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Everything posted by underworld

  1. "mmm.... grilled stuffed burrito. that sounds good"
  2. "God himself, could not sink this ship" ... "I'm the king of the worrrrrld!"
  3. underworld

    Photo Caption?

    "hold still....there's a mosquito on your chest"
  4. underworld

    have a seat

    is it a three-legged or four-legged stool?
  5. i'd like to hear from those that don't car. i don't care, but need some supporting arguments.
  6. "here, let me pick up the soap"
  7. "yes, i'll have fries with that"
  8. "was that 'on' or 'off' belay?"
  9. sooo.... much... .... snow... if this is global warming - then i'm buying another SUV
  10. no farting in elevators
  11. seeing if the guy next to you is paying attention - is all part of watching the road.
  12. solution: wear the euro-one-piece to smith
  13. the best climbing movie is the one having the most fun.
  14. i guess bouldering is the only way to salvation hmm... hell or bouldering?
  15. i had a long conversation with a lady on an airplane the other day. her husband was in the military and she was scared to death that bush would lose in '04 because of the benefits and security her and her husband would lose. apparently clinton moved people around more and bush tries not to make families have to relocate so much and also she said the pay is better w/ W. i don't know, i'm not in the military, but i've talked to several families and they like W.
  16. nope, those are bush supporters.... ever talked to any family members of soldiers? (other the shehan...or whatever her name was)
  17. once i-pods and cell phones join forces...it's all over. nobody will recognize the existance of anyone around them, ever!
  18. what's the deal with the HOV lane being the slowest lane on the freeway this morning?
  19. i-pods will be the downfall of society
  20. i just got a $100 ticket because i hadn't slapped it on
  21. looks like it has a retractable roof... are there cheerleaders inside?
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