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Everything posted by underworld

  1. sofa table re tard ed
  2. qpBXYcgXV8M
  3. CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  4. it matters because it is a curve of increasing radius... so they are able to be set in a parallel crack and 'tightened' in
  5. underworld


    if you're not a liberal when you're young - you have no heart if you're not a conservative when you're old - you have no brain
  6. teach the kids how to think, not what to think
  7. rockcentrics! place better, stay in place better and have more uses. they even store better when you stop using hexes.
  8. bigwalls for obama: poop in tubes and be scared of what is ahead!
  9. underworld


  10. do we want a warmonger like this in office? link
  11. not sure if this belongs in spray, since there is nothing political about it.... but say goodbye to being productive: contraption
  12. What are you saying? Condoms never tear! And the pill is 100% effective! Birth control never ever ever fails!! Birth control fails all the time (and it can happen whether you're 17 or 37), but that's not what I was talking about. Many of the posts have been blaming the pregnancy on abstinence only sex ed policy in Alaska assuming that's the reason for the pregnancy. For all we know, Bristol knew all about birth control in spite of the abstinence only teaching yet she still got pregnant because nothing works 100% of the time. logic and reason have no place here!! watch that first step off the soapbox, junior... was i actually on a soapbox? really?
  13. it's not that abstinence didn't work - it's that she didn't use it. condoms don't work either when they aren't used. they both require the 'user' to be proactive
  14. What are you saying? Condoms never tear! And the pill is 100% effective! Birth control never ever ever fails!! Birth control fails all the time (and it can happen whether you're 17 or 37), but that's not what I was talking about. Many of the posts have been blaming the pregnancy on abstinence only sex ed policy in Alaska assuming that's the reason for the pregnancy. For all we know, Bristol knew all about birth control in spite of the abstinence only teaching yet she still got pregnant because nothing works 100% of the time. logic and reason have no place here!!
  15. the left seems a whole lot more forgiving for those that have abortions. the rational is always: "sometimes people make mistakes, blah blah blah, we should not judge... freedom of choice...give her a break" if,as in this case, a girl keeps the child it is "she is a moron...can't she figure out birth control... quick throw stones!!" [i paraphrase]
  16. Yeah. Good thing there aren't any other pregneant teens in the world. ... You freakin moron. and those other pregneant teens are illustrations of what?
  17. 1 data point illustrates nothing
  18. i agree... the dems are halfwits!
  19. lower than putting 'token' up as the nominee??
  20. she's scary because i'm going to read the newspaper today??
  21. No Peter, that's actually the turn-your-hair-white, shit in your pants scariest thing. why?
  22. if it were all too logical, they'd lose a big portion of the women vote.
  23. are they actually building a stage? or just a water tank to walk around on...
  24. Not yet.....just wait. Terrorism is to create fear......Bush thrives on fear tactics.
  25. it seems like thread drift, but i think this all still fits under the OP's heading. carry on...
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