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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. You are right here. We need to have Birth control covered before Viagra/Cialis. Who cares if some horny old coot can't get it up, anyways. :-O
  2. I believe this is because with Viagra you are attempting to correct something that doesn't work. With birth control you are trying to stop something that is natural. Similar to the fact that insurance generally doesn't, for instance, cover Rogaine to balding. Less Viagra = less need for Plan B.
  3. WTF, he should be free-soloing that route!
  4. Currently I'm reading a historical novel about this person: Roksolana in the original, as well as War and Peace (in English).
  5. Yes, exactly. I was about 168 when I graduated UW, ballooned to 194 shortly after and stayed between 189 and 194 for about 10 years.
  6. Just don't tax my booze anymore. you can tax all the low-end stuff all you want though...
  7. I grew up with a set of encyclopedias, a dictionary, and about fifty years worth of National Geographics on the bookshelves next to my bed, and developed a similar habit. Still prefer the hard-copy format as I'm more likely to stumble over something while flipping through pages than in a directed search. +1
  8. Unbelievable. Hey wait a minute here... Do we really want the government in our lives this way? Now they are the nanny who has to tell us over and over again that we need to eat right and move around? I don't think that is their responsibility, is it? I want my health plan to cover my docs and my meds. I'd like it if it (or my company) would help with my gym membership--or at least let me use my FSA/HSA to pay for it. But I don't need them telling me that I shouldn't get fat--especially after they deduct part of my pay check. Given that the "we bear the costs of your behavior, so we have the right to regulate it" argument has brought us compulsory seat-belt and helmet laws, it's not a stretch to imagine that there are those who would seek to use the same argument to grant the government the right to do the very things that you mention. Whether the government would actually do so is an open question, and it would be interesting to learn more about how other countries have managed to reconcile the imperative to cut costs with the necessity of maintaining personal freedoms that might be curtailed or regulated by the state - from what you eat to what you weigh. I'd have no problem with a private company rewarding healthy behaviors with lower premiums, and punishing unhealthy ones with higher rates, but placing a coercive power of this magnitude in the hands of the state seems fraught with quite a few more risks. Do those other countries with health care have as many lardasses as we do?
  9. I lost 8 lbs on Rainier. I never found it again. :-)))
  10. I used to be about 20 lbs heavier btw, and no doctor ever told me to lose weight.
  11. If the gov't is going to manage health care, and I'm gonna help pay for it then, yes, I want the government to tell lardasses to exercise and eat better. That's a big part of the reason people have health problems in the US, and costs are rising.
  12. What are your criteria for stupid? whatever they are, you've met them. So witty..... and in your case the wit is dim
  13. what were you impressions of the 2nd book?
  14. I recently finished Master and Margarita. It was a ... nice... adventure. :-) I liked some parts more than others - I'd say every scene in Yershalaim stood out the most though. That and the naked broom ride. :-O Others?
  15. What are your criteria for stupid? whatever they are, you've met them.
  16. With you topping the list.
  17. Pearls before swine, Rob. Good effort though.
  18. sicko. you must be from Enumclaw.
  19. Who are you to decide? Umm, I never made such a statement, you dipshit. Prove me wrong and find the post. V7 made a strong statement with no qualification indicating that somehow he knows when a life is granted a soul (and assumes there is such a thing).
  20. DISPOSING OF A FOETUS that does not have a soul is NOT MURDER.. i am in agreement that it is morally wrong, against nature, and usually a lack of responsability but it is not murder. you are trying to sensationalize the debate to get your point across.mind your own fuckin' bidness. just dont abort yours. Who are you to decide who has a soul, you blathering dingleberry?
  22. You go all ways? I'm not surprised. And the circle-jerk thing was just one of your homo-erotic fantasies.
  23. How are you plans for Krystalnacht II shaping up, Herr Obergruppenführer?
  24. I'm sure Zionists had something to do with it too. And Freemasons, don't forget them.
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