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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. you will be assimilated As you should be. Don't like your own country anymore? Find one that you like better? Super. Move there, learn the language, and do as the Romans do. It's worked more or less for centuries. It is when groups of people refuse to fit in (I don't mean automatons--so don't take it to that level) that there are problems. You want to live somewhere like the motherland? Stay there. Don't come (insert country) and think shit like female circumcision, child labor, slashing forheads, forced marriage, inappropriate clothing, whatever is going to fly. the Barbarians are at the gate. hellow Vandals, thanks for the Burqas!
  2. beautiful language? all those guttural sounds... dunno about that. Farsi, OTOH, is a lot more euphonic
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    clearly monogamy is against human nature. we need polygamy. it seems to work well in Utah.
  4. you will be assimilated
  5. Sure. Let's hit the I-90 trail. 5:30?
  6. great, another wide-stance, foot-tapper.
  7. But Ewolf is neither your brother, boss, nor best friend. WTF?
  8. SILENCE! in other words, STFU nOOb!
  9. KaskadskyjKozak


    I thought monogamy and insult-hurling went hand in hand. Where's the irony?
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


    Damn, you're whipped.
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    don't make me post a monkey picture... aw, archy, can't a guy have a little fun here and there? the guys who state it tongue-in-cheek are usually the ones who know exactly what's going on. I am deeply in love with the woman I'm going to marry next April, and I resonate with all the comments about making it work, choosing love, etc. I'm not afraid to admit I'm all hers, and I don't care what anybody thinks. I know exactly what he feels and I feel the same way. My friends are all married and we all joke about the whip, but it's funny because we all know it's not true, that we're all seriously in love with our wives (or wife to be) and they're the most important person in our lives and therefore deserve the attention worthy of their position. The one who honestly derides the commitment of another is selfish and likely jealous of losing a friend. That's no longer funny, and is worthy of your ire. Walk the dog, do the dishes Your lips are brown from kissing ass Sorry guys I can't make it Maybe next time, think I'll pass Don't make her mad, don't make her sad A fate for you that's worse than death you're a slave and you don't know it It always happens to the best [CHORUS] Pussywhipped, Pussywhipped Don't you know you're pussywhipped Pussywhipped, Pussywhipped Don't you know you're pussywhipped She wants to be involved with you In every little thing you do Always has to add her two cents It's obvious who wears the pants Your friends all hate you, you don't care Cause you've been trapped in her lair And hopefully on day you'll see That pussy can be caught for free
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    since when is 38 a grandpa??!!
  13. but not Weltschmerz Gemütlichkeit! merkwurdichliebe? Fahrvergnügen
  15. too bad his first name isn't Kevin - we'd have a fun cc.com inside joke - KBoehner for pres!
  16. KaskadskyjKozak


    Agreed. Nice to see him do well and not deteriorate year after year until it became totally pathetic.
  17. but not Weltschmerz
  18. I can't see much. Please take some closeup shots, preferably naked. TIA.
  19. gee, really, didn't know that. and apparently these online degrees make for training those who are dumber than a bucket of shit to think they are actually intellectuals because they are able to find and use online dictionaries.
  20. v7 would win over nurse wretched with his animal magnetism
  21. you don't have any functioning synapses, either, you walking brain-stem. wtf, indeed!
  22. that's just what women tell you to keep you away
  24. they only take humans
  25. be careful - v7 has already admitted a fetish for she-males.
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