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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. My dick is this large.
  2. no means yes
  3. Virendra autofellates while fantasizing about Bush and Rummy.
  4. how about shelaq load eating jizz burping hippie? How about a shellac load eating jizz burping hippie that can spell, think, an insult past the 4th grade level? You're basically K Kubed after massive head trauma; very difficult to dumb his one note runny stool down any further, but you're managing beautifully. If you were a nicer little doggie someone might come along and unchain you from your cement filled tire. Бідний Твашочка чує дзвін та не знає де й він. З таким шматком гівна нема жодної причини втратити ні однієї хвилиночки "серйозним" аргументом. Чому кидати перлини перед свиней? Той має зіпсований розум імовірний через одну й ту хворобу, що скінчила життя його улюбленого Владіміра Илич.
  5. For years now, I've been listening to reports (AAR) about the construction of permanent U.S. military facilities in Iraq. Now the facilities are in place and populated. The new American embassy in Iraq is the biggest U.S. embassy anywhere. It's surrounded by some of the biggest, newest, and most heavily armed military bases in the world -- and these are American bases. True, it seems obvious there was never any real intention by the Bush administration for the occupation of Iraq to be anything other than long term, i.e. permanent. Yet I hear elected representatives, and even some respectable military experts, talk about the situation as though withdrawal of direct military control is actually an option on the table. It makes me wonder. Are there really a lot of people who know a lot about the Iraqi conflict who also believe that the occupation was meant to be temporary? Or are there really well-informed individuals who now believe the decider would ever view permanent occupation as optional? If so, are these pundits and politicians just being terribly naive or are they reasonably optimistic about the possibilities for a change of direction? In short, are pleas to the president like trusting a hungry crocodile or like begging a Hitler to be nice to the Jews? I don't know. But I do know my own fear and it is as follows: I fear the current actions are aimed at Iran. I note that a second carrier battle group was dispatched to Iran by Bush just days ago. I heard Bush promise immediate delivery of missile defense systems to his remaining allies in the region during his Wednesday night announcement of troop escalation. I'm aware that in the background Cheney has ordered USSTRATCOM to draft plans for tactical nuclear strikes against Iran. And, of course, we've all been hearing the usual preparatory propaganda for some time now. Whatever its aims in the Middle East, it seems likely the failure in Iraq now compels the Bush crime family to expand the occupation to Iran, or at least to destroy it. This won't be good for Iran. It won't be good for you or me. And, even though he may think otherwise, I don't think it will be good for Bush either -- to say the least. The US still has troops stationed in Germany, Japan, and S. Korea, and Saudi Arabia. Of course the bases in Iraq are permanent. As for "troop withdrawal", are you really that naive? Do you really take things so literally, especially from the mouths of politicians? Politicians are always spinning and lying and mixing hyperbole into their rhetoric. What they mean by "withdrawal" is withdrawal from the Sunni triangle, and out of the sights of car bombs and snipers. They mean a reduction in troop strength. And just about any reduction will be spun as "withdrawal".
  6. The current actions are part of some kind of saber rattling to provoke/antagonize Iran in combination with political goals - including showing there is a "change of plan" to offset the impression that "stay the course" means do nothing differently. Bush spoke of the axis of evil way back at the beginning of his 1st term. I think Iraq was the "easy" target (capable of being toppled by us), and we intended to send a message to Iran by our overthrow of Hussein and permanent occupation of that country. Since then, both Iran and N. Korea have become more of a threat - prophesy come true? Or self-fulfilling prophesy... In particular, I wonder if the recent threats and crisis with Iran was precipitated by Iran feeling threatened by our military presence so close to them or emboldened by our supposed "losing" in Iraq (and/or on the political front in the US), or both. I suspect both. Much of the insurgency is funded by Iran and supported by them, and I have heard somewhere that Iran has been printing Iraqi currency to destabilize their economy. Interestingly, Iran got those printing presses from the US prior to the revolution of 1979, and their printing of greenbacks which flooded Europe with greenbacks is part of why we changed our currency in recent years.
  7. oh, yeah you forgot a little fact. 11 million people without any rights..... i am shure that a pinko puke like yourself would last about a week before you'd kill yourself in this "paradise" if you actually had to live there. and i don't mean as a tourist. Actually, I doubt he'd kill himself. He'd make a fine аппаратчик в комминистическом режиме.
  8. Is that like keeping spray in spray? he said SPRAY and PORN. HAHAHAHAHA! water sports are lame
  9. Fuck the Pat's. I'm sick of those dickheads in the big game. And I'm sick of Manning to. Gotta go with the NFC this year. but they're gonna need some luck with the AFC so dominant The Seahawks aren't losers - they did a hell of a job. Maybe next year.
  10. Bush et al want a stable gov't in Iraq that is friendly to the US (a democratic gov't is nice, but can be sacrificed for the above goals), they want a permanent presence in the country (bases and troops), and a staging ground to undermine Iran and send strikes if necessary (i.e. a nuclear reactor that goes "on-line"). this is what the pro-Iraq war people have always envisioned and wanted.
  11. Great movie!
  12. why don't you move to cuba or n korea fuckhead. i lived "the socialist dream" you cock sucking moron and let me tell you- it doesn't work people like you make me puke. prekrasno vyslovleno, brate!
  13. Fair enough, that. By the way, who is RR? Reagan. You didn't intentionally quote him? BTW, for the record, I'm not really that concerned about Chavez. I don't think he threatens the US at all, and will do little to destabilize the region, but when I hear his Marxist rhetoric I can only think about how screwed his people will be.
  14. My advice is not to take bits transmitted over TCP/IP on the "motherf***g Intraweb" so seriously, Matt.
  15. Quoting RR will not help you here, Matt. If anyone deserves THAT famous retort repeatedly on this forum it is certainly *you*. No, I don't "gotta respect him", just like you don't "gotta respect" GW as an elected leader. You make a serious error in your assumptions, sir. I acknowledge the results of that election but recognize and speak out against the direction that leader is taking his country, just as YOU do with GW.
  16. i was asking a SPECIFIC person to IMAGINE having grown up in a different set of circumstances, and asked them if they could in any possible way see themselves having a different set of beliefs if they had been exposed to a different set of circumstances; is this question really that hard to understand? I wasn't asking for any friggin' opinions about conditions or chavez's allegiance to the devil or somesuch nonsense; it was a question meant as an attempt to reveal the potentially nebulous nature of political beliefs- how those beliefs CAN be the result of simple circumstance. do you not see this, or perhaps not agree? You're so full of shit it's seeping from your eyeballs
  17. Fuck Yeah!! More from the Hate America First crowd!
  18. But now the Dems are running congress, and everything will be just fine.
  19. You know, if you ever need a job, I'm sure there's a speechwriters position waiting for you in the Chavez regime. You kind of sound like him... Ёб твою мать
  20. Hey, SC, I know someone who was born and raised in Venezuela, and still has family living there. His feeling is that Chavez is NOT helping the impoverished in a meaningful, positive way, and he is quite concerned for his family as the government becomes Marxist and totalitarian. Oh wow kaskadhsdhhfks, you are fairweather now? thanks for that terrifically meaningful and insightful input. More meaningful than a sanctimonious f***, analyzing his belly-button lint in the comfort of his yacht while he hypothesizes the hypotheticals of other people's lives across the world, myopically ignoring the historical and modern-day realities of oppressive regimes and opting instead to swallow the kool-aid of the propagandistic rhetoric of said regimes.
  21. Hey, SC, I know someone who was born and raised in Venezuela, and still has family living there. His feeling is that Chavez is NOT helping the impoverished in a meaningful, positive way, and he is quite concerned for his family as the government becomes Marxist and totalitarian.
  22. The only thing "fucked up" about this country are ignorant ingrates such as yourself who live here.
  23. Chavez should confiscate all property from Bourgeous Capitalist Pigs - especially those with boats.
  24. they might... but they'll choke big time eventually. no way they'll go to and win the big one
  25. other way around... the Seachickens are gonna choke
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