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Posts posted by corvallisclimb

  1. Interesting. I would tend to thing the ranger might know, but I have never seen a bald eagle at smith. I saw several golden eagles this weekend. It is actually not unheard of for a bald eagle to nest on cliffs, but usually they will prefer to use trees if they are available.


    Ya I don't know I'm no bird expert, but I specifically remember him saying it was a pair of bald eagles.

  2. I have been chatting with Mr. Orton about organizing a clean up day, anyone interested?(Send me a PM) Also I belive I found an alternate route in, I will post for those that are interested.


    Ian- I will call the FS about it, but like I said before these days they have absolutly no money to maintain low use roads. When the FS was cutting down trees it seems they had a bit more money for maintnence but now they seem to be lacking.

  3. im wondering if any one has any experinceing organizing road clean ups or something to that effect. it could be a long while till the FS ever clears up this road. im wonering if it would be at all possible to get a group of climbers together to try and figure something out.

  4. Seriously who the hell should care, i imagine it was prbably some "cool" climber dudes from UofO that heard nailing is bad, when they dont know the differnce beetween a RURP or a bong, and have never swung a hammer... the columns is a training ground, and you where training, KBs leave almost no scar in basalt. as long as no one is nailing bongs into fat crack everyone should relax. id like to see someone get some clean gear or there fingers in a true KB placement. if the columns really had pure ethics we would be building our anchors out of gear not clipping into one of the 30 bolts drilled on top. in fact i praise you for having the guts to nail there, ive handplaced beaks there but thats about it.


    layedback - is that you Cody who had graciously belayed me on crutches while starting my aid career? let hook up again sometime and do some aid!

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