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Everything posted by Kevin_Matlock

  1. Hey, good job guys... there's nothing better than finally summitting a mountain that's taken several attempts. Oleg - Damn I'm jealous. The next time you ask me if I want to go do something, I'll just call in to work sick!!!!! Cheers to all three of you!
  2. Mine's on the huge ice block that can only stand the weight of one climber...
  3. TOTALLY! Now that the holidays are effectively done with (good ridence) I'm currently feeling like I'm at the bottom and ready for the big swing toward fitness again. Time to stop eating shit, stop drinking so much ( ), and start getting serious on the peaks/bike/gym walls/whatever. You aren't suppose to fluctuate a great deal though. The whole yo-yo thing is suppose to wreck your body. Not sure the details though.
  4. Reminds me of the girl with terrets syndrom in Duce Bigelow.
  5. It amazes me how awestruck people are about cars. "Oh my car is broken... what do I do". FIX THE FREAKING THING!!! I don't have an engineering degree and I do a vast majority of my own work. For the price of a few biners and a few brews you can get some screw drivers/pliers/wrenches/etc and do quite a bit yourself and save tons 'o $$$. Definitely invest in a book on your car if you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground though.
  6. This coupon is "20% off any ONE item", but figured out an angle. I just bought several individual things last night from rei.com. I broke each item into separate purchases so I banged in the coupon code for each and got the whole thing for 20%! But this only partially helps since their prices are already marked up 85%. Also, the item that you use the coupon for is NOT counted on your divedend, but they can keep their 0.00000000002%!!!
  7. For THAT sort of gift, I'll be your boyfriend!
  8. Luna my dear, you have GOT to be ONE UNIQUE specimen of a woman. I like that! My wife plays up the whole "it doesn't matter" bit, but I know she would have sulked if I didn't whip out the rock on a ring at proposal-time. Most girls play the whole "doesn't matter" thing about as much as us guys are actually scum bags saying "no, I didn't just check her out!". It's all an evil, twisted deal... surprised our species has done so well on this rock.
  9. Deep fried candy bars are the least of our worries.... http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/leisure_ckerestaurants_dc
  10. Don't have my book handy... which one is that? One of the lines coming off of S.Cliff it sounds. A little description would be handy. Oh yeah, "go up, don't fall".
  11. I've seen a few indoor gym's web sites showing off their "ice" wall, so I've seen this more local before. My wife is a sales rep for a foam manufacturer. Some place in Bend, OR has called and asked her for some super-dense foam for their indoor ice wall. Not sure the name of the place though. I thought this was an awesome idea for a home ice wall but found out that the foam in question is super expensive!
  12. Saw this on another cc.com post. Don't want to nark someone out, but what do others think? Is this a normal, acceptable practice? I myself haven't seen it before and don't know if I should be scared or inspired. Just wondering....
  13. I have a thought on your last question: this just sounds bad to me. One of the reasons why a screamer works is because it SLOWS down the falling load (you!) by ripping the stictches. What you've described would actually shock your placement since the cording is basically static and you wouldn't get that slowing effect from the drag of the cord through the holes (or at least not much). I also don't think it's wise for the cord to rub in the holes. I know it's a short distance, but why put the sheath through the abuse?
  14. I wasn't aware that John Travolta was a climber!
  15. Absolutely. At first my hands got really hosed, too. I eventually figured out that just pinching the chalk ball applied chalk to pretty much just the last couple of digits on the fingers and this supplies all the hold I need. Besides, the chalk does nothing but dry up moisture anyway... it doesn't enable you to climb stuff that you normally wouldn't be able to so there is no need to cover the whole finger, palms, wrist, forearms, and just a dab behind the ears for good luck!
  16. Kevin_Matlock

    Name My Dog

    "Here Vomit Launch... fetch my slippers Vomit Launch... bad Vomit Launch...." . I think you've found a winner! Packer? Packy? (Something to do with packs) Trekker? Igloo? Freshize? Glacier? Boots? Parka? Shit Head (ala "The Jerk")? Nah... I still like Vomit Launch.
  17. Yes, clearly. It sounded like the thing to ask for at the counter.... Ok, so I live, I learn. What would you suggest? 175 sound like a good starting point?
  18. One of the guys at my gym mentioned that many people chalk as a "nervous habbit". Realistically many people could probably climb in a gym setting without even touching chalk except for greasy holds or slopers.
  19. Doing my civic duty and reporting back. This reply is pretty much aimed at Obsydian's original question about bindings and anyone else who might be interested in trying this type of setup. First the gear: The skis (rentals ) were K2 Shuksans 195s with Silvretta 404 bindings. My boots are Koflachs (generic gray model... 'cheap-Os'). Bindings - The boots had a reasonable connection to the skis using the 404s, however they don't seem to have the same positive "click" that you get with a downhill setup. I found I had to crank up the din for my lardass because I found it easy to pop out on crashes (there were many ). Your toes are locked in with a toe bail so in really nasty crash it might not be pretty. Climbing - With skins, these skis f'n rocked! Very impressed with their traction and the ability to have the heels unlock. Using the climbing bars I sailed right up Palmer on Hood. I've done my fair share of snowshoeing and have to say that I would be willing to exchange them for this setup in many situtions (short of maybe steeper icy sections). There is good reason why many people use AT/randonee shit for skimountaineering. I have seen the light! Ski descent - Ok, now THIS was just plain stupid. Saying this "sucked" would be too nice. My skiing skills are very rusty and I should have gone with a shorter ski(should have tried 175s for this first time just to get the feel of 'em), but, that aside, the lack of feel I found with the climbing boots and the binding's tendency to release fairly easily made the whole descent a big joke. I really never appreciated how much more a good ski boot hugs your entire foot to allow you to steer the ski; a lace-up mountaineering boot simply can't provide this. Much too soft with it's pivotting ankle hinge. My advice - make sure your skills are at least "somewhat current" and try the setup with rando boots. Or as others have pointed out don't have your hopes up like I did. My .02 .
  20. Yep. That's why I have my grinder going as slow as it can. Pretty much reminds me of the movies where a blacksmith is sharpening a sword on one of those large foot powered sharpening wheels. Yeah, my wheel is going faster, but it takes a while and some patience to get my tools "sharp". Yeah, I had half suspected this. Thanks for confirming this (and for the science lesson).
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