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Everything posted by wally

  1. the end of the billy goat.
  2. i don't have 20lbs to loose i'd blow away, but you're the third person to say my running days are over. what have you heard about repairs of a 60% tear? The doc says I have a choice to operate or not so I'm needing some suggestions.
  3. wally

    The Debate

    Alright I'll chime in the conservative environmentalist. "The pres. and I have strong convictions" John Kerry. Please explain to me what his convictions are.
  4. busted up my knee playing hoops, ortho says going under the knife will get me back in the climbing/running game quicker and better than going without an operation. Anyone tear their acl and what did you opt for and what's your level of recovery? thanks
  5. wally

    F'n dogs

    I run alot in my neighborhood, one day a pit bull came running at me and snapped at me and the brawl was on, I stood my ground and took some swings at him. Finally the dog backed off. (I thought I was going to get bit for sure, I knew it would bite my butt if I ran so I chose to challenge the dog and it worked. Good thing I am not a five year old kid!)
  6. I found the cure, first you tear the ligaments in your knee which requires you to stay off the injured foot for min 3 weeks. not reccommended but for some reason it's the method I have chosen.
  7. Clinton's book titled Someone Elses Wife, I mean My Life
  8. I strained my foot on Adams month and a half ago. Diagnosis is plantarfacitis. Anyone deal with this and what you do to correct it? thanks for the advice good and bad
  9. We still have bases in Germany and its been 50 years. even with kerry we will be in Iraq for a long time
  10. please, kerry has been using that same closing speech all across the country, that's why it seemed polished. I know you have been hoping that Kerry would become the man you need to win, He was extremely weak however. he votes for the war then calls it the wrong war at the wrong time. Bush's plan for the war on terror was far superior to " I'll go to the U.N. for help.
  11. yeah I know we all wait eagerly to hear the butcher of the english language in action, but nothing to make fun of tonight. who do you think presented a clearer vision of the war on terror?
  12. wally


    thats classic
  13. Hey liberal climbing comrades. looks like your boy took a beating no? But thats coming from a right wing environmentalist conservative nut job such as myself. In my view Kerry kicked his own butt with flip flopping skill. How you guys feel your boy did?
  14. the republicans are so powerful they can disinfranchise all the voters they want
  15. Nice pep talk! I feel encouraged
  16. wally

    Patriot Act II

    mind if I take a couple pairs? Mine are pretty stained and tattered.
  17. "If you don't believe that Sadaam's WMD's are a threat you should not vote for me." John Kerry. "Today I bombed Iraq's biological and chemcial weapons capabilities" Bill Clinton. why do you all forget they all (dems and rebubs) thought he still had them.
  18. wally

    Patriot Act II

    ya say that like you have something to hide
  19. wally

    Case closed!

    sound legal advice "stop breaking the law"
  20. wally

    Half ton!

    A guy at the gym I go to weighed 750 at one time, he's down to 360 right now and has a whole lot of extra skin he wishes to donate to anyone in need
  21. wally


    big cats are awesome!
  22. Yeah thats the one. your right about not wanting to see it again. amazing that they lived.
  23. was surfing the web and saw a video of a rescue gone terribly wrong. It looked like the rescue rope broke sending a rescuer and I presume injured climber falling a really long way does anyone know if either of the two survived?www.ebaumsworld.com what an awful site
  24. wally


    If we all watch Dan Rather we can get honest insight like this. "although the documents themselves may be forged, the content is none the less true." much more insightful than fox
  25. wally

    Chinese Pizza?

    that's some good kung fu
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