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Everything posted by underworld

  1. if you go to the ranger station in el chalten... they have tons of beta compiled there. cerro solo is mellow and a rad summit. best view evarrrr
  2. good as new - only 2.5 pitches on them. after trying them out, i just prefer the metolius ones. $30 for the pair (one's red and one's black)
  3. took the left line on saturday... it took screws fine. i think going left will thin out the rack a bit. in total we used 4 screws, 2 small nuts, one picket and a couple long slings for trees.
  4. the best cell carrier for OR or WA cascades is the one having the most fone
  5. nice report and all...but did you have to blab it all out there like that. i'm sure the conditions will be suxor by tomorrow and i've heard they are closing the pass anyway...
  6. imagine the carbon footprint of this one! OMG!!!
  7. i'll take the screamers...
  8. i've had G12's on tele boots... worked fine
  9. must... get.. home... box... surely ..on ...doorstep...
  10. i can't answer the question of who was hated more, that would mean i could read minds. but by observation i can tell you that the displays of hate for bush are more vulgar and more prevalent .... by orders of magnitude.
  11. i was living in texas during the clinton years and here in seattle during the bush years... absolutely no comparison.
  12. liberty crack
  13. did someone say mooninite?
  14. btw - your poll is flawed... it could be that those who hate bush but are not convinced of his guilt do not want there to be an investigation ...just in case it comes out clean - and they would vote 'no' just as it could be there are those that believe that bush is innocent and want the left to let it go...they might vote yes. ie - i think you meant for your poll to say "do you hope bush gets convicted of high crimes".
  15. i've got your bush investigating pole right here!
  16. i don't know how long it lasted or is lasting, but in oct - there was a bithin display of climbing and bigwalling history in the museum in yosemite. it was/is amazing to watch some of the old video footage and interviews. these guys were truley going into no-man's land, having no idea if they were going to make it back. (btw - don't google "hard men"...fyi)
  17. disagree! sledding is actually fun!
  18. just ordered some of the maximuses (maximi?) stoked to get em and replace my beloved ventors. just guessed for size - will report findings when they show up.
  19. spray
  20. your need for a gym is well in line w/ the pampered, non-green general public
  21. sale pending..
  22. good as new, only used for about 10 minutes once. $220 (for the pair) i would be willing to work some deal for some AT bindings. local seattle sale... thanks!
  23. whoa! those maximus look like sweet wall shoes... anyone know how they size?
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