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Everything posted by luwayo

  1. A party of 14 scrambled to summit the North Twin Sister yesterday. They observed 12 known counterparts going for the summit of the South Twin Sister. Both trips were successful. Thumbs up for safe mob management. A third independant group of 4, starting earlier was descending STS, heading for what was reported as a "bergshrund". Early reports say that the climber fell into the "slot" and sustained a broken arm. Chopper rescue followed. The hole sounds like a real gaper, reported as "4 climbers deep". The injured party is believed to be from Victoria. Wishing the injured a speedy recovery!
  2. luwayo

    Identity Theft

    Has it happened to you yet? Yesterday, discovered that the cell phone has been incurring several thousand dollars worth of overdue payments, billed to an address unknown to me. RCMP & credit bureau notified. Phone company conducting investigation of course, and results pending until then. Always careful to destroy sensitive mail; discretion used on applications; no i-net shopping. Sux!
  3. do you fellows ever wash your bandschlingens? i finished 2.5hrs of taping gear on the weekend, and was wondering about the rather grey coloured floss. on another note but related to floss, i'm irked by how some of my pieces regularly catch, namely the nano crabs and also the cam pin on my aliens.
  4. only had 2 shots - stuck them in the gallery. am working too late, ciao.
  5. well done again, Patrick! were you in the red or green jacket? we were snoozing at the summit windbreak hotel when you returned to your gear. so where's your TR?
  6. hi jsea, is this item yellow? i can't find it in my pack. but then i haven't properly put stuff away yet. a congo line of everest proportions on the summit that day....just a little under 50 perhaps. sheesh.
  7. aren't you both so witty. leave summiting that one to les poufs.
  8. Deskdriver's compendium of scored booty must be pretty impressive by now. but i thought he was coming off nanga parbat with that particular windfall.
  9. found! sort of. stopped in at climb-on. george often has them, 'cept for last friday. (fiddled with some transformer-like OP Link cams instead. not for sale.) mec doesn't carry the belay seats anymore....referred me to carleson's. carleson's could only offer a beefed up model for SAR. they've got an interesting on-line catalogue.
  10. prefer fabric. will consider hardseat if dirt cheap. were you skiving off somewhere today?
  11. i shan't admit to any closet tendancies, in regard to any of the aforementioned. it all points to archie!
  12. who has seen one in my general neighbourhood? that'd be 2hrs either way of the Peace Arch/Truck crossing. please pm or post if you have one to get rid of.
  13. there, there. you have caused matriarchal, patron saint and dominatrix archetpes to converge on your thread today. now aren't you the special one sweet pea.
  14. i heard mention that Seattle enrollment for 05/06 was down, significantly. ***why?***
  15. luwayo

    Sun Pro

    i used zinc oxide once, in 2001. i think i'm still wearing some of it. for mt. badweather, 1mo of zinc oxide is going to require some good skin care & hi end product treatment! (no doubt this turn on the most delicate of mtnr'g issues threatens to alienate the burliest of you lot!)
  16. 2/3rds up you might find a section of loose shale. but this was a big snow year, so coverage will proly be good.
  17. luwayo

    Sun Pro

    dru, i'll need to borrow your parasol for next week please. my embroiderie englais has gotten tatty from the last bushwhack. i actually haven't been using sunscreen over my hands; just wearing gloves in summer. however, the loose & course weave doesn't inspire total confidence. i don't really know what to make of the conflicting reports on the efficacy of sunscreen, but i continue to use it for at least 6 mos of the year. it's kind of a compromise between the direct sun damage, and whatever compound it is that's supposed to protect us but where contraversial reports say it may be doing the opposite. the aloe arguement is interesting. acknolwedged on the vit.e & minerals doc. layton, and mondo carot consumption, etc. i will check out patagonia. and i will brace myself for some mail order shopping. please pipe up if you think of anything more, especially on the brand names of gloves that have worked for you.
  18. luwayo

    Sun Pro

    dear gentle readers, this is something that weighs in the back of my mind. my frequency in the alpine is 1-3x per week; 52 weeks a year. i'm exposed to a lot of sun & snow. on clear days, i try to cover up head to toe. but i worry about the back of my HANDS. glovewear in the warmer months is uncomfortable. it looks goofy too. but i submit to it. what brings this concern to the forefront every now and again, are the melanoma scares at work. as well, my boss routinely tells me about his bumps & lumps that have to be burned off. i want to stave off this insidiousness. do you take precautions in this regard? if so, what?
  19. sounds like you know what you want from this pack, paul. otherwise, i'd try to talk you out of it. i own the blue one (less expensive version of the white spectra pack), which i found to be a piece of poo, in many respects.
  20. therein lies some irony. tougher to find peeps mid-wk (especially so during the poor weather seasons). more pickings on the weekend! shortly after i quit whining & globally advertising, i got reacquainted with the homegrown locals. what's that expression about the closest deals to home... Anyway, one beauty of this activity is what you can make of it. You can choose to be more remote, regardless of the weekend mob! these ramblings proly don't help you at all. but i hear you on the dillema. personally, i'd rather have more time than money.
  21. a bit too much rain at Chek yesterday (we can't lead overhangs) but we posed around for a bit, until the burly crew showed up. whistler was getting less rain, but Big Wuss had the most remarkable, viscous, almost bubbling wall of snot, ~3-4ft high & wide! all this, in a charming setting of early season devils club. despite the rain, the mosquitoes feasted on fresh meat. george gave us cool beta on Clint Eastwood. who has climbed there, and how much did it scratch up your purdy suv?
  22. i get the hint! keep east till i'm outta WA
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