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Everything posted by jmace

  1. jmace


    WEll at least we have tied the US with medals, a total of 18 our best Winter Olympic medal count Ever
  2. Rest of the planet implies I live in one single spot, hmm where could that be well lets see a place that doesnt use the metric system would be a start and speaks english and uses this site, yup your right I must of jumped to conclusions. I know its in good fun and I know all about this site. But sometimes you just gotta be a little chill, after all your supposed to be North of the 49 bro, maybe a few more nugs in your lunch will help you out till you find somewhere to dock your dick
  3. And I asked why..thats all Thats where you getting laid is gonna help out your interpetation of people asking a fair and non confrontational question. You posted something that you said was cool and I asked why simple as that. I looked at the site couldnt find any real useful info and thought maybe you had something to add..a link whatever.. Thanks for answering though, after what half a dozen posts you say Considering this is an Atmospheric Science forum I can see why you posted it.
  4. Cell companies make more mony when you use analog on your phone than digital. They will always make that option availble to you and may even limit towers to keep a healthy dose of analog users.
  5. jmace


    Oh ya, props to them, Gold Bitches up here
  6. Oly, thats your west coast weather picture how do you like it
  7. Whatever Bro, ya ya my moms available... I have no questions regarding the map I can read it just fine, possibly you have some questions regarding reading the map. My specific question is in the second post which asked quite poitley what you found useful on that site, hoping to spur some educated banter on the tools availble for obtaining the west coast weather picture. I thought that site was limited on useful information for people who have limited knowledge in that area and thought maybe you could tell me what you found so useful as to go out of the way to post it. But alas your return comments were just as useful as the site you posted. Do you find it weird that you immediatley thought I was American? I do
  8. jmace


    FUCK, Canada's out
  9. Avitripp, you must get yourself laid to ease some of that tension. Obviously you really know how to read a weather map since you couldnt correlate that the 500 mb map is the map of of the atmosphere at 5500 m or 18 000 feet. Maybe on your next post you could tell me how 12Z is Lunch time and how in the hell did i get 4am out of it. I suppose at this point asking you to communicate like someone with just an ounce of intelligence and to possibly answer my original and perfectly legit qeustion of what made you beleive that that site was worthy of posting is out. But thanks for the "great" site.
  10. ya I can see how the second link with observations at 5500 m at 4am this morning is really gonna help the average guy/gal get the west coast weather picture. What else on that site is gonna help someone get the west coast weather picture? honest question wasnt meant as as thrash. You obviously thought it was such a great help that you posted it so whats there thats so awesome?
  11. Ecrins Heavy! I wore one for years and no problems recently upgraded forget the type but its so light I dont notice it and didnt realize how heavy and uncomfortable the Ecrin was. Ithink its all about fit, their cheap enough to replace if they wear out ealrier than other modles
  12. What does that site have to offer someone who is looking for the west coast weather picture?
  13. jmace


    1 min left US is down by one.....uh oh Ouch, out in the quarter finals, see what the Canadians can muster up against the Russians next.
  14. Awesome signature Dru
  15. Sounds like one bad ass parachute.
  16. Apparently reading comprehension is low...
  17. This house of sky
  18. Ye haa, Don!!!
  19. Not ice like that, wow, just super thunker neve up the runnel, as dru said in his Bivouac post the only lame thing about that is the constant spin drift flying in your face. Nah J I was just strecthin the legs, packed and in bed before 9pm is my goal, super stoked!
  20. Climb: Mt Harvey-North Face Date of Climb: 2/17/2006 Trip Report: A short TR as I am a tad tired. What do you do when every ones gotta work and the alpine is just screamng your name? Easy, trade sleep for swingin the tools! Picked the Boys up drove up to the Church off Taylor way and waited for Don S to show up at the agreed time of 12am today. Well the boys in blue showed up first rightly confused why 3 grown men were hanging out in church parking lot at midnight..all was well and Don showed shortly after that and we were off. Leaving the Lions Bay parking lot at 1230 am we hiked under clear cold skies to the base and where the wind was howling and the temps were chilly, -11 overnight on Grouse Mt. Not wanting to do anything but keep moving we ran up the ramp and the ridge to the summit in 4.5 hours from the car, I think it was 1 hour 15 mins on the ramp itself. It just kept on howling and was freaking cold so we were not waiting for the sunrise as we had hoped. Quickly down to the Lion basin and the road and easily walked back to the cars for sunrise at 740 am. 7 hours car to car and still had time to go home for a few z's before work, well I did, Don went straight to work. Toby F. Jeff H. my self and Don S. all had a wicked time romping up and down bullet proof snow, this weekend oughta be perfect! See you out there! Gear Notes: Two tools, two crampons Approach Notes: Road
  21. I get that shot and another bunch showing Tornadoes in Calgary, every two weeks. The funny thing its always, hey check these my grandma sent, or my sick mom, or brother in Nasa, always someone who would never try and put one over on me. I beleive most people fall for it and pass it on comletley oblivious.
  22. I have the Black Diamond one as well, and it holds 12 screws, just fine.
  23. jmace

    Valentine's Day

    your missin a few lines from my post there knotzen, unless your refering to the above post..cant help you there
  24. your car cause obviously you wouldnt be hiknig with your board bag but have no money left for a hotel cause you spent it on a boad bag
  25. jmace

    Valentine's Day

    Considering thats how to talk women 101 , maybe the front desk
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