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Everything posted by knelson

  1. knelson

    Dirtbag no more

    Not that I like beating dead horses, but... I did a little more snooping and found that Hasbro DOES have numerous trademarks registered for the word "Monopoly." One of those registrations is for board games. There are others, ranging from computer games to a line of clothing. These appear to be new registrations - can't tell if they're just updates of old ones or if Hasbro's legal team just did a full frontal assault on the Trademark Office. If the story you're remembering was 15 years ago, there probably was truth to it then. But there has been a lot of "enlightened thinking" going on with the folks at the Copyright/Patent/Trademark offices since then. -kurt
  2. Ya think he got those shoes at REI? -kurt
  3. Depends on the type of cell phones. I'm thinkin' most the folks responding so far have pure digital phones? I've got an old NEC analog phone that kicks ass in the mountains - as long as you're on a ridge somewhere and have line of sight for a while. I've made calls from Schurman, as well as from the bivy sight on Ptarmigan. Not great signal strength, but good enough. Your mileage may vary. -kurt
  4. knelson

    Dirtbag no more

    Can to. Can not. Can to. Can not. Can to. Can not... Can to. Look - I'm not a lawyer, nor do I even remotely ever want to play one on TV. But I have a little business venture on the side where I had to learn all about the ugliness of the Patent and Copyright Office, and what you can and can't do. Yes... you CAN trademark a word. Any word. And you can keep people from using that word when it can cause confusion between products. And who determines if it causes confusion?... Some boneheaded federal circuit judge that doesn't know one dirtbag from another. Get this - you don't even have to trademark a word to keep people from legally using it once you use it for commercial reasons! The only reason people trademark it is to allow any infringements to be heard in federal courts and not at the state level. But that's a different thread... If the guy was going after Mike personally (which he did already, but Mike wisely ignored... I assume) then yes... Mike would have every right to fight the guy in court - and probably lose - rightly or wrongly. But he didn't... he went after CafeShops. And unless Mike is willing to foot CafeShop's legal bill for fighting the guy, then CafeShop isn't even going to blink an eye about shutting Mikey down. I'm pretty sure in their user agreement, they is some boilerplate verbage included that says trademark infringement will result in account termination. Regarding the MILF infringement... specifically "Got MILF", I'd press CafeShops about that one if you like the fight, Mike. From a quickie search, it appears most of the trademarks on "MILF" have gone dead. The trademarks were applied for, but due to lack of correspondence from the applicants, the Trademark Office didn't register them. The only three MILF terms trademarked that I see are "MILF SEEKER", "MILF GOLF", and "MILF MANIA." I agree Bill - this stuff is just plain stupid. I used to think you had to invent words to trademark them... kinda like "Kleenex" and the sort. But not so. -kurt
  5. knelson

    Dirtbag no more

    Nope. He'd be stuck with a hundred cases of t-shirts that he'd be whining to all of us to buy. THE Mr. Dirtbag would've pulled the same legal BS with eBay. Oh... and OffWhite - I've trademarked the term "Cease and Desist®" so please do not use that term. I'm nice, so I'll give you a break, but next time my lawyer Guido will be contacting you. Edited: Oops - the OffWhite reference was to a different thread I guess. Oh well... you've been notified either way! -kurt
  6. knelson

    Dirtbag no more

    Unfortunately, they can - courtesy of the ignoramuses (ignorami?) at the Trademark/Copyright offices these days. I *believe* that Layton's friends probably "trademarked" the term. Don't think they would've been awarded a copyright because of "prior use/art" but I'm sure the lawyers out there will correct me if I'm wrong. Either way - Mike's up a creek because his shop/webstore provider doesn't want the legal hassle. I'm guessing he could continue to sell the offending clothing, but then he'd probably risk getting his whole store yanked. It cracks me up though when business owners such as Mr. Canning spend so much time "protecting" their "intellectual property" instead of using that time to do something positive like finding more markets, developing new product, blah blah blah. Granted - if some big distributor grabbed the name, then by all means, go for it - you're toast if they're allowed to continue. But Layton? Yup... Mr. Canning must really be livin' it up good now that Mike's out of the picture! -kurt
  7. Guess I'm in hell since links work just fine when I'm not signed in - just like a nonmember. -kurt
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=50271&item=5979498402&rd=1 Wow... no bids yet. Go figure.
  9. Try PMing "king5news". She might be able to help. (Local NBC TV station.) -kurt
  10. Same side, different day, different angle... I was going to post this for those wondering what the north side access routes looked like and figured I'd just tag it onto your shots. Family outing to Summit Lake on Friday May 27th... If you want the high-res image, you can find it here... http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/show...=500&page=1 Did you have (or WISH you had) snowshoes? I'm guessing you were postholing pretty bad without them. -kurt
  11. I think you nailed it Oly. The KOMO news report says they found warm clothing in their packs - sounds to me that they HAD the appropriate gear, but they just didn't put it on. Late stages of hypothermia does make one feel hot, so it makes sense if they were moving, they probably just chalked it up to working up a sweat. Condolences to the family.
  12. knelson

    Ascensionist dot com

    http://pharyngula.org/index/pirate/comments/artificial_testicles/ As noted on the website, brass ones are not available yet. Kinda breathes new wind into saying "Boy... that guy has SOME balls!" -kurt
  13. Jesus wouldn't even have taken the time to retreive the cam since he would've been free soloing the route anyway, and would have had nothing to clip it on to - even if he felt he had a need for it. Me? Like Minx said, it's all part of the everchanging booty pool, and it's mine. If I hear about someone looking for it, I'll return it - no matter who. I also would know that since I scored a free cam, it's probably about time one of "mine" gets stuck! -kurt
  14. knelson

    Dear Moderators:

    Well... welcome to the world of running a forum board on the www!
  15. Hmm... do I think it's OK to reexamine one's positions? Read this sentence again: Now what part of that says that I think you have to have one opinion and stick with it 'till death? I have no problem with people changing their minds... if they are truly changing their mind and not just doing it because it "sounds" better. Sorry if I misunderstood your statement, but it sounded like you were changing your mind just because of what others may think, or because it made for a better argument... not because you truly believed in it. Politicians... well, that's a different story. When they change their mind/vote every other week, based upon the latest poll... that's not being conflicted. That's just dumb. -kurt
  16. Yes... in your analogy, I would be known as a buttfucking, cum-guzzling, cocksucker that condemned an entire community. But I am the one that has to live with my decision, one way or another. What others think of me really has no place in the decision making process - and shouldn't for most folks, although I know that's not true. Good analogy though, however you missed one: I'd also be an ass-kisser along with the other things. You missed the frenching the anus thing - in polite terms, that would make me an ass-kisser. -kurt
  17. Wow... glad to see you have convictions that you stick to! While it is totally reasonable to change ones mind on issues as years go by - it strikes me as quite odd that you'd change your reasoning based on the fact that it gives you the appearance of being inconsistent. Doesn't really sound like your underlying beliefs are going to change - even though what you claim to believe does. And you claim DFA lives in some fantasy world? Personally, while I don't like to see abortions happen - I believe they shouldn't be outlawed. I also believe that capital punishment is wrong. Is that inconsistent? To some... yes. To me - not at all. Am I going to change my views because of what someone else thinks of my viewpoint? Nope. Yes... it probably is quite unrealistic to believe that torture will disappear since it's been around as long as humans. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to do something about it. We do futile things all the time - every day. -kurt
  18. She can't be that hung over if she's making otter jokes. You otter know better than that.
  19. knelson

    Dear Moderators:

    Doesn't seem to me that fido's crew has much of a legal leg to stand on when they start the posts themselves. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/460360/an/0/page/0/gonew/1#UNREAD
  20. I can just *feel* the compassion exuding from your pores.
  21. And that is why I study a disease that is ravaging all of Africa and other third world countries. NICE TRY DICKHEAD!
  22. Don't think anyone in this thread has claimed that those folks are what one would consider "civilized." But the comment about killing elected officials of which you aren't even a citizen of made me reread your statement making sure you weren't talking about the US!
  23. Y'know... that brings up a new idea in voting. How about we all get 5 votes, and we can split them up however we want them between the candidates? In reality... that would probably better reflect the true feelings of the people. Makes too much sense though - kinda like the new WA primary format we voted into place which the GOP is now trying to get thrown out. -kurt
  24. Knowingly?... no. Taking the time to figure out if they have a taxi driver or a car bomber before torturing?... -kurt
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