where are you?
  8. bvl I've got older style Fritschis (maybe 1999 or so) that haven't seen too much use. They're mounted on a pair of BD Arc Angels which compared to modern planks is a little narrow and stiff. Skins are trimmed to fit and I've even got boots to get rid of if you're a US 12 or so. Price for skis, boots, bindings and skins: $175 Price for skis, bindings and skins: $150 Price for bindings as it makes it real hard to sell the skis without: $100
  9. Pants are sold. Jacket still there. No reasonable offer refused!!
  10. Retails for $400, used three times, and only worn on one of those trips. This is 3L Pro Shell Gore-Tex and weighs 15oz. in the medium size. This is an XL and it's blue. See Marmot.com or REI for more info. Also have Marmot Oracle Pants size XL. $150 at retail. Make an offer!! Make an offer!! Willing to ship or deliver in Seattle area. PM me for more details.
  11. More adventures to come for sure. Thanks for the support and feedback. Now if we could just get a little more snow...
  12. Trip: Yosemite - WF Leaning Tower and Mideast Crisis on Wa. Column Date: 11/5/2008 Trip Report: "Witness the Fitless- A Yosemite TR" So here goes my first TR effort. Caution though; It's very long and there's practically no beta in it and lots of grammar errors. If you want beta let me know. If you want good grammar look somewhere else. I'll add some pics when I can dig the camera out from under the pile of gear in the gear room. A "bigwall adventure" had been planned for Matt and I for quite a awhile. We'd wisely chose to hold off a year last fall and this year we tricked ourselves into percieved readiness. The plan had Matt there for a week and me there for just over two. We'd get on something "easier" together and then Matt would help me stage for something interesting, ideally Mideast Crisis on Washington Column. We arrived in the Valley late on Saturday the 4th of November. Sunday saw us sorting ang gawking at basically everything. We'd decided on the West Face of Leaning Tower and carried a load up on Monday. The plan was to carry the last load up Tuesday and fix as high as time end energy allowed and bivy at the base and blast on Wednesday morning. All worked well until we actually had to start the climb. Matt is a little on the slow side which he'd be the first to admit. This whole trip was going to be a stretch for him and a big learning experience. We anticipated some epic moments here and there, just not quite so early. I decided to do a recon on the "4th class" traverse while Matt finished getting prepped. I carried over the rack and a rope. As it turns out, the traverse is scary. It's fixed for basically all you'd want a rope for but you don't ease into the exposure like a traditional wall. You're a few pitches off the ground before you even leave the ledge. It took me a bit to adjust and feel comfortable but I made it in one piece and went back for Matt, coming up with the best adjectives for how to describe the traverse in a favorable light. I also added a few pieces of gear to help protect the traverse and minimize any swinging if one slipped or broke a hold. Matt did pretty well on the traverse, a little slow in spots but I think he was feeling okay at this point. Now the first pitches. The plan was for me to lead and Matt to follow as we figured that would be our fastest arrangement. We'd shortfix everything and ideally fix to the top of three or four today with me cleaning some of it on rap as there's no point in everyone coming up then descending for the night. Things didn't go quite to plan. The first pitch says something regarding gear to bring. My honest assessment is you could get by with a green 0 and red 1 BD C3 and maybe a cam hook as well. Other than that the first two pitches are all bolts and a fixed head or two and two fixed pins. The bolts are mostly big fat ones too so go fast and confident. I clipped very few of the bolts as I was planning on having gear for the ground ahead and I felt pretty sure I wouldn't fall. I maybe clipped ten bolts on the first pitch, shortfixed to a screamer at the top of the first pitch and clipped another five bolts to the top of the second. I was psyched and feeling really fast and efficient. The two pitches took maybe 40 minutes or so at a guess. The problem was that now I was out of rope and needed Matt to hit the first anchor and give me more rope. I looked down to see him below the first roof which is still a long ways from the first anchor. Here's how the conversation went: Ryan: How's it going? Matt: Uhmmm... Not so good. Ryan: Is it the jugging or your head? Matt: Ummm... Both. Ryan: Ok. Keep going and we'll talk when you make it to the anchor. Matt: Ok. Time proceeded to stop and Matt slowly inched upwards. I tried to tell myself that hanging in my harness and being uncomfortable was not nearly as bad as spinning in circles trying to clean draws and being terrified at the void below. As some point a soloist on Jesus Built My Hotrod proceeds to pull off a plate sized flake. He carefully calls out "Rock" before letting it fly. This gives Matt and I the chance to watch it's path, falling and falling and falling until it smashes onto the slab below. Well at least we'll know for sure where we'd hit instead of speculating. Finally Matt reaches the anchor. He's worked and there's no point in going up as it's not going to get any better. We decide to bail which is great fun on the Tower. I rap and clean the second pitch which is an adventure in and of itself. Then I send Matt down. We clipped the end of our haul line to the anchor knowing we'd need it to get into the ledge. Matt also left some draws clipped in to ease descent. This system worked sort of until Matt had issues with a prusik backup and more waiting followed. Finally Matt was down and I met him on the ledge. He wasn't hugging the tree as the tree looked like it was as likely to pull you off when it falls but he looked happy to be down. We proceeded to narrowly avoid epicing on the reverse traverse as the sun slipped lower and lower. We made it back to our gear, quickly decided to not epic on the descent taril in the dark and proceeded to have a really good time eating as much as we could so we didn't have to carry it down. We spent the next few days flailing on V0's and styling up Sunnyside Bench (5.4 3 pitches Grade I). We spent lots of time in the meadow watching the Hans and Yugi show which is amazing in person. Soon Matt would have to leave so we hiked a load up to Mideast Crisis and Matt went on his way. I had no regrets from our time together down there. We came and tried and failed and that's ok. There may or may not be a next time for Matt but I was still excited and motivated which was a good thing since I had lots of gear below MC. The plan was to fix to four before blasting and then launch solo. Mideast Crisis shares its first pitch with Astroman. Now if you're a solid 11c climber headed up Astroman you probably don't think twice about the sandy 5.7 first pitch. But if you're solo aid climbing on an unmodified grigri and your lead limit is 5.10ish then things get interesting. The first pitch is not super clean, with lots of sand and flexing flakes. The pro is not great by my soloing standards but fortunately it is not sustained. This allowed for lots of tugging to feed rope and thinking about avoiding falls onto questionable gear. I finished and cleaned the first pitch and prepped for the second. It goes at A1 according to the topo. I was hoping to do it clean but brought some pins along just in case. You free out right on evaporating sand hummocks to a crack splitting a roof. A fixed pin starts things off to good cams (.2 C3-.75 or so) to the lip of the roof. A nice big #1 makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. I was feeling pretty good at this point as things were going just fine so far and the crack ahead didn't look too bad. The roof is topped by a slab, then things go mostly vertical to another slab at the anchor. Some cam hooks and small cams and nuts brought me to an impasse. There was a nice flake that would take a #4 a couple moves away. Sadly I only brought up to a #3, with the #4 hanging at the anchor below. Normally I'm psyched on tag racks for soloing but this would require tagging through a tree so I didn't set one up. The #3 would have to do. It looked like I might be able to shove it up higher but first I ahd to get there. The crack was fairly thin and kind of crumbly at the edges. I still wanted to keep things clean so I hesitated to sink a pin there. There was also a really nice hook placement a foot or so to the left of the crack but my grappling hook seemed to rock a little there. I decided I'd equalize a 000 C3 in the crack and the hook to the left. This kept the hook oriented in it's best position which was slightly askew. I topstepped up, using the flake that I could no reach for support. This soon turned into one of those fraid moves, where you're partially free and partially aid and fully afraid. I could no shove the #3 up higher where things constricted a bit more. I was playing around to get it just right as I was going to backclean the hook and cam if this worked and wanted good gear. That's when the cam blew and things got interesting. Here's the more or less what I think happened: The cam blew, thus shockloading the hook and orienting it downwards instead of slightly askew. I felt the cam blow and the drop. This drop was quickly followed by a daisy fall onto the poor hook. Well I guess the hook wasn't so poor as it bent the hook to 90 degrees. I discovered this later as before I knew it I was dangling some 30ish ft. below where I was just moments before. I'd backcleaned before the fall so I fell a bit further and the system had a bit of slack in it but fortunately not any mroe as my feet were just about touching down onto the slab above the roof. Whew! I clearly remember being psyched and not scared, at first at least. It happened so fast that there wasn't time to think and I'm proud to say I didn't make a sound. I would've shit myself but my bowels didn't react that quickly and I was so puckered that nothing could get out anyways. I care fully jugged up to figure out which piece was my new favorite on the rack and discoverd it was a red/yellow offset Alien, fortunately pre-recall. Joy! This time I busted out the hammer and a tiny sawed angle. With every tap my sphincter relaxed a little more. Sigh... My #3 was still above, just waiting for me to clip into it. Sometimes when I get bomber gear I'll clip into it with the rope before putting the aiders on it as I know it's not going to go. This saves me from having to reach down after and clip in. I'm glad I didn't this time as if I had fallen while clipping I would've hit the steep slab for sure. This is also when I noticed my hook was bent. Part of me was psyched and the other part that puts a great deal of faith in his gear was terrified. What else could bend?! After clipping the #3 I could see I was just a few moves from the anchor so I knew I'd survive the next few minutes. Some trickery was required as I didn't feel up to 2 moves of 5.2 and my fvorite hook was bent. Eventually I made the anchor and rapped off, leaving the gear to be cleaned tomorrow. Going down, I knew it was going to be a tough night of decision making. I was scared, my back hurt from carrying all sorts of shit up here, my stomach felt like I had a hernia and who knew which gear would betray me next. On top of it all I was going to have to battle the ring tailed cat for base camp supremacy. I set up camp and proceeded to eat and drink as that always helps. Washington Column has better cell service than Camp 4 so I called a friend to vent. The plan was to wait until morning before making any final decision. Things might be better then right? Darkness... The ring tailed cat is evil. There are at least a thousand of them and they are fearless. They don't even really want your food. They want you. I spent the better part of the night fighting them off and praying for daylight. Thumping my empty haulbag with a trekking pole was good at scaring them off but I quickly determined that I was more afraid of them then they were of me. Bastards!! I awoke exhausted as I more passed out than fell asleep. I knew I was going down. It would also take me forever to get all my crap down from here, let alone down the North Dome Gully. I wisely chose to bail. Work demands would be calling soon and it was time for this adventure to come to an end. An Angel from Heaven in the form of Ben from the YOSAR site came through and offered to carry a bag down to the bike trail for me. Thank you so much as you basically saved me a day. I already had two bags to shuttle. There was one Metolius Quarter Dome with all the heavy stuff and one Metolius El Cap with the ledge and all the lighter stuff. This produced two obvious names for the pigs: Dense Pig and Tall Pig. They both had their own personalities and quirks and I would get to know them well before the day was over. I began the descent hating Dense Pig and telling him so every time he threw me off balance. He always replied with something snarky about how he'd much rather be empty and I was the one who put all this shit inside him. Tall Pig on the other hand couldn't have been better behaved. He apologized the few times the top got hung up on branches and seemed to behave himself quite well with none of the backtalk I'd come to expect from Dense Pig. I'd carry one down aways, set it on a nice rock and go get the other. Soon though things changed as now Tall Pig was getting hung up more often in the trees. Dense Pig kept pointing out how much easier he was to carry and that Tall Pig was intentionally grabbing branches. I told Dense Pig that I couldn't really see what was going on back there and it's not nice to point fingers at others but I think he was right. In Tall Pig's defense, he had the portaledge sticking out the top. The ledge has spent many, many nights in my gear room and none to date on a wall. I don't think it wanted to leave. I can't blame it as neither did I so I promised we'd come back. Eventually all Dense Pig and Tall Pig made it back and I returned to pick up the little pig that didn't get a name as I wasn't hallucinating when I carried it. I was worked and looking at a 15 hour drive to Seattle so I thought it better to crasah one more night in Camp 4 then fall asleep somewhere along the highway. Again, no regrets on the whole adventure. I had a blast and learned a lot. I feel mentally more prepared and know my way around the Valley a bit. I discovered that I need more of a reserve of strength to solo harder stuff for me and that regardless of how strong or psyched I'm feeling that doesn't make up for a partner who isn't feeling good. It takes two feeling good and all those things are what I came to find, not what the summit of Leaning Tower or Washington Column looks like. I forget which famous climber said it but it was something along the lines of "After all these years and all these mountains I don't remember the routes or the moves or the summits. I remember the people I did them with and the relationships I built on those climbs." This fit my mindset perfectly. The plan was to come climb with Matt, not come climb something with just anybody. The plan was to try and solo something hard for me, not just get up something. I think we could've done some easier stuff and eased into a bit more. The South Face of WC together or the Prow solo or whatever. We may have succeeded on both routes and ultimately it wouldn't matter. I think I learned and grew as much climbing, flailing and bailing with Matt and by myself as I woud've had I topped out on something else with someone other than Matt. It's not like I'm gonna get a free pair of shoes when I fax my send to the mags anyways. Since the only climbs we finished were Sunnyside bench and some sick V0 boulder problems I'll refrain from adding a bunch of route beta. I did put together some pretty good beta on both routes prior to leaving so if anyone's interested I'm happy to forward it along or answer questions on the two pitches of both routes I did climb. The move by move beta TR for Sunnyside Bench will most likey never make it to print as that was just too amazing a climb to try and express into words. It's actually really cool and I highly recommend it regardless of ability. Thanks and I hope you enjoyed my TR. Gear Notes: Less than we had. Approach Notes: The approach to Leaning Tower is shorter but worse than Wa. Column. Both took somewhere in the neighborhood of an hour to an hour and a half.
  13. Also check out Marmot Mountain Works in Bellevue. They've got some racks of clearance stuff over by the shoes.
  14. I used to work a lot with Grangers which is what many of the companies use for their warranty applications. In testing Nikwax scores a 1 or 2 out of 8 and Grangers scores a 7 or 8 out of 8. It's not even close. As for the wash-in vs. spray-on debate, the DWR works against liquid, not vapor! Sweat is (mostly) vapor so there's no real ill effects from a DWR on the inside. The whole wicking or non-wicking thing really only comes into play if the laminate or coating is directly next to your skin which more often than not there's something between you and it. The bottom line is regardless, the breathability isn't going to be enough and then you open the pit zips (which make the material less breathable) and then you open the front zipper (making the material even less breathable) at which point you realize you should just take it off since your wet from your own sweat anyways and now you have to replace that fluid.
  15. I'll represent for the bigger boys out there 7/18- 262lbs. Ball sports throughout high school are not conducive to endurance and power to weight activities like climbing and skiing. Newly stated goal is 230lbs. by October 3rd. Feel free to PM me shit to remind me.
  16. I do some work up there with the outdoor shops. Two good shops for outdoor clothing with all the brands you'd expect, Beaver Sports and Woolly Rhino. Beaver has a much better hardgoods selection for climbing, skiing, biking. Wooly Rhino , like many shops in AK doubles as a "hook and bullet" store. It seems everyone sells bait, knives and firearms. Nordic skiing is second only to drinking in AK in the winter and in the summer people boat and fish. Lots of paddling opportunities. There's a couple of guidebooks for climbing remotely near Fairbanks but it's not going to have the ease of access, quality or quantity as Vantage or Leavenworth or Tieton or I guess an established crag in WA for that matter. Fairbanks is very cold (well bleow zero) and very dry in the winter and stays dark for a long, long, long time. But for another chunk of the year it stays light pretty much all night with nice warm temps all day/night long. Anchorage is a $100 plane ticket and hour away and there's ice to be had 20 minutes outside of town for a lot of the winter. As mentioned above, AK can be expensive. If you're thinking of getting into cycling or kayaking when you're up there and if you're driving up I'd buy the boat or bike now as things are expensive to ship up there and the selection isn't nearly as good as what you'll find in Seattle. If you want some connections in Fairbanks pm me and I can pass along some email addresses for you to get in touch with. I wouldn't move to AK if I had any trouble at all with alcohol, depression, boredom, porn or gambling addiciton or any addiction for that matter as the winters are long and hard and dark and everyone your around is fighting the same things. That being said, lots of people love it and wouldn't trade it for the world. Good luck.
  17. I was at the Lower Town Wall on Saturday and noticed a portaledge up on Green Drag-on. The weather Friday looked dodgy but they were rewarded as Saturday was absolutely stellar. I only had time for a quick lap on City Park but as I left there was one party that I saw on the tracks headed towards the tunnel, one group on GNS, one in the lot and the people on Green Drag-on. Five partis total, counting myself. Where was everyone?
  18. $30
  19. Chriss that's not really true. The ropes will stretch at different rates. What if you clip them together for a piece or two (twin) then switch to doubles mode, then you fall on one rope entirely by itself, the other rope slack to a piece that you didn't fall far enough to weight? They're not going to move equally in that case are they? I said up above that this was a no-no per manufacturers recs and a couple of people pointed out that you're not going to notice a differrence for 99.9999% of the falls you take. In theory you shouldn't do it because the ropes will move independently of one another. In practice your going to be fine but to say that both ropes will move at the same rate is false.
  20. Per Dane's comment: Yes twins do get clipped into the same biner. That does not mean doubles can do that as well. Like d.spoc pointed out, the ropes take different paths and in the event of a fall are going to have different stretch characteristics. That means they are going to rub up against one another. Highly unlikely it's going to cut your ropes but pretty likley that it might melt part of the sheath and give your rope that nice glossy look we all go for. Twins on the other hand run together and should have similiar stretch characterstics in a fall and thus don't risk rubbing together and generating heat. Lots of people seem to use doubles at twins. While this is probably fine, they are not rated the same way and you eliminate the benefits of double ropes (at least for going up). If you have to use doubles as twins on the way up to minimize the clusterf*** then you need to spend more time cragging with them to figure them out or not use double ropes because you're just adding more hassle without the benefit. Now that my rant is over with, here's some things I've used that has worked well for me. Communication is key: It requires more dialogue between belayer and leader. And it starts before you leave the ground and before you leave each belay. Before leaving the ground, make sure the ropes are not twisted as if you start with a mess on terra firma it's only going to get worse at that crowded hanging belay with your partner's ass in your face. Then figure out who is leading which pitches. Are you leading in blocks, etc.? You don't want to incorporate the rope into a belay anchor and find out that your follower thought you were going to lead the next pitch. Before you leave each belay, discuss briefly how the pitch goes, particularly for the follower who hasn't done the route before. Give them an idea what to expect while belaying. "Once I'm over the little roof above us it traverses right for 20ft. and then angles back left. Then comes the slab and I'll likely run it out a bit there. The anchor is just after that but it's natural and kind of hard to frig together so it may take a few." This keeps your belayer from assuming you've died as soon as you go out of sight. This also lets them know when they can ingnore you entirely, dropping both hands from the rope and look in the pack for your food or check out that spider on the ledge up close. Seriously though it very much reduces the confusion at the belay and on lead if both parties have some idea what the Hell the other guy is doing. Be familiar with communication through tugs: One tug- "Off belay!" One tug in reply- "Belay is off!" One tug (after anchor is rigged)- "On belay!" One tug in reply- "Climbing!" One tug in reply reply- "Climb on!" Three or four frantic tugs- "Slack you Prick F***! I F***ing hate you and don't know why I brought your Noob Ass! Go back to RC.com, just give me a foot more F***ing rope before I lob off and your head is forever stuck up my ass!!" Slack in reply "Sorry, uh, umm... the ropes were tangled and I was just fixing them." -this repy works particularly well if the ropes belong to the leader and/or the leader stacked the ropes. Simply using the red rope on tne right and the blue rope on the left doesn't cut it (bad word choice). Use a one syllable word for one rope, like red and a two syllable word for the left rope. The only one that comes to mind which I've personally used is' "F***ing blue asshole!" Now that's five syllables but you get the idea. 140ft. out around a corner it's really hard if not impossible to hear and red and blue sound really close. Plan your pro and rope paths out. Hosing yourself ten feet into a long pitch can make life miserable. Think, "How would the ropes run in Freedom of the Hills?" and try to repliacte that. Obviously nature doesn't yield ideal conditions but strive to keep the ropes from crossing too much, especially on wandering pitches. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ALTERNATE PLACEMENTS BETWEEN EACH ROPE! I try not to go miles between them as those things are skinny but if you clip every other placement for each rope you're likely missing out on a lot of the rope drag benefits. Make sure that they are your partners ropes!! This is critical. That way any tangles or issues you have along the way are his fault, not yours!! This works out great. That and then your shiny new doubles stay at home for gear fondling later. One common mistake with doubles is that partners will each buy one rope to offset the cost. BAD IDEA!! You will likely not be speaking to each other after using these once and then your each stuck with a rope that's only good for glacier travel and we all know what happens next. Soon you join the Mounties and wear long underwear under your shorts and gaiters for cragging. It's all downhill from there... All that crap being said, doubles are great for the right routes with the right people. They are a nice tool to have in the quiver but misappliaction or misues will yield less than desirable results. If you don't like them, it's likely not the ropes fault. It's probably yours. Afterall, if the Brits will use them for some of the world's sketchiest trad and you can't make them work on the Great Northern Slab 5.6 3 pitches Grade -1 then no amount of internet spray advice will help you. Enjoy and report back!
  21. I was out there on Thursday morning figuring the temps in the mid to upper 40's, low winds and 20% chance or rain would yield some aidable conditions. 2 out of 3 wasn't bad but you really want a bit of wind as this time of year that's going to do more drying of the rock than the sun will. Everything was fairly wet when I arrived but by the time I left (11:00 or so) it looked like City Park P1 might be doable without to much slime. Most everything else looked a little dank. Best of luck for this weekend. The Green Drag-on and Town Crier crews of awhile back found good times regardless of the wet and wind.
  22. You do realize that pitch 2 is like C2/C3. That's pretty burly for that early on in your aid career. But like you said, as long as you're safe, go for it. I'm headed out that way sometime this week. Glad I saw the shot of the other guy belaying belay the actual Green Drag-on start as the block I normally use for a solo anchor is pretty buried in snow and would be quite the hassle to dig out. Pray for no rain!
  23. Even more hard-core then! Way to grab the bull by the horns. Nice work on the 1st pitch GDO topout Fenderfour! You guys and gals are inspiring!
  24. The actual GDO first pitch is sketchy when wet and mossy, let alone when covered with snow!! A few loose chunks to avoid grabbing and some moss and grass and you've got a recipe for good times. I think the last 20ft took me almost as long as the rest of the pitch. Awesome that you guys got out there!! I've been watching the weather for something less than 70% chance of rain to no avail. Definitely PM me if you're in need of a partner. I'm in Everett so it's right out my backdoor. For in-a-day adventures with no or minimal hauling short fixing is the way to go, particularly in winter as good weather/light are limited. It also keeps both people moving which helps with the cold and wet and boredom. I'm jealous. Nice work!
  25. It could certainly be a combination of factors but Primaloft is not nearly as durable as some of the other popular synthetics. That being said, none of the other synthetics can touch it in a straight ounce for ounce comparison of warmth. It's actually warmer for it's weight than down (stay with me here) but you have to add material to it to keep it together which increases the weight to beyond comparable down. Primaloft does not handle repeated stuffings nearly as well as some of the more traditional synthetics (Polarguard 3D, Delta). It is certainly more performance driven than the other synthetics and the life span reflects this a bit. Now like a few have said and many others will confirm that you can still get years of loyal service out of a Primaloft bag. Just know that for that additional weight savings and compressibility you are paying a durability price. Also, be on the lookout: The upcoming Pounder and Pounder Plus bags will have Primaloft SB, which is a "sleeping bag" version of Primaloft giving about 20% more loft and 5% more warmth for the weight. The temps and weights stay the same as Marmot wanted to cement the bags as solid 40 and 25 degree performers as some questioned the rating and that's not Marmot's style to have bags even close to the advertised rating.
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