I don't respond to that bloviating, jizz-garging, bitch-tit-flaunting, Tiger-mountain-king-kong, self-congratulatory sack of raw sewage. Nice try though.
on the Western Front. Just saw this classic 1930 film, thanks to my Netflix queue. Read the book 12 years ago, and was not expecting the film to be as poignant, but it comes pretty damn close. The film is as relevent today as it ever was. All you peaceniks should watch it if you haven't yet.
We came to the defense of Kuwait in the first Gulf War one and defeated Iraq and had support of much of the world community. We then imposed terms of surrender and worked with the UN on resolutions - both of which Iraq repeatedly violated. We had every right to go in there at any time based on this. It was perfectly "legal" by definitions some of you have bandied about.
Just how many wars has the UN "legalized"? The only one I can think of is Korea, and only because Russia threw a hissie fit and boycotted some key sessions. If they had been present the war in Korea never would have been "sanctioned".
And how many wars have occurred that they did not "legalize". Give me a break.
Oh, yes, fuck the UN and your world government.
North Korea never attacked us.
Anyway, Illegal War is a bullshit PC liberal term. Legal according to whose laws? An attacked country will never say the war is "legal", now will they? The war in Iraq is just as "legal" as any other war the US has started, or any other country for that matter.
what's a "legal war" you moron? and women and children die in every war, including those Clinton jumped on, and all your favorite pantheon of democratic heros participated in: LBJ and Vietnam, Truman and Korea, FDR and WWII.
dude, they are mostly wealthy
one linky
I'd be willing to bet that list doesn't include $$$ in trust funds they control.
who cares? the point is the democrat congressman are just as rich as the republicans. so if you hate the rich, better hate "your" party too.
there's nothing stopping him (or any of YOU) from paying more.
you can always fail to itemize, decline to take money owed to you, or simply cut Uncle Sam a check - GO FOR IT TRENDSETTERS
there's nothing that can be done about it. the secular societies of Europe have no prayer against the strong muslim religion/culture/language. be prepared for more "trouble"