K-MAN! K-MAN! Last night Jesus came to me in a vision and said "Hey dude, your a commie pinko rat bastard." I told him a Tauntaun named Britney said she was certified to to swallow, and I said my milk was certified to be swallowed. Jesus said, "What?" And then it all became clear!! I am to follow the K-Man, Flipper(AKA GloveFish) and Spocks really tall evil twin named Bob. Dont tell Jesus, but Bob and GloveFish have a lucrative website called stinkyfist.com, Britney is the webmaster and does most of the filming, ssshhhhhh. Anyway, hows it going? Is there any way me and you and Britney and Bob and Flipper(AKA GloveFish) can start a club to battle all those evil commie pinko rat bastards(E.C.P.R.B.) that disagree with us?? I am off to mold tin foil hats for all non-believers!!!
(Disclaimer: Ideas were stolen by Jesus and then given to me)
You've proven my point... especially with the religious blasphemy.
You can twist and burn for all I care, buddy.