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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. you incorrigable tease. So what's the scandal today? Its' way too slow here today not to find out. let's guess: every time she walked into a meeting a coworker turned on a CD player with Sir Mix Alot.
  2. you mean the polo team. giddie up!
  3. now we know what team tvashtarkatena plays on
  4. now I see why you're so mad at Hot Carl.
  5. furtively out of the flask stashed in the file cabinet? I like your thinking! He got that idea from watching WKRP in Cincinnati.
  6. Yes. Like Olyclimber: link you have never had a drink with me, have you? Nalyvajmo!
  7. Yes. Like Olyclimber: link
  8. Ah, to be young and drunk again. Old and drunk works too. Sweet. I'm there. "I suggest you drink heavily"
  9. F*** corporate America. I totally agree. But I am actually referring to the government sector I am at right now. F*** the government sector too.
  10. F*** corporate America.
  11. Hey, we're just trying to have a little fun around here. Why don't you tell us YOUR version of ... self defense strategies? pretend to be cooperative with the assailant and look for an opening to deliver a death blow.
  12. let's morph every thread into a rehash of some boring left-right debate with no conclusion, agreement, or end in sight yeah, this site
  13. FESTIVUS for the rest of us!!
  14. or Kayaking :-)
  15. Except in Chicago or Florida* *Votes may exceed or be beneath the the legal limit in these jurisdictions or in King County
  16. Yeah, I should believe whatever some liberal Canuck f*** says at face value on some shithole internet forum.
  17. Oooh, one post too late for the one two punch. I hate when that happens, don't you? Now you run along and play with your emoticons, Ratskywatsky. my posts are always timely, h'arsecockalicka! now, return to your onanistic blathering.
  18. First off, I don't buy the 600K number. Secondly, it's about intent, not body count. Murder one is different from manslaughter. Likewise genocide is different from war. And stick that thumb right up your
  19. If an American kills an Iraqi, that's good, but if a Chinese kills a Tibetan, it's bad. And if an Iraqi kills an Iraqi, well, that's just the way it goes. That's not what I said at all. Every war involves death of civilians. Every single one. Certain regimes, however, go far beyond such losses in their concerted, organized, purposeful slaughter of innocent civilians. The Turks did it to the Armenians, Stalin to the Ukrainians, the Nazis to the Jews, and Pol Pot to Cambodians. Add the Chi Comms to the latter list. The US doesn't even come close to qualifying on this list of infamy. Get a clue Canuck moron, or STFU.
  20. His 600 ship navy, for starters. You know, the one he started to build when I was in the navy? Yeah, right. off, you ass clown.
  21. Genocide and collatoral damage are two very different things - as you damn well know. Then again, with all the weed you smoke, you might not know that.
  22. Gotta love it... a revisionist ass-clown accuses GGK of rewriting history, then proceeds to try to blow smoke up everyone's ass with distortions that would make the Chi-Comms proud. Hey, what part of Carter's massive military buildup are you referring to? His B-1 program? The MX missile system? And I'll bet GGK can school you backwards and forwards concerning tovarish Mikhail Sergeyevich...
  23. moral relativism
  24. it's simply impossible to boycott things made in China. Every *#)(*()#&*()&)(*#& product seems to be made there. On occasion there is an option to buy something made elsewhere, but that is relatively rare.
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