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Everything posted by gyselinck

  1. I hate climbing with a helmet on, it just gets in my way. (Espically when I'm climbing very near my limit.) I used it for belays. The chimney is just to the right of the corner (about an inch in the pic), shown in the picture on the previous page. Its that really long left facing shadow in the picture with the s bend higher up.
  2. Post deleted by gyselinck
  3. I tried Pumpline last year and it scared the crap out of me. I got half way up, then ended up A0ing to the top.
  4. W. ridge sucks as much donkey balls.
  5. I asked a friend whos really good with photography if he could fix that picture up and he agreed. The only thing is he sent the damn thing back with a freaking Lizard in the background.
  6. you guys are nuts. Whats that trying to eat me, does it have a name?
  7. I once climbed the Cascadian Couloir in 17 hours (car - car).
  8. Awsome. It's been a while since I've been wet and cold, I'm now looking foward to it!
  9. Whats the snow situation around 8,000 feet? Any other random input is welcomed.
  10. Cool kids might visit Silver City, but only a looser would move there.
  11. Lyger's going to come back and be a better climber then us all... OH WAIT, she already is!!
  12. Everyone should go here once. I've only done 3 routes. I just remember being two bolts up, way runout, thinking whats the point of bolts, I'm going to hit the ground anyways. When I expressed the concern of falling to my partner, he said, just turnaround and slide backwards on your feet. (I was wearing shorts.) Then he mentioned how the bolts were just pounded into the rock, not drilled. Though it was only a 5.9, I was scared!!!! Oh, and I thought the little pebbles I was stepping on in the rock would pop out any second. The route was called Nutty Buddy.
  13. i like it when leather boots get wet and freeze, makes my day happy from the begining
  14. Nonsense, I went to REI the other day and saw a display with Sir Edmund Hillary's summit boots (Everest). They were no where near as high tex as the Nepal Exteremes.
  15. Just read this now, very funny Blake, good writting. Maybe I'm to late, but just wanted to clarify some false claims. The "CWU Crew" had already awakened, cleaned up the fire pit area of trash, and climbed Yellow Jacket Tower by this time. (Including suckbm, who drank more then anyone, vomiting on everyone and everything that stood in his path the night before.) Lazy butts!
  16. gyselinck


    I was rethinking this. When I was rapeling down the S. Face, the rope got stuck on the crux 2nd pitch. I then had to climb all the way back up to free it. I think I placed the cam on this pitch, but forgot to clip it. Thus I didn't stop to get it on the rap. So I think its there. If anyone goes up there, I would love to get it back. This is probably the last week before the snows. I can't afford to replace it.
  17. Blake, I know you were there, but I don't remember seeing you at night eaither. Thanks for getting us to the crag, good to see you again.
  18. We were there! WHere were you?
  19. gyselinck


    I think I lost a number 3 cammalot around the mole area, probably left it on the summit or on Edwards Plateau right by the mole. I dont expect to get it back, but just thought I would throw it out there.
  20. yeah, was something like that
  21. Post deleted by gyselinck
  22. Flagpole looks phun!
  23. bwrts, to answer your question, Tony Bentley's picture of the n. face wouldn't show anything if I drew a line up it. I would need a more head on view. We stayed on the far right of his picture going up. Anyways, I think ive logged on to cc.com about 20 times in the last 5 minutes, im making an effort not to come on for another hour. Damn Im a bored looser. I dont want to be like Dru!
  24. (If i had had a drink in my mouth, i probably would have just spit it up all over my computer screen. BTW, Lyger really did.)
  25. No, We need to start a "get craig a camera" fund. Climbing everything, I dont think thats possible.
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