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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Monongahela?
  2. KaskadskyjKozak


    more like it comes in an 8-pack... not quite a half-rack, yet.
  3. someone needs to end his misery and give him last rites.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    v7 be pimpin'!
  5. KaskadskyjKozak


    Kick him in the Jimmy! Do it! Do it hard!
  6. i still pay for a gym membership, but drive to/from it less often
  7. it didn't suck yesterday
  8. nope. I have *less* appetite when I exercise, not more.
  9. yeah, they are training their minds to be 'critical thinkers'.
  10. Communications, Sociology, and English are the trifecta of slackers - a refuge for failed pre-med, engineering, and hard-science majors.
  11. It takes me about 1 gal to drive to/from work. Bus fare is 2.50 round trip; bike ride is "free". Bring on the high prices, beyotch!
  12. KaskadskyjKozak

    $3 Gas

  13. Getting an education and preparing for a career are only mutually exclusive goals for some. looks like his "education" has prepared him ... for nothing worth paying for.
  14. sucks ass. what up slackers???
  15. of course. the media has a rapacious apetite that must be fed.
  16. one more member of the culture of entitlement
  17. KaskadskyjKozak


    butt crack
  18. frank zappa was a freak
  19. KaskadskyjKozak


  20. i thought that was her new sig...
  21. I'm getting new ski boots for Christmas. :-)
  22. why are you so in love with the so called open minded "liberal media"? and do you think the fact that you just graduated from college and live in an overly liberal environment has anything to do with this? a more fundamental question is how could such a mental midget actually acquire a college degree from any university in the US.
  23. too late... just bought 3 new C4's a month ago...
  24. Wow, the US didn't make the list at all. And with all our hulabaloo. hullabaloo? what hullabaloo? we emit the most greenhouse gases, but we've curbed pollution a lot. we don't even come close to being a horrible polluter on a global scale. countries like China, Russia, and India have a horrible track record in pollution AND a growing amount of greenhouse gas emissions. based on their track record on the former, it's hard to believe they'll seriously look at curbing the latter any time soon.
  25. remember, it's not WHAT you think, but HOW you think!
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