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Everything posted by jmace

  1. I noticed the names in the back of the book, still though.. Thats awsesome about the volunteers, thanks for the effort! Its a 5.5 hour drive for me so it will only be an occasional trip.
  2. First time there this weekend and I totally agree, so confusing and in my opinion not very well done. Also what's up with the censored names..? So weak whats the problem with pubic hair or dildo? However its an amazing area and I had an awesome time and I was also impressed at how clean it was. pretty fun
  3. HAHAHA, worried aobut the rain, haha people here are so jaded so quick to forget all the multiple broken rainfall records and least amount of sunshine records...it was 30+days straight of rain in Jan...last summer's weather was tolerable at best. If your looking for a place to move for climbing then this isnt it..if you want to struggle against the weather gods and forecasters..for small doses of amazing alpine then this it.
  4. jmace

    wabbit season

    holy crap, wher is that bunny from...New Zealand...how big is that guy good god, thats amazing
  5. Usually do, but hey...maybe a falling rock hits you in the hand while handing off the rack...any ways its just something to put in the con category when trying to surmise the best way to carry your rack, I hate the shoulder way, just cause it gets in my way but that metolius thing above looks neat, but you wouldnt be able to hand it off..
  6. and dropping the whole thing in one go ..then you better hope for rap stations
  7. Id be more worried if you looked away, your doing fine..except wheres the pics..jees
  8. Ya Dru I beleive you coulda saved everyone a hassle if you just remebered your I for one will never try another Alpine Select Approach with out one
  9. ya it is, and as Dru pointed out...its quiver
  10. New Whistler Lift
  11. No I roll the windows up
  12. Dustin has it!!!!!!!!1 I think Amsterdam will be the best then its Easy Jet from there, I beleive if you make it to london then its Ryan air, my buddy went from Barcelona to London..think 15 euros..I did Geneva Barcelona for 31$
  13. haha, dude I woulnt get too worried about forecasting ice conditions in August its only March, just see what happens..I think last year melting out was everyones least concerns..didnt it snow most of August all over the high hills last summer, avi concerns and such ?...see what happens and I bet august will be fine if not go somewhere where it is, BC has tons of shit to do in August on ice
  14. if you can lead Manning park has got to be some of the last ice around
  15. there you go thats awesome,
  16. bigger bird=more Money
  17. haha ya try being a meteorologist in the PNW...
  18. yup hotels and movie lots are pretty much asking for it...go for the streets..
  19. Like Kenford did get a gaurd...I do it all the time when I park near gastown/ GM place or when I ride my motorcycle late at night...pretty easy hey junkie want 5 bucks... That being said no matter where you go someones always gonna want to steal your shit from rich punks in kits to junkies in east van or junkies who ride bikes across the bridge to N van...I dont think there is one place that is worse than the other...I dont go to Surrey though. Gary your not going to get broke into on Robson or Denman or any othere main street just drive till you find parking...and contrary to Jordan theres nothing good across the bridge its just where old people go to die
  20. ya all the way to 1500 m
  21. thats amazing I knew I heard a high number
  22. ya whos kidding... that actually translates in university language to: you can get laid all the time cause quebec girls are easy. Squamish ahhh ya may want to just put it away Although Squamish is a ton of fun climbing, the Alpine requires walking all the way from sea level through mad bush which is an aquired taste, usually taking years. You would be better of comin for a vacation from banff
  23. you know your waaaay passed your time when a crocodile jumps out of the water singles you out and pulls you out of the canoe and no onelese gets hurt! Thats the hand of god reachin down and takin you out. I bet if you knew his past life there would be a few close calls where he shoulda died.
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