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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. After running your spyware software and cleaning up all the adware, don't run IE - it is prone to these viruses. Use Mozilla Firefox as your browser instead.
  2. requiescat in pace
  3. Yeah, Clinton REALLY put that on the top of his administration's agenda, and made HUGE progress.
  4. One candidate who had been discussed as a successor was a black man, a former slave from Latin America. This was some years ago - I don't know if he is still alive or in the running.
  5. I don't know where you're getting that. The news this morning sounds like he himself is "letting go".
  6. That's not the point. The autopsy is a red herring.
  7. So what is the down side? If you leave the stalks etc to rot, then nutrients are returned to the soil. If you haul them away, and process them to make ethanol, how will the soil retain its nutrients. (Ukraine has the richest soil in the world, Chornozem. So that will not compare - you could grow crops there almost forever and not worry about this)
  8. like rainforest biomass?
  9. it doesn't say anything about the rainforest. Ethanol comes from distilling grain. Grain is grown on fields, which, in Brazil, have likely come from cleared rainforest. Could the US even grow enough extra grain to produce the required ethanol to fuel all its cars?
  10. now I have to register
  11. Damn it! There's no URL in there...
  12. how much rain forest was destroyed in executing this policy?
  13. Excellent comic relief. Was Wolfie also a member of Skull and Bones?
  14. You liberals all need to take off your hate-infused secular blinders for once. Instead of retorting with some stupid stereotype and basing your opinion on an obtuse, contrarian mentality, pull your head out of your ass and think independently of your prejudices.
  15. Exactly. From the blathering in this thread, you'd think that it was cut and dry what Terri wanted. That's the whole problem - there's reasonable doubt that she ever specified what she wanted, and there is certainly no living will. The word of a spouse? With the US divorce rate of 50% and all the abusive, unhealthy relationships out there, I am bewildered at how readily all the cheerleaders for tube-pulling cite the spouse's "word". And the spouse's "word" is not bolstered somehow by CCCom-member's opinions that someone is a vegetable with a useless life, or that Fox news runs propaganda video clips, or whatever the fuck annoys you about the story today. All we know for sure is that the spouse wanted Terri to be "unplugged" and the parents to keep her "plugged". Nobody knows what Terri wanted, so the debate is endless, as evidenced by the news coverage.
  16. The beauty of quality open-source operating systems. Non-standard hardware? Clearly the right thing for the software to do is simply not boot. At least you can find a patch, expect to see one soon (or write it). As for Microshit software, gotta love the blue screen...
  17. She died a long time ago. Her body collapsed this morning. It's great to see so many medical experts and distinguished ethicists in the peanut gallery...
  18. Hmm, I was at both places (Marmot and FF) last weekend. Will try again and look specifically for these packs...
  19. Does anyone know if any of the shops in/near Seattle carry these? I've already spent some time looking and didn't see them (I'm currently favoring the Osprey Aether 60).
  20. Amen. I'd recommend reading Mike Gauthier's comments in this thread: click here The relevent comments are at the bottom. Too many people go up there who don't have enough experience, are not fit enough, get a late start, move too slowly, etc.
  21. In my experience a stable productive job doesn^t give you much time to spray. A shitty unstable one gives you oodles. yep. and don't forget feed and fast periods - project busy, not so busy. Developers often have lots of cycles to burn waiting through compile-deploy-server restarts as well...
  22. How so?
  23. On days like this I wish I could bike to work.
  24. She's hung on since Friday - almost 6 days. Pretty amazing - it won't be long though.
  25. I'd like to know what ones out there have zip off legs or are ventable (side zippers). Seems a lot are not.
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