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Posts posted by corvallisclimb

  1. [i'll bet you a two year supply of hangers there is no way you could handrill a 1/2" by 4" hole in solid Eastern Washington basalt in under, let's say 30 minutes.


    So im off on the time by 10 minutes, sorry. Hand drilling still sucks if you dont have to.


    No. As usual, you were talking out your ass about something you know nothing about. You're probably off something more like 20-40 minutes, of course you wouldn't know that because you clearly haven't taken the time to actually do it. Hence the reason I am willing to bet $100+ you couldn't.


    I disagree, hand drilling does not suck.


    How the hell is he off by that long are you seriously saying it would take 50-70 min to hand drill?? if so you in fact are off.

  2. I think the route looks a little hard. I am going to bolt a few holds onto it to make it more accessible for the general crowds.


    Thats funny that you mention it because no more than 10 feet to the right of the photos kevbone posted is where the plastic sport route was. It has since been chopped but the scars are still visible.

  3. do not hit the drill while twisting,


    Just go buy a power drill! Fuck hand drilling. You might as well take a horse to the crag instead of you car.


    I guess... I would suggest drilling your first bolts by hand so you can appricate how it used to be done. Then once you feel you can progress to the power drill without over doing it... go for it!

  4. 4 inchs long by 3/8 or 1/2 are the standard these days. Hand drilling will be about 20 minutes or longer a hole. Try to use stanless steel.
    1/2 x 4 inches in basalt? seems overkill unless youve got a power drill and are sponsored by asca... no but really in solid basalt you can get away with 3/8"x2.25" if you have to hand drill.
  5. john-

    hey i just saw this thread, i have a 4 yr old gas powerd drill that works but needs a new throttle cable installed. id hook you up with the drill for cheap or free. it was used a lot around to sea so some parts look a little rusty but everything seems to work fine. pm me.


  6. I noticed mountaingear.com has a 5.10 resole kit for sale. I'm about to head down to south america and many of my friends have trouble getting new shoes, because its impossible for them to get a resole. Wondering how this kit works, any one used it? Woult it be worth buying or continue bringing down massive shoe orders with me?

  7. I've got a tripod bivy and I really recomend it if your trying to go super light, pleanty of room to roll around and read a book, tho yes getting clothes on and off is a little bit of a challenge. With that said spending 6th months in Patgonia you will find your self in many situations I imagine where you might want a little more. When ever I am alone in Patagonia I usually just sack up and carry a I-tent or Eldorado(the small one can never remember), that or a one of the BD equivelent tents would be awsome. From my personal experinces in Patagonia its always nice to have it a litte plush down there, as you may find your self stuck in it for a while.

  8. I will be in patagonia from early dec thru march. I will be in the Puerto Natales area. If you would like some beta on climbing send me a pm including some specifics on where and such. I have spent almost a year living there so I have a little bit of knowledge about the area..

  9. i've been working on replacing bolts out at smith with lots of brand new hardware from asca. since i havent had time to climb all routes out there, im looking for input on routes and anchors that still have old 1/4"s or shitty homemade hangers. this also applys for other high traffic areas in oregon, ive got tons of hardware that i would like to put to good use... so post up when you see work that needs to be done.



    old and new rap anchor from bettes needle on staender ridge

  10. I dont know, but I cant get in to the gallery either.


    It shows a blank white page and reads:

    "Could not connect to User databaseAccess denied for user 'ccthredz2'@'' to database 'threads'"

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