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pup_on_the_mountain last won the day on July 30 2018

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About pup_on_the_mountain

  • Birthday 04/17/1978


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    Land of Cows

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  1. Truly gutted to learn about Noah's passing. I pray that you and your family find the strength to carry on. Thanks much for writing the TR.
  2. Amazing work!! All the years of planning and recon paid off with a flawless trip! Big congrats, Sir! Looks like the high pressure is going to hold for almost a week more. I look forward to the next TR :😉
  3. Awesome work!! As always, great TR with excellent details - keep 'em coming, Eric!
  4. Awesome work!! Thanks again, Eric, for continuing to post your TRs here on CC! Here's Ryan Lurie's TR from the Feb 2006 trip.
  5. Out of the world wonderful!! What an incredible adventure! Thanks a ton for posting the TR here, Eric. Keep 'em coming!
  6. @JasonG, keep 'em POTD pics coming!
  7. Thanks much for posting your report here, Eric. Big congrats on two huge ticks!
  8. Wow, what a blast from the past! It turned out to be tendonitis from computer over use. I started doing yoga regularly several years ago, and that has really helped keep things under control. It still flares up when I use my laptop too much, but eases up when I get off it. Doing yoga on a regular basis (for a long enough time) could do wonders! I also got some tips from my yoga instructor (in Portland) who does therapeutic yoga. All of that was before the pandemic - I do some basic yoga on my own these days on most days. @DPS, have a similar I-90 commute joke for tendonitis? 🤣
  9. NWAC recently released the final report for Colchuck Peak accident from last month. Wasn't aware of it till now... quite unfortunate.
  10. Congrats to both of you! And thanks much for sharing (wonderful pics, as always!). May be you should revive those old double statements, but with positive ones: "It's so awesome up there, but at least I had my tough wife for company!"
  11. Thanks much for sharing the link to the story and old pics, Kurt! You guys were a tough bunch BITD. And nice to see connections to the Palouse...
  12. Looks like a trip you'll savor for a long time. And you timed it just about perfect, given the recent developments (although, Leh should not see much of the turmoil). Thanks much for sharing! Brought back memories from more than a decade ago... Second the advice to fly in to Leh (but take enough time to acclimatize there before going any higher). IIRC, flights from Delhi are available year round. Tons of big, steep, and many not so steep, hills to keep one busy for many years!
  13. That's a good point @glassgowkiss. Should've thought about it better... Removed the links now, FWIW. Mods, please feel free to delete this thread.
  14. Came across this commentary by Alex Honnold on climbing scenes in movies on YouTube. The oscar is certainly making climbing a bit more "mainstream"...
  15. So, where are the ski pics, @DPS?
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