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Everything posted by gyselinck

  1. If you really want to know the name, try looking HERE . What did you do, look for the chossiest piece of crap route on the entire sunshine wall? Just kidding. Next time pick me up on your way.
  2. Depends on what way you go, but probably not dangerous, just one huge ass slog. We did the S. Face of Prusik last March and broke trail from well below Nada Lake. I guess it depends on what your goals are, but it really sucked getting there. Point is, now its probably even worse of a slog. Once there the slopes on the North and East side could be pretty bad.
  3. Its raining, as usual, here in Ellensburg today. Cannot see Stuie, but I'm sure its snowing a shit load up there. I hate this stuff, what the hell is there to do? Maybe a little Vantage cragging or something.
  4. leave a rack, heck no, because i know what happens when people leave racks.... Who said I was talking about Stuie anyways, you bonehead.
  5. I would like to possibly hall a bunch of shit in, check stuff out, and maybe do a mellow route if things look good this weekend. Or something.
  6. Any updates out there on snow conditions?
  7. Vantage will still be "in", definately. There is always dry rock too, but why climb rock when theres ice to be had. The wetness will help get more shit in.
  8. Someone should go bust a snowshoe track into stuart and report back on conditions. I did it last year, now its someone else's turn...
  9. I know a bunch of rock climbers out of Ellensburg, but only know three people with a set of tools. Sometimes its hard to find someone and I end up bitching until one of my three partners gives in. Looking to meet up with some more Ellensburg people who are interested in climbing ice. Anybody out there.
  10. How did Fugs go? We did it a week ago and it was pretty much way out of condition. It looked a bit fatter today through binoculars.
  11. Thanks for the pics Kurt! That was the one climb I really wanted to do in that area. We went down and saw you guys going up Fugs it looked like afterwords. We had to hit the road because my partner had to go to work. Good times. I think I placed 3 screws on the whole climb. Pounded in 1 baby angle. Used a .75 cammalot up high. Martin, in terms of the R ratting assigned by Kurt, if you look in the picture he took of us, im kind of hard to see, Im wearing the black jacket at the belay. I got a cammalot in at about head level, from where I'm standing, then had to run it out to the top with no pro. Ice was rather thin with a large volume of water running underneath at the top out. A little bit sketchy.
  12. Saturday did Hubba Hubba (which is fat) and Hubba Hubba right (which is thin and scarry). Thanks wazzumountaineer for the heads up on these climbs. Met a few cc.comers there as well. Today (sunday) went back to Umptaneum, the main falls is actually coming in. Lots of little crags are formed up nicly to around there. Keep posting updates here guys. I think the more people post, the more we will all get to climb without wasting time. For example, the only reason we new Sad Se'bu was in was because of Layton's post. I suspect as the weekend draws to an end, more updates will be made. No point to be all secretive and shit. As for Strobach approach, it took like an hour and a half I think. My partners had snow shoes, I didn't and was cursing the whole way. There should be a nice beat down trail though. Anybody head out to Vantage this weekend? I was curious of Frenchman is still getting fat. Three days ago it was really forming up good.
  13. Were going to L-worth tomorrow! Hey, pm me your phone number, I'll call you.
  14. Maybe I got my geographic locations messed up, but I think these are Central Washington. Went to Strobach Mountain on Thrusday, Sad Ce'bu and Sudden Change were in. We climbed Sad Ce'bu and didn't have time for the other one. Conditions are a little thin. Today (Friday) we went to Vantage and climbed Fugs Falls, its still out of condtion, but we were able to get up it. On a side note, Frenchman Falls looks like it actually might come in this year. There is no ice on running gear death wall. Also, Uptaneum drip is in and has been for some time. Edit: Some pictures from Strobach below. Sudden Change: Sad Se'bu
  15. So whats the deal in Banks?
  16. Just for refference: Snoqualmie Pass Point Forcast
  17. My friend checked it out yesterday. Not in yet.
  18. Thats be elitist talk. SPeaking of which, has anyone seen Fugs Falls this year in Vantage? I've been going there a bit and there appears to be no water coming down the wall. I was wondering if the pond above dried up due to the low water year? That sucks. In which case, im claiming the last ascent! Also, I hear Umptaneum drip is almost in for E-bugers.
  19. Ellensburg has to many "cool kids" living in it. Theres just something wierd about Leavenworth, it all seems German or something. Wenatchee would be the place to be.
  20. Oh man, look at the WEATHER NOLSe, it just keeps getting better and better. Im gona cry.
  21. My North Cascades disk got to scratched up and my computer won't read it. That really sucks. Anyone want to burn me a copy of the number 3 cd? Edit: Got it taken care of!
  22. Sorry about pulling out man. Now what you got up your sleeve? If your really desperate I might be able to hook you up with someone with a little experience out of Eburg. Up to you.
  23. Point Forcast - Stuart Range Weather don't get no better then this.
  24. I called the ranger station, but they didn't know shit. She said she would find out then call me back. The lady then called me back and left a message saying it was closed. I'm taking there word on it, but consider the source. She didn't even know what mountaineers creek was. Weather looks perfect all week.
  25. Sinsemilla is one of my friends favorite route. Pretty cool. Theres an ultra mega good chance of me going to Tieton this weekend. (eaither there or vantage) If we do, I'll find you. Thanks for the heads up Martin. One of these days when your passing though Ellensburg, we'll have to hook up. Martin, last time i saw you I think I was freaking out about climbing Sex Party about this time last year. I can't believe how far I have come since then. Looking back it makes me laugh. Its starting to get cold in this neck of the woods and I got some spankin' new boots to try out.
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