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Posts posted by corvallisclimb

  1. mark- that shot is from above on henline mtn. i veiwed it from below and it does look like how you described. you can see the road to jawbone flats in the shot. that is located right next to stack creek so i assume this is the opal creek wall in tim olsons book.

  2. im still 19 and stuck on the couch someone help!!! at least i can still climb 5.7 off the couch. but seriously growing up in oregon was a belssing to me. i was 15 4.5 years ago so i know a little bit better than most of you what it felt like. make sure hes not slipping into drugs, i know that in oregon that can be a really hard thing, and especially right now during this long dark winter. consider moving elsewhere in oregon, portland kinda sucks for raising kids compared to other cities, bend, corvallis, ashland... consider an exchange program, i know that helped a lot of my friends get out of their ruts. NOLS courses and stuff like that can be really good too. what high school is he attending in portland?

  3. does the face in the photo have any routes on it? Some of those columns near the top look like they'd break off if you sneezed near them.


    there are a few bolts, not sure who put them there.


    It sure looks like the "Dreamlands" between Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens.


    it is not.

  4. we went to trout cr, but got raind on after goldrush or what ever its called. then we tryed to drive down horney hollow but my friend didnt want to take his subaru through some of the huge ass puddles. i gotta stick around here this weekend as well but we should do something somewhere next weekend if possible.

  5. there is one big obvious wall we walked up to. looked almost like granite.


    probably the "opal creek wall" three routes are listed on it in the portland rock climbs adventure choss section. I would like to check it out sometime if your intrested Mark?

  6. Oops Sorry, bad memory, actually up Quartzville Creek here I believe:


    in this general area? P.S. crag in this area is not Pinnacle Peak you'll have to go up in that area an snoop around for the goodies


    So your saying I cant see it from Quartzville Creek RD and should hike up Pinnacle peak and look around? I dont have the Chimney Peak topo, just the Quartzville and Coffin Butte ones.

  7. Yeah, this crag is further away from corvallis (north east)and about a mile from the trail head. I did not take the photo, but visted the area earlier this year just hiking around and saw the potential. I would like to check out the quartzville qreek crag, I will have to check out some of my topos and see if I cant find the place.

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