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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak
Hookers make $1,000s to go away. Doesn't look like he got his money's worth then. I'd say he did - Spitzer was the one who got them caught with his cash withdrawls. Yeah, but he made too many deposits.
Hookers make $1,000s to go away. Doesn't look like he got his money's worth then.
That's the pot calling the kettle black. Guantonamo, waterboarding, we have more than our share of dirt. Uh yeah..... Yeah, a few hundred terrorists in prison really compares to thousands and thousands of Chinese citizens, dissidents, thrown to rot in prison.
There's nothing better when you are sick than a big bowl of hot chicken soup.
It's not simply that it's bothersome that stuff is made in another country, it's that it's being made in another country solely so that the manufacturer doesn't have to spend more paying living wages to domestic workers, because it's cheaper to pay people poverty wages in poor countries to do it. The idea that this somehow supports the economy in poor countries is nebulous- yes it provides jobs where there once were none or few, but is it really helping a country much having foreign influences control one's economy? Would we think it was helpful to our overall longterm welfare in the US if we all worked for foreign companies, knowing that the company's profits are being invested elsewhere? To me what this appears to do is to both deprive our own economy of jobs (and of course you can argue that "no one here wants to do many of these jobs") while simultaneously setting up an exploitative serfdom of sorts in other countries, under the guise of "helping them", which is pure hyperbole. I think it's also questionable whether outsourcing all our jobs really keeps our goods that much cheaper. Why is it in the company's interest to save the consumer money when they can pocket the profits themselves? This society has inbred immediate gratification to the point that consumers will pay whatever they have to in order to have something they want, and the vendor knows this. you forgot the most important part - we get around environmental and safety regulations by outsourcing. do you think China has OSHA or an EPA? it gives NIMBY a whole new meaning.
Minx high? You're the pothead. STFU, boner.
WTF? Stop the presses! I thought Marxism was supposed to prevent "19th century working conditions and social arrangements" and yet the ChiComms are tolerating, nay, encouraging this widespread practice in their cunt-ry?
and helped pay for guns and bullets to kill Tibetan pilgrams hiking Himalayan mountain passes.
There was an article in Backpacker magazine a couple of years ago about how most (all?) major backpack manufacturing had moved to Vietnam. The workers had no clue what they were making! (or how much they went for in the US retail). And when the author of the piece told them, they were horrified - apparently city folk in Vietnam are terrified of the forest and would never go hiking/backpacking there. The article was enlightening. I don't care if I have to pay more, I'd rather have gear made in the US, and minimize transportation costs and fuel usage. People in China/Vietnam/etc can manufacture stuff for their own markets. The trade balance is so ridiculously skewed right now.
1. passenger vehicles seem to average 16-24 mpg. No improvement in 20 years. Yes that sucks. 2. what proportion of US fuel consumption is caused by passenger vehicles? we move a lot of shit around... there are inefficiencies there. and whatever happened to *seasonal* availability of produce? do we really need to ship stuff in from all around the world 12 months a year for the sake of instant gratification and variety?
I recommend you get some animal protein into your diet. Your brain has been addled.
Amen. I grew up in a well-planned suburb, where I could walk (and later bike) to elementary school, Jr. High, and even High school. The grocery store was within walking/biking distance, as was the library, parks, etc. Our family could get anywhere we needed to for 90% of what we needed within a 1-2 mile radius AND the streets were safe for kids to play/get around on. It just isn't like that up here. We can't even let the kids walk/bike to school 0.6 miles away because they'd have to cross a busy, steep road with speeding cars. I used to eat 16+ oz steaks, etc. It's true that if we cut portions to a normal size, and daily intake to reasonable levels we'd be fitter and it would have a positive impact on farming. But sorry, the extreme of "go vegan" just ain't gonna happen.
Beef, chicken, pork, lamb - they are all yummy. All you vegans can starve yourselves and look all week and sickly, and I'll have a steak on your behalf.
and getting the government to release there grip on fuel profits..... Yes, absolutely...mebbe w/o a BUSH in office that can actually happen! Yes, oil companies will seek lower profits once Bush leaves office. Also, malaria, cancer, and world-hunger will end. There will be no more rapes, murder, or torture anywhere. Utopia will be achieved.
wrong- brilliant bush economics and strategy. a lot has to do with level of dollar. oddly enough in canada the gas did not go up all that much. cool! Then in 8 months prices will all go back down.
WRONG. Europe relies on mideast fuel, NOT the US. I thought you were some kind of (self-professed) expert on these matters who "knows what you are talking about".
Yeah, if we left Iraq, well gee, the fuel prices would go down and never go up again, and everything would be swell.
eh? animal production and consumption isn't inherently inefficient Ever watch Andrew Zimmern's show? Maybe we all need to start eating bugs, grubs, and all the weird animal body parts.
seems to me YOU are just looking at the articles you want. food prices are already rising because of biofuels. The US gov't and businesses are "encouraging" 3rd world countries to provide biofuels at the expense of the environment, and their own people (e.g. Brazil). It's all over the place. But I guess it's easier to hum a simplistic mantra "biofuels are the answer". there is no silver bullet There is nothing in biodiesel that would otherwise be a food crop (well, soy, but it's not the most efficient source of oil - mostly biodiesel is derived from canola and rapeseed oil - you wanna eat that?). You're thinking of ethanol which is derived from corn and wheat. And, yeah, I do think biofuels are the answer to our fuel situation. It's still a crop. There is a limit to the arable land available on this earth. Either less food is grown, and starvation is increased, or you destroy more forested areas to grow the plants needed. Water/irrigation will also be a problem. What?! What do you think is going on with our current source of fuel....seriously. Do you think our current fuel source is sustainable? GMFB! And don't get me started on the state of agriculture in America...unless you actually know what you're talking about. you are fucking obtuse
Umm, actually what we're NOT doing is what isn't working. More efficient cars, people being less wasteful, better city planning/development, better mass transit options, etc.
seems to me YOU are just looking at the articles you want. food prices are already rising because of biofuels. The US gov't and businesses are "encouraging" 3rd world countries to provide biofuels at the expense of the environment, and their own people (e.g. Brazil). It's all over the place. But I guess it's easier to hum a simplistic mantra "biofuels are the answer". there is no silver bullet There is nothing in biodiesel that would otherwise be a food crop (well, soy, but it's not the most efficient source of oil - mostly biodiesel is derived from canola and rapeseed oil - you wanna eat that?). You're thinking of ethanol which is derived from corn and wheat. And, yeah, I do think biofuels are the answer to our fuel situation. It's still a crop. There is a limit to the arable land available on this earth. Either less food is grown, and starvation is increased, or you destroy more forested areas to grow the plants needed. Water/irrigation will also be a problem.
Gay.....just like you my friend. Oh well. Being that you're the connoisseur of all things gay, who am I to argue? Kevbone and Seacocks: enantiomers of idiocy
and deforestation/destruction of what little remains of undeveloped land (e.g. rainforests)