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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Jay strikes me as more libertarian than "authoritarian". And I see quite a few "authoritarian" lefties on this site, who want to use gov't to force their will on the rest of us - economically, legally, and through outright intimidation.
  2. to suggest that the US is equivalent to Iran, Pakistan or any other third world Islamo-extremist-Fuckistan shithole evinces either complete insanity or intentional trolling. neither is worthy of my time to "serious debate".
  3. If the level of violence against women is essentially the same in Muslim and non-Muslim countries (which you haven't come up with any statistics or attempt to disprove, probably because you can't) then your argument devolves to "Violence against women in Muslim countries is bad, but it's OK when we do it in the west" . dude, you're fucking nuts. my advice is smoke less weed and pull your head out of your Canuck ass.
  4. We need to government to protect us from ourselves.
  5. 'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky!
  6. are you cutting and running!?! WTF?
  7. Are you speculating there will be airstrikes, or something more?
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    He didn't inhale.
  9. KaskadskyjKozak


    In your case, hopefully no one. Please don't spawn.
  10. Farsi is a beautiful language. As for attacking Iran, you guys are all a bunch of conspiracy theory
  11. It's like shovelling sand against the tide
  12. All questions, but no answers. I think even the most biased observer can see your lack of good faith re our conversation. I answered your points line-for-line. You're a real piece of work old man. Fuck off. lawyers ask questions; they don't answer them. matt seems alright though, don't be too hard on him.
  13. Dare I deign to divulge that I deem divergent? I think not. It will remain a gift of mystery. And remember... "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." Albert Einstein you're a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key
  14. KaskadskyjKozak


    Indeed. Especially in reference to your obvious OCD with this site. Compare my post count with yours and divide it by the amount of time you and I have been registered members. As for the content, sometimes I wonder if you are certifiably insane, trolling, or just really that damn stupid.
  15. In case anyone skimmed that list too quickly: even Pakistan has had a woman lead their nation.
  16. KaskadskyjKozak


    From the undisputed expert on the subject. Indeed. Thanks for chiming in and self-identifying. Mattp: if you are following this, I am NOT talking about you. Prole/Virendra***/etc: I AM talking about you.
  17. KaskadskyjKozak


    Ok....you win...im wrong. Hey...It was a joke dude! You know, the frickin south.Ha ha ha! given the number of delusional, weird, left-wing nuts in the PNW, including more than a few on this list-serve, I don't see any basis for mocking the "frickin south" or assuming any type of intellectual superiority
  18. No thanks, I don't swing that way.
  19. alright ambiguous military right wing tuff-guy, why don't you look at the statement by fairweather: "I think it is our right to kill any Syrian that infiltrates the Iraq border with the intent to kill American soldiers - at least as long as we're there - don't you?" without getting into a host of other very relevant contingencies, fairweather's post is a wee bit vague regarding what the nature of threat a US soldier (ie illegal invader) might face from a syrian. as far as i'm concerned, the whole fucking invasion was, and continues to be, illegal; hence, any action by a US soldier is illegal (poor fucks). but that's just me, and i'm sure matt's got a different scenario in mind, one that takes into consideration the nature of the threat (ie clear and imminent, potential, etc.). "right wing tough guy"? WTF? You guys on the left are so fucking dense with your aspersions. DeChristo doesn't strike me as "right wing" in the least. Just because someone disagrees with your left-wing orthodoxy in one case does not make him a "right wing"-er on all positions. Ditto for your last whining barb at me as a "reactionary". It's no wonder nobody takes you ass-clowns seriously.
  20. KaskadskyjKozak


    Are you really this fucking stupid? No...Its just that you assumed I was talking about Ohio and in fact I was not. I was making a joke about the south....and apparently it went over your head. I assumed nothing of the sort. I pointed out one example of how erroneous your comment was about "the South" determining the last presidential election.
  21. KaskadskyjKozak


    Are you really this fucking stupid?
  22. KaskadskyjKozak


    Ignorant white trash that live in the south. Ohio is not in the south you dumb fuck.
  23. power and threat of death by the state.
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    voted him in? I don't remember that happening What's the excuse for the second time around? John Kerry.
  25. Word: "Christian" That's funny, it's the atheists who've got the highest body count in human history.
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