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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. that's just great. get beat up for rooting for a different SPORTS TEAM? Like that really matters. It's a damn GAME. Only a total impotent loser finds a need to behave this way.
  2. Floyd
  3. Anyone been up there recently? How much have the crevasses opened up?
  4. and I want my anger to be healthy and I want my anger just for me and I need my anger not to control yeah, and I want my anger to be me and I need to set my anger free
  5. yeah, that's the only place
  6. you went to REI and expected differently? who's the moron?
  7. sorry, my memory is getting bad. I thought he did more on that one. Looks like Pipers is the only one with him heavily on it then?
  8. Saucerful of Secrets
  9. Probably another person who glissaded with crampons and caught a point.
  10. Pay attention darling, pay attention. REI is worse than voting for president - your vote for president actually matters! I complain about REI because they have consistantly disenfranchised the owners (members) and consolidated control in the board. The only way the owners (members) can get a canidate up for election to the BOD is by a writein campaign featuring 1% of active members (yes I actually received the canidate package). Then you have the possibility of being elected. There can only be 2 writein canidates on the BOD, all other members are nominated by the CEO and BOD. Ergo the owners can effect minimal change over the company they own - the managers control and run the company at their whim. Because the managers have chosen to do some decent things (green power, etc.) doesn't change the cronycapitalism way they now function. Cronyism's ultimately bad for us in both the small and large sense. Sorry if that make me selfrighteous Would I like REI to operate differently? Yes, but I'd like even more to have a say in their operation! If the membership chose the course it'd be different. you said you were born in DC... you should be used to lack of representation
  11. Pay attention darling, pay attention. REI is worse than voting for president - your vote for president actually matters! That's hilarious. Electoral College, honey, that's what matters. Actually it's the two parties that matter. The Oligarchies select our candidates for us.
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    Tuna melt!
  13. or make guys go flaccid when they see them nekkid.
  14. minx and archenemy seem to have far too much experience with ED... things that make you go "hmmmm".
  15. You guys are scaring me. I better stay home.
  16. TREETOAD, if anyone is on drugs, I'd bet a large sum of greenbacks that it is you. Go ahead and smoke a few bowls, munch a few shrooms and further entertain the notion in your drug-induced delusional stupor that your country is a great place.
  17. Immigrant? From where? The only place I immigrated from was Cali, where I was born, you dumbass. Based on the abuse I hear and read daily from whiny bitch Canucks, with their obvious jealousy for their more successful southern neighbors, my comment is perfectly in order. Now go lick sack.
  18. eat shit Canuckistan
  19. Cool, 'cos I wipe my with TP emblazoned with the flag of your crap-hole cunt-ry
  20. pot. kettle. black.
  22. maybe that bear from a few weeks back lost it?
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