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Posts posted by corvallisclimb

  1. Do the bolts abstruct the holds at the top? Are they realy doing anyone any harm? Not including ego! 15 feet is far enough to fall and get hurt. Starting a war over a piece of rock is counter productive. Maybe trying to find the person and disscusing it might be the best approch. They did not acctually retro a route, since the only way to climb the route is to solo it. No one owns the rock. It is a hard call.


    Natural anchors are abundent... trees and such, these people could have been creative with 30ft of webbing instead they broke out the drill. Oh and the 15ft problem, is seriously like 5.8!!!

  2. i along with a few other friends are resoponsible for most of the development of a certain bouldering area. lately bolts have been popping up atop problems we did well before i even knew how to place a bolt. some of these problems are a mere 15 feet or so not even high ball. and im a shitty free climber so seeing these bolts there pissed me off. do we have the right to chop those bolts? i guess im not enough of a boulderer to know whats right or whats wrong here, but i think they where wrong. voice your opinion

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