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Everything posted by kix

  1. kix

    I just sneezed

    only if they are high speed stobe flash that captures all the spray in flight. otherwise, why bother.
  2. yeah! lets bring out the those little leaguer competitive combative parent mentalities!
  3. kix

    climbing ringtone?

  4. go to the whole foods, but lots of good stuff, serve with lots of other good stuff from trader joes. quick, easy, tasty and good for you.
  5. lol. caught him eating the crumbs we were leaving to mark our trail.
  6. not you dummy. your comment was spot on. hopefully chelle was also joking with much sarcasm. otherwise I would suggest homelessness, abusive parents and/or hunger are one of the biggest problems for kids under 12.
  7. shall I not let him climb trees, run through fields and woods, play on the monkey bars, do cartwheels, or take a bath without a helmet? the rocks are 6 feet tall the ground is dirt. thanks for your concern.
  8. kix

    trader joes

    they do sell Pirate Booty there.
  9. this is already going way off course. it'll never work. my kid thinks ropes are aid and alpine is just suffer hiking. oh, no. sorry, I think that. nevermind. carry on.
  10. great boulder for kids. we should get together and publish the pre-teen perfunctory guide to 11worth bouldering. naturally we'll list all the FA's as belonging to our kids.
  11. cool, but listing your 40 year old son in the database might be a bit out of line with the intent here.
  12. great idea, except for the possibility of exposing my pure unspoiled son to rope dabbery.
  13. proud. I respect his no-rope style.
  14. kix

    Full of shit

    I thought this was gonna be about me.
  15. I was just ribbing him on some initial typos with the post. thanks mattp.
  16. still says Thusday. just thought I'd mention it.
  17. thusday may 6th? will any peeps bring their kids?
  18. kix

    Caption Time!

    Bush: the fabric is identical to mine. I cant believe you got this suit at half the price. can you get me a deal? Hu: before or after the impending tariffs are imposed?
  19. kix

    bouldering rulz!

    Is that outfit what all the jtree 'fashionistas' are wearing these days?
  20. I think its best if cops have a shoot first reputation. when people know where they stand they'll tend to stand on the right side of the damn line.
  21. kix

    bouldering rulz!

    How about: "fucking thanks for nothing, you worthless, pathetic, gumby bitch. Now get the fuck out of here before I stick your head in my chalk pot and spank you with my stick brush!" no. then his initial assertion about rude etc would be true. do you wish to validate his mutterings? lets stay sharp people.
  22. kix

    bouldering rulz!

    thank you. didn;t know how to say it in a rude unfriendly way.
  23. NB pub club for me was slamming a sixer while bouldering until dark in the black forest near Mt. SI.
  24. kix

    bouldering rulz!

    no problem. now wheres that roof blue boy? (I did not know that was you. I admire your fashion courage. now step away from the pad.)
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