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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. It's not like Vietnam. Sorry, try again.
  2. Spray paint a rock bright brown!
  3. I just released a 12-inch, corn-fed toiled trout. Ahh, the joys of pooping.
  4. yeah, Islamic extremists have nothing to do with any of this. and let's not forget that Mohammad was a terrorist.
  5. Operation Bendover
  6. Nah, ethnic cleansing is done best by the Euros...
  7. Simple slogans for simple minds. Why do you hate fellatio? Drinking again? :-))
  8. Operation Enduring Freedom Desert Shield, Desert Storm, all bullshit propaganda slogans. Whatever happened to great names like Operation Overlord...
  9. Simple slogans for simple minds.
  10. I have seen a lot of talk about "invading Iran" (or "bombing them for xxx weeks") on the cable news channels lately. If that happens, or is even threatened seriously, it's gonna be the mother of all clusterfucks.
  11. Two points! 1. They are not yet officially the majority party! You're getting a little ahead of yourself here. 2. What the hell are they supposed to do next month when they receive their power? Make a "state of the senate" resolution? Your stupid ass prez is the commander in chief, remember? The only really forceful thing the dems can do is threaten to cut off military funding, and I doubt anyone (except maybe the evil, baby-eating, use-your-kid-as-cannon-fodder Neocons) wants to play that game of chicken, when the losers are the troops, and the game is played with an idiot at the other wheel. I call bullshit. Admit it chuckie, you ARE disappointed with the Dem's (lack of) action on this aren't you? As for the "we're not in power line" - the R's have little power - they're a lame duck congress, and so is the Prez. Time to take some personal responsibility for your party.
  12. Mmmm... wonder what your other log in name is? enumclaw
  13. And adding troops will solve this how? KK- It won't. Civil wars take years to play out. Pull up a chair and get comfy. I'd like to see our troops pull up a chair and get comfy. I thought our new policy would involve reducing troop strength, moving them to "safer" bases, training the Iraqi police, and let THEM fight it out. Partitioning the country would be an option as well.
  15. Yep. It's all the stoopid Democrats' fault It seems they're pretty damn quiet, notwithstanding a recent sweep of both houses. Was all that talk about Iraq just bullshit to win the election, Chuckie? And McCain is running on this message. I don't get that either. WTF, indeed.
  16. Exactly. Let's give 'em less (American) targets.
  17. And adding troops will solve this how? I love how big gov't always has this solution to every failing program: spend more.
  18. You're her bitch
  19. What kind of talk is this. Bad weather is matter of opinion. There's no such thing as bad weather, just inadequate gear.
  20. you all look alike!
  21. I feel the same way, I just phrase it a little differently. When talking about something like this with a person of faith, I can't help but say that my own faith is utterly unaffected by what anyone else says (especially in Spray). And if it were, I would spend my time and effort looking for the reason why; and spend none of my effort on being offended or bothering other people with what is a deeply personal issue. Thanks folks....I was worried that newcomers wouldn't be able to grasp what I meant by echo chamber....nice illustration I'm deeply offended. oh piss off... hello!!!! Look how funny the quote embeded within quotes looks. Anyone wanna ride bikes? Yeah. Let's find some nice street with downed trees and power lines.
  22. What the f***?? Are these people nuts? Where are the Dems on this? Pelosi? Jesus H. Christ. http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/12/19/bush.troops/index.html
  23. You're a fucking nut.
  24. and mohammad was a terrorist
  25. STFU, nOOb
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