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Posts posted by corvallisclimb

  1. no offense to anyone, but why shell out 8-10 dollars for a clunky water bottle that doesnt pack down, spills all over you when you drink, and now is unhealthy for you? but i guess it is a good way to show off all those rad stickers you got grin.gif i feel these fall into the same catagory as titanium backpacking chop-sticks

  2. You could climb trad there if you wanted, but there aren't that many lines, and it isn't really worth it to bring the gear unless you want to go exploring on a boat/motorcycle/car. Most of the routes protect with a combination of bolts and slings passed through holes in the limestone. There were perfectly good cracks that had been bolted.



    right on sounds a little bit like the limestone in sinks canyon in wyoming. i would go in there with a rack and just push my limits knowing that there would always be a bolt within reach cool.gif

  3. they are both on the mudpile. loose hookers is all natural, and youve prolly seen the bolts and tat on chosstranaut, wich i bailed off due to time and gear... ill be out there this from twmorrow till sunday if you want to hook up.


    send me a pm

  4. I acctually recevied an email from Alan Watts requesting info on new routes I put up out in the marsupials. So I belive he is acctually working hard on it to include everything, and to get the book finished.


    what new routes did you put up in the marsupials?



    loose hookers, and chosstranaut both aid lines though chosstaranaut still needs to be finished

  5. I acctually recevied an email from Alan Watts requesting info on new routes I put up out in the marsupials. So I belive he is acctually working hard on it to include everything, and to get the book finished.

  6. I had a small gas canister of unleaded spill a small amount of gas in the back of my truck thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif. a little made it onto my yates big wall rope, enough to make a little part of it smell. is this going to ruin my rope or something. please enlighten me.

  7. This has got to be one of the dumbest threads about oregon rock I have ever read. Steins will always be an obscurity due to its proximity to the vastly popular Monkey and Smith in general. Also, who ever did put the routes up had to climb another route to get to the top and rap/clean etc. A lot of work indeed. Its not like they just walked up to a cliff and tossed a rope over and started drilling like at so many other crags in Oregon. At least you Oregon climbers are talking about something other than 3 finger Jack, Washington, or Hood.


    you just have to chime in an be a dick, in a thread that has acctually got some decent info thrown out there. the_finger.gif

  8. ...Just a side note on Steins Pillar a few may not know about. According to Gale Ontko's "Over the Ochocos" series, the Shoshoni's regarded the pillar the spot where their people began and the whole Ochoco region as their Garden of Eden. I don't think that, as climbers, we'll have to contend with the religious aspects like Devil's Tower.


    thanks for pointing that out thumbs_up.gif

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