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Everything posted by gyselinck

  1. LUCKY, I'm unemployed and its raining outside. What the hell else do you expect us to be doing?
  2. Alpinfox, are the Nepal's very waterproof and breathable. My last boots got soaked in wet conditions.
  3. What are some good boots for winter climbing? Have been checking out the reviews on summitpost.org for lots of boots which has been pretty helpful. I was looking at the La Sportiva Trango Extreme but a lot of reviewers said they aren't very waterproof or warm, which is what I hope to get from a boot. (My last pair of boots were La Sportiva and fit well.) I was also looking at those Nepal Extreme's. Anybody have any suggestions as to what you like. I just want good fit, fairly waterproof, and warm. No plastics.
  4. Forceing no camping would not be costly, just start throwing down the tickets. But, as far as no camping...That won't happen any time soon, probably never. I just think that it should be done and still do, no matter what any of you say. Gating the area, no, they can't do that and it will never happen, ever. The county never closes the coulee to all visitors doing concerts, and there is no such gate at the head of the Coulee. My parents have a vacation house less then 5 miles from there. I have spent lots of time there during summers and all my life have only seen it closed twice due to fires. WHen I was little we would go there every single weekend. Lucky, you are saying the trash over the bank is not what?? Trash is trash, and it is F&W property if thats what your saying it isnt. As for gettig involved and being at the up coming clean up. We'll see, if I have time and can get a ride I would like to be there. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Sombody sell me some boots. Looking for the La Sportiva Trango Extereme S or the Nepal Extereme model in good condition. Size 47.
  6. I'm not a fan of permits, regulations, and fees when it comes to the outdoors, but I feel strongly about Frenchman Coulee. The Coulee has been viewed as a dump since Highway 10 was first put in. (Take a look over the roadside if you wanna see some real trash!) The only way to solve the problems is to enforce restrictions. Maybe enact a permit system similar to the enchantments, or just close it down completely?, which would be easiest. Nah, I would rather they just do the smart, simple, reasonable thing and eliminate camping; which would instantly fix 99% of The Coulee's problems. Campers are the ones doing the most damage; and its not just concert goers who abuse the land, climbers are doing it to. It’s important to find a balance. On one extreme we could open up the land to everyone and have it be a lawless place. Imagine climbing on Sunshine Wall with dirt bikes roaring below. On the other extreme you could completely close it down to everyone and we would all loose a special place. I see eliminating camping as the balance. It would be a small sacrifice with huge effects in the right direction.
  7. I'v picked up and hauled out giant garbadge bags of trash there as well. It's good to be a citizen and clean the area up, but it dosen't seem to solve any problems. Maybe if we all left the trash (left by concert goers) as is the place would get really dirty and skanky and the Fish and Wildlife guys will realize theres a problem.
  8. I think that they should ban camping in the coulee.
  9. Selling gear that I don't ever use to save up for a new pair boots. I have used the poles once on a three day trip in the North Cascades. They are very nice poles (if you need poles), I am young and don't need them yet. They sell for $90.00 brand new. I want to sell them for 50.00. I don't want to ship them, so I am asking that anyone interested live in the Seattle area (I live in Redmond) so we could arrange a meeting spot. This way you could check them out before buying too.
  10. No man, theres no difference. You work 40 hour weeks and dont get paid. I sit around on my ass all day and don't get paid. Therefore; were both unemployed.
  11. I have been meaning to do those variations. You could easily do all of them in a day. They call that a grade III? It took us 4 hours round trip, not over exerting ourselves. Hour to hike to the base of the climb, 2 hours on the rock, an hour to descend. I thought a grade III is suppose to take half a day of climbing, not two hours (3 pitches). Good exersice though and nice approach. Good leading Matt.
  12. I was just kidding, had a ton of fun there. Just had some stuff to do back home.
  13. all you guys are freaks
  14. indeed, i do. I learned it sucks living with two girls, thank god i never had a sister.
  15. Anyone know of this guy. I did a climb a week ago and found a summit register with only one entry, signed by him in 1976. My partner (cook) did some reaserach and found someone who thinks they've heard of him. They said he was a soloist, who did most of his routes solo. They also said he ended up dying while soloing a route on Mount Adams. Anyone know anything of this. I am just interested in the history, thats all.
  16. Anyone want to trade numbers 5, 7, 8 Metolius Power Cams for a Black Diamond Cammalot size (old school cams) 1 and eaither another bd cam of any size (prefer a .1 or 4.5) or a bunch of pins. My metolius cams are used, but in perfect condition. Never have been fallen on, camming action is still as good as new. I just never liked Met. cams much and havent used them since I started using BD's. I am looking for the older ones, not the new bd cams. If you wanna trade pm me, I perfer you live in the Seattle area so we could meet somewhere like Exit 38, Marymoore Park or whatever to trade. I don't want to have to ship them. Plus its nice to see the gear before the swap. Let me know.
  17. I need a reliable partner who wont bail on me at the last second. Its kind of a far out date, but if anyone wants to give it a go send me a pm or email and we'll make plans. I have a trip planned until possibly the 8th of sept, but could do it sometime between the 10th and 20th, except for the 14th. I could meet you somewhere before the climb, but you would have to drive the gravel road section because I don't have a 4-wheel drive car. I would like to camp up there and do both routs described in Beckey, but whatever. Its a climb I really wanna do.
  18. yeah, they asked where we were headed and I specifically pointed to the tower. (they thought toppling tower was chimney rock ) They said they were going to watch us climb it. They were just a bunch of old idiots. I pretty much left my stuff right below the tower too. And we were up there the hole time knocking big rocks off, yelling on belay, off belay, and crap like that making lots of sound. So it was pretty obvious that we were still up there. But they just thought that my stuff fell out of my pack. It was kind of funny, they took all things like headlamp, car keys, sunscreen, etc, but left the pile of candy rapers and empty water bottles, plus my food which was in a tree.
  19. Climb: Toppling Tower-North Face Date of Climb: 8/20/2005 Trip Report: I had planned on climbing the East Buttress of Big Snow, but sketchy partners bailed. At last minute I phoned Cook. Toppling Tower came to mind…We ended up working a line up the north face. Made plans to meet at Snoqualmie Pass at 6:00am, both not realizing that meant waking up at 4:30 until the following morning. Crap! We reached the katwalk, and then the lakes, then bumblebee pass all in good time. I told cook not to worry about filling up water, fore we could fill up at Edds Lake. Nobody ever goes there and I didn’t mind drinking straight from the lake. As soon as we rounded Bumblebee Pass I was astonished to see 4 hikers decked out in fishing gear heading toward Edd's. As we approached them one man yelled out. “Are you guys going to be quite at the lakes?” I found this odd and asked why; where he went on to explain that the fish were native. (Like that would matter!) I quickly challenged this remark and asked him where he thought they came. “Nature,” he said. Huh, I guess fish have wings. The only known route ascends the S. face, and then traverses onto the W. Ridge. Being lazy and not wanting to walk through brush, we instead went to the N. Face. The whole climb was like a delicate dance. At one point we even had to climb a tree. Loose rock, dirt, moss, and vegetables describe the character of this route. Grade II, 5.7. On the summit we found a register which had one entry dated nearly 30 years earlier; October 17, 1976. We descended the “standard” route up, rappelling down the s. face. 4 scary raps with a single 60m rope did the trick. We then returned to our (my) gear stash at the outlet of the lake to find nothing remaining but candy rappers. WTF…Here we were a mile from the furthest trail at a lake rarely visited and my car keys, drivers license, headlamp, sunscreen, and phone were all missing. It turned out those dumb shit fisherman thought that we accidentally left our gear and taken it. They took all the goods, but left my food (hanging in a tree) and trash rappers. I was extremely pissed, tracked them down on the trail only to learn they had handed all my stuff to a ranger. I then had to run around Ridge Lake and find the ranger, who gave me my stuff and basically said it was my fault for leaving it in the open. Who would have thought… Some pics. Cook may have some better ones. Toppling Tower from Edds Lake: Cook bravely leading the scarry first pitch, shows route characteristics: Summit register: Gear Notes: good selection of different size pieces Approach Notes: lot of miles, little climb
  20. So youve done the dihedral? Are you talking about the Doorish route. I was thinking about bringing aiders because it says 40 feet of A1, but if that goes free at 10 something I could save a bunch of weight.
  21. Whoa!!! Thanks ChucK, that looks frigen' sweet. I am going there for sure now. Did you like the climbing. Did you do the Doorish route or the other one, just currious? Looks so cool.
  22. I am in search of quality alpine routes in the Snoqualmie Pass area. Has anyone climbed Big Snow Mountain? I know nothing of the Middle Fork Road. From looking at a USGS map from 1989 it shows roads going almost to the base of the mountain. Can you still drive way back in there? What condition are the roads like? It looks like about 15 miles of gravel road from what I can see. I would like to approach it via Hardscrabble Creek. Interested in checking out the routes on the East Buttress.
  23. Indeed im such a good cook.
  24. Thanks cook, I owe you one.
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